How to Help Your Patients Stop Smoking

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Not many medical professionals actively promote smoking cessation. The following are some of the reasons. Select the inappropriate one:

a) lack of time
b) lack of training
c) not a chargeable service
d) lack of support staff
e) unavailability of backup materials and programs

2. Experience has shown that patients who want to quit smoking quit when counseled once or twice. Therefore, it is counterproductive to offer smoking cessation advice during every office visit.

a) True
b) False

3. Most patients respect and trust their physician. Therefore, in order to make the program more effective, only the physician should offer counseling.

a) True
b) False

4. There are 5 steps to creating a smoking cessation program. One of the following is not one of the steps:

a) select an office smoking cessation coordinator
b) identify all smoking patients
c) develop patient smoking cessation plan
d) provide follow-up support
e) offer monetary incentives to patients to quit smoking

5. The smoking cessation coordinator is an important individual in the program. Ideally, he or she should be

a) a current member of the staff
b) an outside consultant with expertise in stop-smoking programs
c) a patient who has successfully stopped smoking

6. The plan for creating a smoke-free office includes all of the following steps except

a) notifying all staff and patients of the plan
b) posting no smoking signs in all office areas
c) removing ashtrays from all office areas
d) setting aside a room for smokers
e) eliminating all tobacco advertising from the waiting room

7. Identification of smokers should be a routine part of all office visits. Which one of the following methods would be inappropriate in this effort?

a) Ask all patients if they smoke.
b) Since many smokers do not like being questioned about their smoking habits, determine from the smell if the patient smokes.
c) Have the patients fill out smoking assessment forms.
d) Place a "smoker" sticker on the patient chart.
e) Attach a permanent progress card on the patient chart.

8. Generally speaking, how many efforts at counseling does it take before the likeli- hood of successful quiting begins to increase for a patient?

a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
e) twelve

9. Which of the following reasons is least likely to appeal to a teenager to stop smoking?

a) bad breath
b) stained teeth
c) cost
d) shorter life span

10. One of the important steps in assisting the patient to stop smoking is helping him or her to set a quit date. For a successful outcome of the program, this date could be any of the following except

a) immediate, such as today or tomorrow
b) patient's birthday
c) spouse's birthday
d) first day of the month

11. Parents should be encouraged to stop smoking for it establishes a poor role model for children.

a) True
b) False

12. Nicotine gum has been effectively used in helping patients quit smoking. Select the correct statement regarding the use of nicotine gum.

a) Start using nicotine gum while progressively reducing the number of cigarrettes smoked each day.
b) For best effect, the gum should be washed down with water.
c) If the patient chooses to chew gum, he or she should do it only for a few minutes to avoid mouth irritation.
d) The patient should begin using the gum only after he or she has stopped smoking completely.

13. What is the maximum dosage of nicotine gums a patient should be advised to used?

a) no more than four times a day
b) ten to twelve pieces per day
c) 30 pieces of gum per day
d) there is no maximum limit

14. The use of nicotine gum is not effective for some patients because

a) they use the gum every time they have the urge to smoke.
b) they use the gum too sparingly.

15. How long should a patient use nicotine gum to stay off smoking?

a) as long as necessary
b) no more than a month
c) no more than six months

16. Nicotine gum is contraindicated for some patients. Select the incorrect answer.

a) pregnant or nursing women
b) people who are unable to chew
c) patients with myocardial infarction
d) highly addicted patients

17. The first follow-up visit after the patient's quit date should be within:

a) one to two weeks
b) 30 days
c) 6 months
d) whenever the patient schedules an appointment

18. Weight gain is a concern to many patients who stop smoking. The average gain for those who do is

a) some patients actually lose weight
b) five to ten pounds
c) 25 to 30 lbs.
d) 100 lbs.

19. Patients who are concerned about weight gain should be advised not to diet until after they have become successful nonsmokers.

a) True
b) False

20. Most successful former smokers quit "cold turkey."

a) True
b) False

21. Some former smokers report an increase in coughing after they stop smoking.

a) True
b) False

22. Even after a patient has stopped smoking, the increased risk of heart disease or lung cancer never disappears.

a) True
b) False

23. Although nicotine gum has been used effectively in helping patients quit smoking, this benefit has to be weighed against the risk of nicotine itself causing cancer.

a) True
b) False

24. Most relapses for people who have quit smoking occur

a) in the first week or two
b) after a month
c) after gaining 10 lbs.
d) on the anniversary date of stop smoking

25. The following are some of the tips for just before stopping. Select the correct response.

a) Keep up your smoking routine until the day of quitting.
b) Keep telling yourself that once you quit you'll never smoke again.
c) Stop carrying cigarettes with you.
d) Empty your ashtrays; keep them out of sight.
e) Throw away cigarettes butts at they remind you of smoking.

26. People who have quit smoking should follow their daily routine and habits to help them from thinking of cigarettes.

a) True
b) False

27. All but one of the following are triggers that should be avoided for those who get the urge to smoke. Select the incorrect response.

a) people who smoke
b) putting something in the mouth, such as a pen or a drinking straw
c) being idle
d) places where smoking is permitted
e) working under stress

28. To help adolescents from taking up smoking, they should be encouraged to use candy cigarettes.

a) True
b) False

29. Boys are more likely to take up smoking than girls as they move up in high school.

a) True
b) False

30. Nicotine gum should not be prescribed for children or adolescents.

a) True
b) False

31. Parental support is important for the effectiveness of school-based tobacco use prevention programs. However, active parental participation is not essential.

a) True
b) False

32. Which of the following is not a withdrawal symptom of quitting?

a) anxiety
b) irritability
c) drowsiness
d) coughing
e) hunger