Table of Contents

Practical Approaches in the Treatment of Women Who Abuse Alcohol and Other Drugs

Chapter 1:     Introduction

Chapter 2:     Women and Alcohol and Other Drugs: An Overview

2.1     The Epidemiology of Substance Use Among Women

          2.1.1     Overview

          2.1.2     Trends in Substance Abuse Among Women

          2.1.3     Alcohol

          2.1.4     Illicit Drugs

          2.1.5     Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs

          2.1.6     Polydrug Use

          2.1.7     Women in Treatment

2.2     Correlates of Substance Use Among Women

          2.2.1     Age

          2.2.2     Socioeconomic Factors

2.3    Health Impact of Substance Use on Women

         2.3.1      Physiological Effects

                       Sexually Transmitted Diseases


          2.3.2     Psychological Effects

2.4     Population Cohorts

          2.4.1     Older Women

          2.4.2     Pregnant and Postpartum Women

          2.4.3     Women in the Criminal Justice System

          2.4.4     Homeless Women

          2.4.5     Lesbian Women

          2.4.6     Women with Disabilities

          2.4.7     African American Women

          2.4.8     American Indian Women

          2.4.9     Asian and Pacific Islander Women

          2.4.10   Hispanic/Latina Women


CHAPTER 3:     Treatment of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse: An Introduction

3.1     CSAT's Vision of Treatment

3.2     Treatment Methods and Modalities

          3.2.1     Treatment Methods

          3.2.2     Modalities of Care

          3.2.3     Treatment of Multiple Drug Use/Abuse

3.3     Knowledge About Effective Treatment for Women

          3.3.1     Critical Components of Treatment for Women

3.4     Case Management

3.5     Issues Related to Treatment of Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Women

          3.5.1     Relationships and Other Gender Issues

          3.5.2     Issues of Sexuality

          3.5.3     Women, Violence, and Substance Abuse

          3.5.4     Children

          3.5.5     Dual Disorders


CHAPTER 4:     Outreach to and Identification of Women

4.1     Barriers to Outreach and Treatment

4.2     Barriers to Outreach Unique to Population Groups

          4.2.1     Age Groups

          4.2.2     Pregnant and Postpartum Women

          4.2.3     Ethnic and Racial Populations

          4.2.4     Other Specific Groups of Women

4.3     General Approaches to Effective Outreach Programs

          4.3.1     Staffing the Outreach Program

          4.3.2     The Product: Designing a Program that Actually Meets the Needs of the Women in the Target Population

          4.3.3     The Message: Make it Compelling and Appealing to the Targeted Women

          4.3.4     Delivering the Message: The Message Must Reach the Women Targeted for Services

          4.3.5     Professional and Community Contacts 

          4.3.6     Reaching Women's Support Groups


CHAPTER 5:     Comprehensive Treatment for Women

5.1     The Treatment Environment

5.2     The Intake, Orientation, and Assessment Processes

          5.2.1     The Intake Interview

          5.2.2     Orientation to Treatment

          5.2.3     Comprehensive Assessment

          5.2.4     Treatment Plan

5.3     The Treatment Process

          5.3.1     Providing Comprehensive Treatment Services

          5.3.2     Strategies for Providing Comprehensive Treatment Services

          5.3.3     Addressing Relationships and Related Issues

          5.3.4     Addressing the Client's Spiritual Needs

          5.3.5     Retaining Women in Treatment

          5.3.6     Discharge

5.4     Cultural Sensitivity/Competence

          5.4.1     Age Groups

          5.4.2     Ethnic and Racial Populations

          5.4.3     Other Specific Groups of Women

CHAPTER 6:     Continuing Cam and Follow-up

6.1     Issues Related to Continuing Care

          6.1.1     Case Management During Continuing Care

          6.1.2     Relapse Prevention and Recovery Skills

          6.1.3     Access to Services

          6.1.4     Provisions for the Terminally III

          6.1.5     Women with Dual Disorders

          6.1.6     Women, Violence, and Continuing Care

6.2    Community and Interagency Collaboration: Referrals and Resources

6.3    Support Groups

6.4    Follow-up Strategies and Procedures

CHAPTER 7:     Program Management issues

7.1     Policies and Procedures

7.2     Staff Training

7.3     Staffing and Gender Sensitivity

7.4     Addressing Legal and Ethical Issues in the Program

7.5     Linkages with Other Agencies

7.6     Financing Mechanisms

CHAPTER 8:     Reflections

8.1     Two Key Themes: Comprehensive Services and Linkages

8.2     Do We Know What Works for Women?

8.3     Other Treatment Design Considerations

8.4     We Do This Because...

Glossary of Terms

Appendix A: CSAT's Comprehensive Treatment Model for Alcohol and Other Drug-Abusing Women and Their Children

Appendix B: Consent Confidentiality, Principles of Conduct, and Client Rights Forms