Evaluation of Individual Learning Objectives

Taking Charge of ADHD



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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

  1. Describe the challenge of raising a child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

  1. List 7 principles of a principle-centered parent.

A B  C   D

  1.  Explain why it is important for the parent of an ADHD child to become an executive parent.

A B  C   D

  1. Separate fact from fiction about ADHD.

A B  C   D

5.    Discuss cases of ADHD children, their diagnoses and treatment.

A B  C   D

6.    Describe how difficulty sustaining attention affects children with ADHD.

A B  C   D

7.   Describe five definite symptoms of ADHD and their impact on behavior.

A B  C   D

8.    Explain how the problems of ADHD can be traced to a delay in the development of inhibition of behavior.

A B  C   D

9.     Explain how deficiencies in self-speech and rule-governed behavior create problems in ADHD children.

A B  C   D

10.  Make the neurological connection between the inability to inhibit behavior and ADHD.

A B  C   D

11.  Recount the research on brain injuries and ADHD.

A B  C   D

12.  Dispel myths about what causes ADHD.

A B  C   D

13.  Identify parental or family characteristics that increase the odds that the child will have ADHD.

A B  C   D

14.  Establish criteria for the diagnosis of ADHD.

A B  C   D

15.  Describe the progression of ADHD from preschool children through school-age children, adolescents and adults.

A B  C   D

16.  Describe how the symptoms of ADHD change with the situation.

A B  C   D

17.  Explain mental, physical, behavioral, and emotional problems associated with ADHD.

A B  C   D

18.  Describe the interactions of children with ADHD and their mothers.

A B  C   D

19.  Explain why children with ADHD seem to behave better for their fathers than for their mothers.

A B  C   D

20.  List six conditions that should prompt a parent to seek professional evaluation of their child for ADHD.

A B  C   D

21.  Identify the type of professional one should call to evaluate a child’s ADHD.

A B  C   D

22.  Provide ten helpful hints for an effective school evaluation.

A B  C   D

23.  Prepare for a psychological or psychiatric evaluation of a child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

24.  Fill out a Home Situations Questionnaire.

A B  C   D

25.  Distinguish between ADHD and ADD.

A B  C   D

26.  Describe various emotions parents are likely to feel upon learning the diagnosis of ADHD for their child.

A B  C   D

27.  List five things a parent can do to get educated about ADHD.

A B  C   D

28.  Describe fourteen guiding principles for raising a child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

29.  Identify and avoid the source of stress as parents of a child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

30.  Describe four techniques to cope with the stress of raising a child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

31.  List eight kinds of behavior that may indicate that the child has oppositional defiant disorder.

A B  C   D

32.  Describe eight steps that would lead to better behavior from your ADHD child.

A B  C   D

33.  Give more effective commands to your child so as to improve obedience of your commands.

A B  C   D

34.  Describe seven steps for solving problems at home.

A B  C   D

35.  Identify five steps to improve social interaction problems of your child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

36.  Help a child with ADHD to deal with teasing.

A B  C   D

37.  Explain what to look for in a school for your child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

38.  Explain how to choose a teacher for your child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

39.  Provide advice about classroom structure and curriculum for a child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

40.  Identify seven principles for developing classroom management programs for a child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

41.  Describe behavior management methods for the classroom for children with ADHD.

A B  C   D

42.  Manage the academic problems of adolescents with ADHD.

A B  C   D

43.  Put school performance in proper perspective.

A B  C   D

44.  Formulate questions to ask a physician about ADHD medication.

A B  C   D

45.  Dispel misconceptions about stimulants for ADHD.

A B  C   D

46.  Describe how the stimulants work.

A B  C   D

47.  Describe the side effects of stimulants for ADHD.

A B  C   D

48.  List factors that should be considered before prescribing stimulants to children with ADHD.

A B  C   D

49.  Outline parameters that might help a parent in making decision about trying stimulant medication for the child with ADHD.

A B  C   D

50.  Identify drugs (other than stimulants) that may be of benefit to those with ADHD.

A B  C   D

51.  Describe the side effects of tricyclic depressants.

A B  C   D