Table of Contents

1. Description of Problem Drug Use
  1.1 Terminology
  1.1.1 Diagnostic Terms
  1.1.2 Common Drugs
  1.1.3 Nonproblematic, Recreational Drug Use
  1.1.4 Problematic Drug Use
  1.2 Definitions
  1.2.1 Dependence
  1.2.2 Abuse
  1.2.3 Codes from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
  1.2.4 Drug Problems
  1.3 Epidemiology
  1.3.1 World Statistics
  1.3.2 Demographic Correlates
  1.3.3 Recent Use
  1.3.4 Abuse and Dependence
  1.4 Course and Prognosis
  1.4.1 Chronicity
  1.5 Differential Diagnosis
  1.5.1 Deviant Arousal
  1.5.2 Thought Disorder
  1.6 Comorbidities
  1.6.1 Impulse control disorders
  1.6.2 Problem Gambling
  1.6.3 Eating Disorders
  1.6.4 Attention Deficit Disorders
  1.6.5 Conduct Disorder
  1.6.6 Personality Disorders
  1.6.7 Mood Disorders
  1.6.8 Anxiety Disorders
  1.6.9 Suicide
  1.7 Diagnostic Procedures and Documentation
2. The Biopsychosocial Model of Drug Problems
  2.1 Interacting Components
  2.2 Initiation
  2.3 Regular Use
  2.4 Problem Use
  2.5 Treatment Outcomes
3. Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment Indications
  3.1 General Guidelines
  3.1.1 Assessment IS treatment
  3.2 A Note on Taking Notes
  3.3 The Timeline Follow-Back (TLFB)
  3.3.1 Encouraging Assessment
  3.4 The Inventory of Drug Use Consequences (InDUC)
  3.5 Motivation to Change
  3.6 Treatment History
  3.7 Social Support
4. Methods of Treatment
  4.1 Overview
  4.1.1 Empirically supported treatments (ESTs)
  4.1.2 Harm Reduction, Drug Safety, and Abstinence
  4.2 Efficacy and Prognosis
  4.3 The Therapeutic Relationship as a Mechanism of Action
  4.3.1 Empathy
  4.3.2 Warmth
  4.3.3 Genuineness
  4.4 Combinations of Methods
  4.4.1 Motivational Interviewing
  4.4.2 Mutual Help and Self-Help Groups
  4.4.3 Meditation Techniques
  4.4.4 Psychopharmacological Adjuncts to Treatment
  4.5 Multicultural Issues
5. Further Readings
6. References
    Inventury of Drug Use Consequences
    Shortened Inventory of Problems – Alcohol and Drugs