Evaluation of Individual Learning Objectives

Spanish for Nurses and Other Health Professionals



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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.


  1. Communicate easily and competently with Spanish-speaking clients in a health-care setting.

A B  C   D

  1. Translate medical words and phrases quickly and accurately from English to Spanish or from Spanish to English. Pronounce and understand Spanish words.

A B  C   D

  1. Identify commonly used terms and phrases and their Spanish translations such as greetings and introductions, days of week, months and seasons of the year, numbers, time expressions, and colors.

A B  C   D

  1. Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about skin, hair and nails.

A B  C   D

  1. Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about head and neck.

A B  C   D

  1. Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about eyes.

A B  C   D

  1. Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about ears.

A B  C   D

  1. Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the respiratory system.

A B  C   D

  1. Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the cardiovascular system.

A B  C   D

10.  Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about gastrointestinal system.

A B  C   D

11.  Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the urinary system.

A B  C   D

12.  Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the female reproductive system and female breasts.

A B  C   D

13.  Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the male reproductive system.

A B  C   D

14.  Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the nervous system.

A B  C   D

15.  Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the musculoskeletal system.

A B  C   D

16.  Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the immune system.

A B  C   D

17.  Ask the patient in Spanish to describe his complaints, signs and symptoms concerning his current health status, medical history and family history about the endocrine system.

A B  C   D

18.  Use correct Spanish translations for thousands of medical words and phrases commonly used during the initial assessment, history taking and physical examination.

A B  C   D

19.  Ask questions to investigate psychosocial considerations.

A B  C   D