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1. Introduction to Spanish (Introducción a Español)

Spanish Alphabet

AahNn eh
BbehÑn yeh
EehRair ray
Ff ehRRairrr rray
GheySs eh
Hah cheh (la hache es muda)Tteh
Jho tahVbeh chica
KkahWdough bleh beh
Ll eh (doble V=double V)
LLl yehXeck ease
Mm ehYeee gree egg ah
  Zseh tah

Spanish Pronunciation and Syllable Division

Spanish is a very phonetic language. The pronunciation of each vowel and consonant remains constant in any combination of letters. Thus, with the help of a few basic rules of pronunciation one can sound out correctly any Spanish word.

Vowel sounds

a - as in father - Ana, casa, sala
e - as in let - el, papel, pared
i - as in machine - sí, mío, bonita; becomes y as in yet when occurs with an a, u
o - as in fore - donde, los, yo
u - like the double oo sound in school or moon - una, mucho, azul


Most Spanish consonant sounds are similar to English.
b and v are pronounced like English b when they occur after a pause, m or an n - Belita, verdad, invitación. When each occurs between two vowel sounds, both b and v are pronounced with the lips not quite touching, so that breath is allowed to pass through - Habana, iba, la vida, yo voy, yo bebo, de vida, la vía.
c - (before e or i) - like
s in the word see - centavo, cinco
c - (in any other combination) - like k - camino, como, cura, clase
d - (between two vowel sounds) - like th in though - nada, madre, ustedes, verdad, adonde
d - (at the beginning of word and after n or l) - like d in den - donde, falda
g - (before e or i) - like ch in Scottish loch or German ach - general, gitana
g - (after a pause - in any other combination) - like g in go - gato, gorra, gusto
   (u is silent in gue), guerra
   (u is silent in gui), guitarra
   (between two vowel sounds) - like French r - agua, agosto
h - is always silent - hora, hablo, hacer
j - like h in hat - baja, junto, hijo, José
ll - like y in yes - silla, llamo, pollo
ñ - like ny in canyon - mañana, año, niño
q - (always followed by u which is silent) - pronounced like k - qué, quién, quiero
r - trilled slightly - like the English t in pot o'tea, gotta go, letter, caterpillar - para, tres, pero
rr - trilled strongly - perro, carreta, carro
s - like the English s in say - salón, mesa, llamas
s - like z before a voiced consonant - buenos días, mismo, desde
x - like English gs as in exist - examen; or like the English x in exercise - éxito. However, in the word México thex is pronounced like the ch sound in the Scottish word loch or the German word ach.
x - (before consonant) - like the English s in list - Taxco, explicar
y - like the consonant y in yes when it ends in a syllable - yo, ya
y - like the vowel i when it ends in a syllable - soy, ley, y
z - like the English s in seek or goose - diez, lápiz, zapato

Linking (sinalefa)

  1. A final consonant is linked with the initial vowel of the following words: Los Estados Unidos (LosEstadosUnidos)
  2. Two identical vowels occurring in succession are pronounced as one: de Eduardo (deduardo)
  3. Two identical consonants occurring in succession are pronounced as one: el lápiz (elapiz)
  4. A final vowel is linked with the initial vowel of the following word to form one syllable: la oficina (loficina)

Syllable Division

  1. In Spanish there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowel sounds: fi-lo-so-fí-a, Es-ta-dos U-ni-dos
  2. A single consonant between two vowels is pronounced with the following vowel: ma-lo, ma-ña-na, a-mo, ú-til
  3. In some cases, two consonants coming together may be separated:
    ac-to, don-de, tin-ta, cin-co, car-ne

However, ll, rr, and ch are considered single consonants and are never separated: sil-lla, pe-rro, mu-cha-cho

When the second of two consonants is l or r, the two are not separated: ha-blo, a-bre, le-tra, li-bro


When any of the vowels a, e or o (known as strong vowels) combines with i, final y, or u (weak vowels), they form one syllable and are sounded as one syllable: bue-no, jai-me, oi-go, puer-ta, hay, seis, cuatro, aire.

Stressing of Syllables

  1. All words ending in a consonant other than n or s carry the spoken stress on the last syllable of the word: papel, azul, capaz, pared, mujer
  2. All words ending in a vowel, n, or s, stress the next-to-last syllable: niño, muchacho, grande, papeles, Estados Unidos
  3. When the spoken stress occurs on syllables other than those mentioned above, an accent mark is placed over the stressed vowel:
    lápiz, difícil, inglés, habló, vendré, reí, nación

The Numbers 1 to 21

1. uno (oo-noh) Spanish u like oo in booth. Symbol, oo.
      Spanish o is like o in bone. Symbol oh.
2. dos (dohs) Spanish s is like s in see.
3. tres (trays) Spanish e is like ay in day. Symbol ay.
     Remember: s is like s in see.
4. cuatro (kwah-troh) In the combination ua, the u is pronounced like = wah. There is no letter w in Spanish.
     Spanish r is like r in three. It has a slight trill.
5. cinco (seen-koh) Spanish i is like ee in seen. Symbol ee.
     c is pronounced as in English; like s, before e or i (ceiling, cinder); like k, before any other letter. There is no letter k in Spanish.
6. seis (sayees) The combination ei is pronounced ayee. Pronounce the first part (ay) stronger than the second part (ee).
7. siete (syay-tay) In the combination ie, the i is pronounced like y in yes. Thus ie = yay.
8. ocho (oh-choh) ch is like the English ch in choke. In Spanish, ch is considered a single letter and follows c in the alphabet and dictionary.
9. nueve (nway-vay) The combination ue is pronounced way. 10. diez (dyays) Spanish z equals s as in see. It is not like English z. 11. once (ohn-say)
12. doce (doh-say)
13. trece(tray-say)
14. catorce (kah-tor-say) The letter o is something pronounced as in the English word for. In such cases o is used as a symbol instead of oh.
15. quince (keen-say) qu always equals k. qu is found only before e and i.
16. diez y seis (dyays ee sayees)
17. diez y siete (dyays ee syay-tay)
18. diez y ocho (dyays ee oh-choh)
19. diez y nueve (dyays ee nway-vay) 20. veinte (vayeen-tay)
21. veinteiuno (vayeen-tay ee oo-noh)

Note: The letter y as a vowel is pronounced ee. As a consonant it is like y in you. The word y means and.

The Numbers 20 to 100

20veinte (vayeen-tay)70setenta (say-tayn-tah)
22veintidos77setenta y siete
30treinta (trayeen-tah)80 ochenta (oh-chayn-tah)
33treinta y tres88ochenta y ocho
40cuarenta (kwah-rayn-tah)90noventa (noh-vayn-tah)
44cuarenta y cuatro99noventa y nueve
50cincuenta (seen-kwayn-tah)100cien (syayn)
55cincuenta y cincociento(syayn-toh)
66sesenta y seis

Note: cien is used instead of ciento before a noun.

Ordinal Numbers

primero first
segundo second
tercero third
cuarto fourth
quinto fifth
sexto sixth
séptimo seventh
octavo eighth
noveno ninth
décimo tenth

Days of the Week

domingo (doh-meen-goh)Sunday
lunes (loo-nays))Monday
martes (mahr-tays))Tuesday
miércoles (myayr-koh-lays)Wednesday
jueves (hway-vays)Thursday
viernes (vyayr-nays)Friday
sábado (sah-bah-do)Saturday

Months of the Year

enero (ay-nay-roh)January
febrero (fay-bray-roh)February
marzo (mahr-soh)March
abril (ah-breel)April
mayo (mah-yoh)May
junio (hoo-nyoh)June
julio (hoo-lyoh)July
agosto (ah-gos-toh)August
septiembre (say-tyaym-bray)September
octubre (ok-too-bray)October
noviembre (noh-vyaym-bray)November
diciembre (dee-syaym-bray)December

Seasons of the Year

La primaveraSpring
El veranoSummer
El otoñoFall
El inviernoWinter

The Family (La familia)

el padrethe father
la madrethe mother
el hijothe son
la hijathe daughter
el niñothe child (little boy)
la niñathe child (little girl)
el muchachothe boy (teen age)
la muchachathe girl (teen age)
el hermanothe brother
la hermanathe sister
el tíothe uncle
la tíathe aunt
el señorthe gentleman
la señorathe lady, Mrs.
el hombrethe man
la mujerthe woman


grandegreat, bignegroblack
pequeñosmallcarodear, expensive
suhis, her, itshermosobeautiful
un pocoa littlealtohigh, tall
pobre poorcomúncommon
difícilhard, difficultsuciodirty

Grammar Notes

1. The Definite Article. Note the four forms of the definite article.


Singular:el padrethe fatherla madrethe mother
los padresthe fatherslas madresthe mothers

The definite article has four forms. These agree with their nouns in number and gender.

2. The Gender of Nouns
a. Nouns are either masculine or feminine in gender. This is true for thing-nouns as well as person-nouns. Thus:
el señorel hijoel cuarto el pisoel comedor
la señorala hijala sala la callela casa
b. Nouns ending in -o are usually masculine. Nouns ending in -a are usually feminine.
c. The definite article must be repeated before each noun to which it refers. Thus: el padre y la madre the father and mother.
d. Many nouns for persons have a masculine form in -o and a feminine form in -a. Thus: el hermano the brother, la hermana the sister; el muchacho the boy, la muchacha the girl; el tío the uncle, la tía the aunt; el esposo the husband, la esposa the wife.

3. The Plural of Nouns. Note the singular and plural of the following nouns.
el padreel hermanola casa
los padreslos hermanoslas casas
la mujerel señorla ciudad
las mujereslos señoreslas ciudades

To form the plural of nouns add -s if the nouns end in a vowel. Add -es if the nouns end in a consonant.

Note: 1. los padres means either the fathers, or the parents; los hermanos the brothers, or the brother(s) and sister(s); los hijos the sons, son(s) and daughter(s), or children. In such words the plural masculine may include both genders.

4. The Indefinite Article. Note the four forms of the indefinite article.
un cuartoa roomuna casaa house

unos cuartos

some roomsunas casassome houses

un, a or one, is used before a masculine noun; una, a or one, before a feminine noun; unos, some, before a masculine plural; unas, some, before a feminine plural.

5. Some Common Verbs
es(he, she, it) isvive(he, she, it) lives
está(he, she, it) is (located)tiene (he, she, it) has
están(they) are (located)se llamanthey are named, or their names are (lit. they call them-selves)
haythere is, there are

Note: The subject pronouns corresponding to he, she, it and they, are usually omitted in Spanish, since the ending of the verb indicates the subject pronoun quite clearly.

6. All question words in Spanish have an accent mark.
quién (sing.)whocuándowhencuántohow much
quiénes(plur.)whoquéwhatcuántosbhow many
dóndewherecómohowpor quéwhy

Important Expressions (Expresiones importantes)

1.buenos dias Good morning (day)
2.buenas tardesGood afternoon
3.buenas nochesGood evening (night)
5.hasta la vistauntil we meet again
6.hasta luegoso long
7.hasta mañanauntil tomorrow memoriaby heart, by memory
9.por eso therefore
10.tal vezperhaps
11.basta enough
12.por hoyfor today
13.¿Cómo está Ud.?How are you?
14.con mucho gustowith pleasure
15.muy bienvery well
16.graciasthank you
17.en casaat home necesario it is necessary
19.por favorplease
20.¿Qué es esto?What is this?
21.todo el díaall day


¿Cómo está usted?How are you?
¿Habla usted inglés?Do you speak English
Hablo un poquito.I speak a little.
¿Qué pasa?What's the matter?
¿Comprende usted?Do you understand?
No entiendo.I don't understand.
Hable más despacio, por favor.Speak more slowly please.
Favor de repetir.Please repeat.
Dígame si no comprende mis preguntas.Tell me if you don't understand any questions.
¿Cómo se llama usted?What is your name?
Me llamo Maria.My name is Maria.
¿Cuál es su apellido?What is your last name?
¿Cuál es su dirección?What is your address?
¿Su número de teléfono?Your telephone number?
¿Cuántos años tiene?How old are you?
¿Tiene alguna identificacion?Do you have any identification on you?
¿Es casado?Are you married?
¿Qué ocurrió?What happened?
¿Cuándo ocurrió?When did it happen?
¿Donde le duele?Where does it hurt?
¿Ha estado aquí antes?Have you been here before?
¿Tiene seguro?Do you have insurance?
¿Le cubre Medicare?Are you covered by Medicare?
¿Quién es su doctor?Who is your doctor?
¿Cómo se siente usted?How are you feeling?
¿Dónde está usted?Where are you?
¿Vino usted solo(a)?Did you come alone?
¿Tiene un carro?Do you have a car?
¿Quién le trajo?Who brought you?
¿Puede caminar?Are you able to walk?
¿Se quiere sentar?Do you want to sit down?
¿Dónde nació usted?Where were you born?
¿Dónde vive usted?Where do you live?
¿Vive lejos de aqui?Do you live far from here?
¿Vive usted en la ciudad?Do you live in the city?
¿Vive usted solo(a)?Do you live alone?
¿Quién vive con usted?Who lives with you?
¿Tiene algunos parientes?Do you have any relatives?
¿Es usted soltero(a)?Are you single?
¿Es usted casado(a)?Are you married?
¿Es usted divorciado?Are you divorced?
¿Es usted viudo(a)?Are you widowed?
¿Es usted separado(a)?Are you separated?
¿Tiene usted hijos?Do you have any children?
¿Cuántos?How many?
¿Asistió usted a la escuela?Did you go to school?
¿Cuántos grados completó usted?How many grades did you complete?
¿Hizo usted estudios universitarios?Did you go to college?
¿Trabaja usted fuera de casa?Do you work outside the home?
¿Qué tipo de trabajo hace?What type of work do you do?
¿Dónde trabaja usted?Where do you work?
¿Tiene usted pasatiempos favoritos?Do you have any hobbies?

Expression of Time

esta nochetonight
¿Qué hora es? What time is it?
¿Qué fecha? What date?
¿Qué dia es ahora? What day is it today?
Es la una. It's one o'clock.
Son las tres. It's three o'clock.
Son las doce y quince. It's twelve fifteen.
Es la una y treinta. It's one thirty.
Son las dos y veinticinco. It's two twenty-five.
Faltan quince para las cuatro. It's fifteen to four.
Son las cinco menos cuarto. It's quarter to five.
Al mediodía at noon
A las tres at three o'clock
de la mañana in the morning
de la tarde in the afternoon
de la noche in the evening
Ahora now
Mas tarde later
Proxima vez next time
Cada vez every time
Nunca never
Siempre always
A veces sometimes
Muchas veces often
Rara vez very seldom
Ocasionalmente occasionally
Intermitentemente intermittently
Volver a ocurrir recurring
Durante el día during the day
Durante la noche during the night
La primera vez the first time
La última vez the last time
¿Cuántas veces? How many times?
Una vez al día once a day
Dos veces al día twice a day
Cada hora every hour
Cada dos horas every two hours
Después de comidas after meals
Antes de comidas before meals
Desayunarse to eat breakfast
Antes de desayunarse before eating breakfast
Después de desayunarse after eating breakfast
Almorzar to eat lunch
Antes de almorzar before eating lunch
Después de almorzar after eating lunch
Cenar to eat dinner
Antes de cenar before eating dinner
Después de cenar after eating dinner
Al acostarse at bedtime
Al levantarse when you get up
¿Désde cuándo? Since when?
¿Con qué frequencia? How often?
¿Por cuánto tiempo? How long?

Hygiene Supplies

mouthwashenjuague para la boca
nightgown, pajamascamisa de dormir, camison, bata
pillow casefunda de almohada
razornavaja de afeitar
sanitary napkintoalla sanitaria
shaving creamcrema de afeitar
toothbrushcepillo de dientes
toothpastepasta de dientes, pasta dentifrica
underwearropa interior
washclothpaño para laverse la cara o el cuerpo


flat/raisedplano/en relieve

Body Parts - Partes del cuerpo

abdomenel abdomen
ankleel tobillo
armel brazo
armpitslas axilas
backla espalda
bladderla vejiga
bloodla sangre
boneel hueso
brainel cerebro
breastel seno
breastslos pechos
buttockslas nalgas
cheekla mejilla
chinla barbilla
chestel pecho
earel oido
earslas orejas
elbowel codo
eyeel ojo
facela cara
fingerel dedo
footel pie
foreheadla frente
gallbladderla vesicula billiar
groinla ingle
gumslas encías
handla mano
headla cabeza
heartel corazón
heelel talon
hipla cadera
intestineslos intestinos
jawla mandibula
kidneyel riñón
kneela rodilla
legla pierna
lipel labio
liverel higado
lower backla cintura
lungslos pulmones
mouthla boca
muscleel músculo
neckel cuello
nippleel pezón
nosela nariz
pancreasel páncreas
pelvisla pelvis
penisel pene
pubic haircabello púbico
rectumel recto
ribla costilla
shinespinilla de la pierna
shoulderel hombro
skinla piel
spinela espina dorsal
stomachel estómago
teethlos dientes
testicleslos testiculos
thighslos muslos
throatla garganta
toeslos dedos de los pies
tonguela lengua
urinela orina
uterusel útero
vaginala vagina
wristslas muñecas

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