Evaluation of Individual Learning Objectives

Sleeping Disorders



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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

  1. Answer questions of your patient and dispel misconceptions about sleep.

A B  C   D

  1. Describe various phases of sleep and our body's reaction during each phase.

A B  C   D

  1.  Explain the role played by circadian rhythms in our sleep.

A B  C   D

  1. Make the connection between sleep and many diseases.

A B  C   D

5.    Define insomnia and classify insomnia associated with various causes.

A B  C   D

6.    Provide a differential diagnosis of primary insomnia.

A B  C   D

7.   Frame and ask questions to assess insomnia.

A B  C   D

8.    List 8 general sleep hygiene measures.

A B  C   D

9.     Describe the behavioral and pharmaceutical interventions in the treatment of insomnia.

A B  C   D

10.  Explain various therapeutic approaches in the treatment of insomnia, specifically relaxation therapy, sleep restriction therapy, stimuli control therapy and cognitive therapy.

A B  C   D

11.  Compare the efficacy and side effects of various medications in the treatment of insomnia.

A B  C   D

12.  Describe the effects of light, level of melatonin in the body and sleep problems.

A B  C   D

13.  Explain the correlation between the nighttime drop in temperature and sleep.

A B  C   D

14.  Explain how your bedroom environment can affect your sleep.

A B  C   D

15.  State four relaxation and behavioral techniques for the management of insomnia.

A B  C   D

16.  Identify barriers to the appropriate integration of behavioral and relaxation approaches into the treatment of pain and insomnia.

A B  C   D

17.  Explain how the behavioral and relaxation approaches in the treatment of pain and insomnia work.

A B  C   D

18.  Define sleepiness, distinguish it from fatigue and describe the magnitude of problem sleepiness.

A B  C   D

19.  Describe the magnitude and causes of problem sleepiness among shift workers, adolescents and young adults.

A B  C   D

20.  Identify strategies that may help counter problem sleepiness in adolescents and young adults.

A B  C   D

21.  Describe the prevalence, symptoms and diagnoses of four primary sleep disorders.

A B  C   D

22.  Describe the effects of various drugs and stimulants on sleep and sleepiness.

A B  C   D

23.  Make an assessment of whether a patient is getting an adequate quantity of sleep and identify the patient with problem sleepiness.

A B  C   D

24.  Ask specific questions of a patient in the history-taking process to obtain a sleep/wake profile.

A B  C   D

25.  List the risk factors for drowsy-driving crashes, identify population groups at highest risk and suggest countermeasures to prevent drowsy driving and its consequences.

A B  C   D

26.  Identify elements of human performance that are impaired by sleepiness.

A B  C   D

27.  Describe some tools for the assessment of chronic and situational (acute) sleepiness.

A B  C   D

28.  Assess the risk for drowsy-driving crashes based on factors that include sleep loss, driving patterns, the use of sedating medications, untreated sleep disorders and consumption of alcohol.

A B  C   D

29.  Identify three broad population groups at high risk for drowsy-driving crashes.

A B  C   D

30.  Describe four categories of countermeasures and compare their effectiveness in reducing drowsy-driving crashes.

A B  C   D

31.  Suggest behavioral interventions that reduce drowsy-driving crashes.

A B  C   D

32.  Make three recommendations to reduce drowsy-driving crashes focusing on young males, promoting shoulder rumble strips and educating shift workers.

A B  C   D

33.  Educate young males and shift workers about drowsy driving and how to reduce lifestyle-related risks.

A B  C   D

34.  Define narcolepsy and list four classic symptoms of the disorder.

A B  C   D

35.  Provide a diagnosis of narcolepsy and suggest effective courses of treatment.

A B  C   D

36.  Describe restless legs syndrome and list some common symptoms.

A B  C   D

37.  Identify five causes of restless legs syndrome.

A B  C   D

38.  List three categories of drugs that are most commonly used to treat RLS.

A B  C   D

39.  Define sleep apnea, list several common symptoms, differentiate among the three types of sleep apnea and explain basic facts about sleep apnea to a patient.

A B  C   D

40.  Instruct clients concerning their children's obstructive sleep apnea, evaluation and possible treatment.

A B  C   D

41.  Advise a patient about choosing a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device with the desired features and applications.

A B  C   D

42.  Help the patient with sleep apnea choose an appropriate mask and headgear.

A B  C   D

43.  Brief a patient who is considering surgery for OSA about various options, efficacies of the treatments and possible outcomes.

A B  C   D

44.  Caution a patient with sleep apnea about the dangers of general anesthesia in any surgery.

A B  C   D

45.  Define terms related to infantile apnea, such as apnea of prematurity (AOP), asymptomatic premature infants, symptomatic premature infants, apparent life-threatening event (ALTE), apnea of infancy (AOI), and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

A B  C   D

46.  Describe the relation of neonatal and infant apnea to each other and to mortality (especially SIDS) and morbidity in infancy.

A B  C   D

47.  Evaluate the circumstances and make recommendations to parents regarding the use of home apnea monitoring of infants.

A B  C   D

48.  Describe the jet lag phenomenon, list the factors that cause jet lag, identify people who get jet lag and prescribe some of the techniques for reducing jet lag.

A B  C   D

49.  Explain the changes in sleep and wakefulness as functions of aging and of diseases of older people and name the diagnostic criteria that establish clinical abnormalities.

A B  C   D

50.  Provide indications for the treatment of sleep disorders, specifically obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia, in older individuals.

A B  C   D

51.  Describe the common medical practices and lay treatment practices and their health implications for patients with insomnia and hypersomnia.

A B  C   D

52.  Outline the issues that the medical profession and general public should know about good sleep hygiene and treatment of sleep disorders.

A B  C   D

53.  Describe behavioral, mechanical and surgical approaches to the treatment of sleep apnea.

A B  C   D