Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Define rape and sexual coercion.
2. Discuss various studies of sexual violence in communities and colleges.
3. Discuss findings from sexual coercion studies in the community.
4. Compare rapists and child molesters.
5. Describe the Hierarchial - Mediational Confluence Model.
6. Compare the Comprehensive Model of Prediction and the Integrated Theory of Sexual Offending.
7. Discuss the research of pornography and sexual violence.
8. Discuss the study of alcohol myopia by Steel and Josephs, 1990.
9. Discuss rape prevention programs on college campuses.
10. State the four basic criteria associated with the DSM IV –TR diagnosis of paraphilia.
11. Discuss the research of Dietz, Hazelwood, and Warren (1990) describing sadists.
12. Describe the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory.
13. Discuss co-occurring diagnosis among sexual offenders.
14. Discuss hypersexuality.
15. Describe the role of sex hormones as part of hypersexuality.
16. State the three approaches when studying risk assessment.
17. Define phallometry.
18. Discuss the use of polygraph tests.
19. Define efficacy and effectiveness.
20. Discuss various examples of research data regarding treatment that does not work.
21. Describe the sex offender treatment program from the Canadian federal prison system.
22. Discuss several important skills the therapist must possess.
23. Describe motivational interviewing.
24. Describe schemas.
25. Discuss low self-esteem and acceptance of responsibility as targets of treatment.
26. Describe victim empathy.
27. Discuss emotional regulation and dysregulation.
28. Describe the four behavioral techniques when addressing deviant sexual fantasies.
29. Describe self-management plans.
30. List several cultural considerations when treating sex offenders.