Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Determine the nurse’s role in psychiatric care.
2. Identify techniques to enhance communication with patients.
3. Describe a variety of therapies used to treat psychiatric disorders.
4. List basic components of the psychiatric nursing assessment.
5. Explain the ethical and legal issues in psychiatric care.
6. Describe the theories of growth and development.
7. List the characteristics of mentally healthy young people.
8. Identify the signs and symptoms of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents.
9. Discuss treatment options for children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders.
10. Discuss the status changes of older adulthood.
11. Explain the roles and responsibilities of geropsychiatric nurses.
12. Determine the best care settings for older adults with psychiatric disorders.
13. Explain diagnosis, treatment, and nursing interventions for older adults with age-related cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s dementia, and vascular dementia.
14. Explain the phases and subtypes of schizophrenic disorders.
15. Discuss theories on the cause of schizophrenia.
16. Discuss the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of schizophrenic patients.
17. Perform nursing interventions for schizophrenic patients.
18. Discuss the effects of mood disorders on function.
19. Explain the proposed causes of mood disorder.
20. Determine how to assess a patient’s suicide risk.
21. Explain the various types of bipolar and depressive disorders.
22. Discuss the assessment and interventions for patients with mood disorders.
23. Discuss the positive and negative effects of anxiety.
24. Explain how anxiety disorders impair functioning.
25. Discuss the proposed causes of anxiety disorders.
26. Distinguish acute stress disorder from posttraumatic stress disorder.
27. Discuss the assessment and intervention for patients with anxiety.
28. Explain how stress can be converted to physical symptoms.
29. Distinguish between conversion disorder and factitious disorders.
30. Discuss the proposed causes of somatization and somatoform disorders.
31. Identify the signs and symptoms of somatoform disorders.
32. Discuss the assessment and interventions for patients with somatoform disorders.
33. Explain the general characteristics of dissociation.
34. Identify the diagnostic tools used to evaluate dissociative disorders.
35. Discuss the proposed causes of dissociative disorders.
36. Identify the signs and symptoms of dissociative disorders.
37. Discuss the assessment and interventions for patients with dissociative disorders.
38. List major features of personality disorders.
39. Identify the proposed causes of personality disorders.
40. Discuss the assessment findings and nursing interventions for patients with personality disorders.
41. Determine the recommended treatments for patients with personality disorders.
42. List major features of eating disorders.
43. Identify the proposed causes of eating disorders.
44. Discuss the assessment findings and nursing interventions for patients with eating disorders.
45. Determine the recommended treatments for patients with eating disorders.
46. List the types of substance abuse disorders.
47. List the street names for commonly abused substances.
48. Discuss the proposed causes of substance abuse.
49. Explain how to assess for substance abuse and dependence.
50. Explain nursing interventions for patients experiencing substance withdrawal.
51. List the sleep stages and circadian rhythms.
52. Identify types of sleep disorders and their causes.
53. Discuss the assessment findings in patients with sleep disorders.
54. Explain special procedures used to diagnose sleep disorders.
55. Explain treatments and nursing interventions for patients with sleep disorders.
56. List the stages of sexual development.
57. Identify the phases of the sexual response cycle.
58. Explain the categories and definitions of sexual disorders.
59. Discuss the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of sexual disorders.
60. Explain nursing interventions for patients with sexual disorders.