Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Describe an alginate.
2. List the types of wounds that benefit from alginate.
3. State advantages and disadvantages of alginates.
4. Describe the agents used in antimicrobial dressings.
5. List the actions of gauze products with antimicrobial properties.
6. State indications for antimicrobial dressings.
7. List the disadvantages of antimicrobials.
8. Define an autologous skin graft.
9. Describe a zenograft.
10. Describe the four bioengineered skin substitutes.
11. Discuss the Kerecis product (acellular fish skin).
12. Describe collagen.
13. State advantages and disadvantages of collagen.
14. List the indications for DermaCol 100.
15. Describe the distinct features of composite dressings.
16. List several of composites.
17. State the disadvantage of a composite dressing.
18. Describe OPSITE Post-Op composite dressing.
19. Discuss the action and indications for Stratasorb.
20. Describe the action of contact layers.
21. List the advantages and disadvantages of contact layers.
22. Discuss the action and indications for ComfiTel.
23. State the actions for Silflex Silicone Contact Layer.
24. State the action of Collagenase Santyl Ointment.
25. List the actions of foam.
26. State the advantages of foam.
27. List the contraindications for all Hydrophilic Foam dressings.
28. State the application of the Aquacel Foam ProWound dressing.
29. List the removal steps for the Hydrofera Blue Ready antibacterial foam dressing.
30. State the action and contraindications of the Mepilex Absorbent Foam dressing.
31. State the common contraindications for all Optifoam Gentle dressings. ( pgs. 269-274)
32. Discuss the action of PolyMem and PolyMem Max Film Adhesive dressings.
33. State the indications for Shapes by Polymem tube dressings. (pgs. 310 and 311)
34. State the actions of 3M Dressings. (pgs. 323 and 325)
35. Discuss the actions of hydrocolloids.
36. List advantages and disadvantages of hydrocolloids.
37. Describe the application for DermaFilm hydrocolloids. (pgs 334-336)
38. State the action of the DuoDerm Control Gel Formula dressing.
39. Describe the four types of Exuderm.
40. State indications and contraindications for the three types of Replicare dressings.
41. Describe the action of the Restore dressings. ((pgs. 350-353)
42. Describe the Triad Hydrophilic Wound dressing.
43. Describe the two ways Tegaderm dressings support wound management.
44. State the action of hydrogels.
45. List the advantages and disadvantages of hydrogels.
46. State several features of Anasept Antimicrobial Skin and Wound gel.
47. List the indications and contraindications for Carrasyn products.
48. Compare DermaGauze, DermaGel Hydrogel Sheets and DermaSyn.
49. State the actions of Elasto-Gel Island.
50. State the properties and uses for Gold Dust.
51. Describe the action of Hydrogel and Hydrogel Gauze. (pgs. 374,375)
52. List the actions and contraindications for Prontosan Wound Gel X.
53. Discuss the action of Skintegrity Amorphous Hydrogel.
54. Describe the three parts of the NPWT system.
55. State the actions and removal procedure for Prevena Incision Management System.
56. List actions and application procedures for V.A.C. therapy.
57. Describe the actions for five types of V.A.C. Therapy dressings.
58. State the actions of V.A.C. VERAFLOW Therapy.
59. State the action of speciality absorptive dressings.
60. List the actions and application steps for Sofsorb Wound Dressing.
61. Discuss the action and applications of therahoney.
62. List the advantages and disadvantages of transparent films.
63. Describe the removal steps for DermaView dressings. (pgs. 444 and 447)
64. Describe DXWound.
65. Compare the Flexi-Seal Protect Fecal Management System and the Flex-Seal Signal Fecal Management System. (pgs. 444 and 447)
66. State the actions and contraindications of the Tennant Biomodulator Plus.