Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. State the first step in dealing with trauma.
2. Define disassociation.
3. List the three major types of factors that influence the development of PTSD.
4. Define the sense of “coherence.”
5. Define eustress and distress.
6. Define depersonalization.
7. State when PTSD symptoms are acute, chronic and delayed.
8. List the seven symptoms of complex PTSD.
9. Define psychoeducation.
10. Define grounded.
11. Describe the four types of safety.
12. Describe the SUDS scale.
13. Define a metaphor.
14. Define and abreaction.
15. Discuss the research of Matsakis (1998) regarding hyperarousal.
16. Define containment.
17. Define homeostasis.
18. Define shutdown.
19. Define how anger is a signal emotion and when it becomes rage.
20. List examples of affirmation.
21. Describe guilt.
22. Describe shame.
23. List several types of loss and its consequences experienced with trauma.
24. Describe a healing ritual.
25. Define learned helplessness.
26. State the most common form of self-mutilation.
27. Describe an emotional boundary.
28. State the most familiar kind of dissociation, according to Rothschild (2000,65).
29. Describe Levine’s SIBAM model of dissociation.
30. Define somatizaton and list conversion symptoms.
31. State the functions of the amygdale and hippocampus when describing chronic pain.
32. Define schemas.
33. List the five basic psychological needs that motivate behavior, according to McCann and Pearlman (1990).
34. Define forgiveness according to Enright and Fitzgibbons(2000).
35. List three ways you can forgive.
36. List three main aspects that the impact of trauma has on interpersonal relationships.
37. Define intimacy.
38. State the single most important predictor of who develops long-term PTSD and other traumatic reactions, according to Matsakis.
39. Compare physical and emotional boundary.
40. Describe “Our Relationship Contract.”
41. List the purpose of paraphrasing.
42. Describe a probing question.
43. Define “black humor.”
44. Describe the “I” messages.
45. Define control talk, fight talk and spite talk.
46. Compare search and straight talk.
47. Describe the “belief in a foreshortened future.”
48. List the three attitudes that help you have hope.
49. Define coherence, according to Antonovsky.
50. Define “Salutogenesis.”