Mary Beth Williams, Ph.D., LCSW, CTS
Soili Poijula, Ph.D.

Course Outline

Simple, Effective Techniques for
Overcoming Traumatic Stress Symptoms

In The PTSD Workbook, two psychologists and trauma experts gather together techniques and interventions used by PTSD experts from around the world to offer trauma survivors the most effective tools available to conquer their most distressing trauma-related symptoms. Readers learn how to determine the type of trauma they experienced, identify their symptoms, and learn the most effective strategies they can use to overcome them.

About the Authors

Mary Beth Williams, Ph.D., LCSW, CTS, treats trauma survivors in private practice at Trauma Recovery Education & Counseling Center in Warrenton, Virginia. She also specialized in crisis intervention as a school social worker. Williams is well known in U.S. and international trauma circles as an author, researcher, lecturer, and social policy advisory. She is the past-president of the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists.

Soili Poijula, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and licensed psychotherapist at Oy Synolon Ltd., Center for Trauma Psychology in Finland. She has been a member of the Finnish Red Cross Catastrophe Group and Finland’s Ministry of Health Advisory Board.


“This excellent workbook, based on a rich body of research, will be helpful to anyone who has experienced a sudden, incomprehensible event or suffered lifelong abuse. The authors have provided readers with a clear, comprehensive explanation of trauma, accompanied by practical yet creative exercises to help them manage their trauma symptoms. It’s also a valuable resource for clinicians as well as members of the general public striving to understand trauma and return to everyday functioning.” – Betty Stevens-Guille Ph.D. C. Psych., Trauma Specialist.

“For those who believe that they will never feel ‘normal’ after a traumatic event, this workbook provides many techniques that survivors can use to jump start their recovery… an extremely important tool for growth and strength.” – James D. Baxendale, Ph.D., CTS