Resource Directory


Other sources of information on older persons and osteoporosis are:

1. National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1150 17th Street. NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036; source of materials and programs for patients, the public, and health professionals including: a quarterly newsletter, CME conferences and curricula, research opportunities, and bulk patient materials. For booklet Stand Up to Osteoporosis, call 800-223-9994. For other information, materials, membership and the National Osteoporosis Patient Information Center, call 202-223-2226.

2. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 6300 North River Road, Rosemont, IL 60018-4262; professional medical society's Live lt Safe program provides a brochure on fall prevention, 800-824-2663; the Osteoporosis brochure can be ordered by sending: a self-addressed stamped envelope to P.O. Box 2058, Des Plains, IL 60017; available for the medical professional Prevention of Falls and Hip Fractures in the Elderly, call 800-626-6726.

3. Older Women's League, 666 11th Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20001, 800-825-3695, 202-783-6686; national grassroots membership organization dedicated to the special concerns and needs of women as they age; provides information packet on osteoporosis that includes fact sheets, the following booklets, Preventing & Treating Osteoporosis: What Every Woman Needs to Know and Menopause: A New Approach to Women's Health and other resource materials.

4. Administration on Aging, 330 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 4269, Washington, D.C. 20201; funds The Elder care Locator, 800-677-1116; will identify resources in your community, through local Area Agencies on Aging, such as home delivered meals, transportation, legal assistance, recreation and social activities, adult day care, senior center programs, home health services, elder abuse prevention, and nursing home assistance.

5. National Institute on Aging Information Center, P.O. Box 8057, Gaithersburg, MO 20898-8057, 800-222-2225; provides information and publications on health topics of interest to older adults, to the public, and to doctors, nurses, social activities' directors and health educators. Publications include: Age Page series Preventing Falls and Fractures, and Osteoporosis_The Bone Thinner.

6. National Dairy Council, O'Hare International Center, 10255 West Higgins Road, Suite 900, Rosemont, IL 60018; 800-426-8271. The Council publishes two journals, Dairy Council Digest and Nutrition News; materials include For Mature Eaters Only, Guidelines for Good Nutrition and Osteoporosis: Are You at Risk?; services of affiliated Dairy Councils nationwide include nutrition and education workshops and seminars, educationally sound nutrition materials, programs for professionals, and consumer activities.

Other sources of information on men and osteoporosis are:

1. National Osteoporosis Foundation, National Osteoporosis Patient Information Center, 1150 17th Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036; 202-223-2226. New brochure on Men and Osteoporosis: In Their Own Words now available. Registered nurse available to answer specific questions from the public.

2. Optimum Calcium Intake. NIH Consensus Statement, 1994 June 6-8 12(4)

Available from: Office Of Medical Application Research, NIH

P. O. Box 2577

Kensington, MD 20891

Voice Mail 1-800-NIH-OMAR (644-6627)

Fax 301-816-2494

Electronic Bulletin

Board 301-816-9840

Internet World Wide Web:


Also reprinted in: JAMA 272(24): 1942-7, 1994.

3. American Academy of Orthopedics Surgeons, 6300 North River Road, Rosemont, IL, 60018-4262. Professional medical society's Live lt Safe program provides brochure on fall prevention (call 800-824-2663). The Osteoporosis brochure can be ordered by sending addressed stamped envelope to P. O. Box 2058, Des Plains, IL 60017. Available for the medical professional, Prevention of Falls and Hip Fractures in the Elderly; call 800-626-6726.

4. American Council on Exercise (ACE), 5820 Oberlin Drive, Suite 102, San Diego, CA 92121-3787, telephone 800-825-3636. A not-for-profit organization dedicated to safe and effective physical activity; sets standards for fitness instructors and provides fitness certification; source of public educational materials and fitness research; publishes a newsletter entitled ACE Fitness Matters (ask for specific information on osteoporosis, bone health); and materials on positive effects of exercise.

5. President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 450 5th Street, NW, Suite 7103, Washington, DC 20001. Publications available include Exercise and Weight Control, Fitness Fundamentals, Adult Physical Fitness, Sports_Anyone? ( a brochure that lists disabled sports organizations), and Pep Up Your Life (an exercise brochure prepared in cooperation with the American Association of Retired Persons). To order publications, write to Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, or call 209-783-3238.

Other sources of information on osteoporosis for youths are:

1. National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1150 17th Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036; source of materials and programs for patients, the public, and health professionals including: a quarterly newsletter, CME conferences and curricula, research opportunities, and bulk patient materials. For booklet Stand Up to Osteoporosis, call 800-223-9994. For other information, materials, membership and the National Osteoporosis Patient Information Center, call 202-223-2226.

2. National Dairy Council, O'Hare International Center, 10255 West Higgins Road, Suite 900, Rosemont, IL 60018; 800-426-8271; not-for-profit scientific and education organization that supports nutrition research and provides nutrition education materials including: Osteoporosis: Are You At Risk?, Getting Along with Milk: For People with Lactose Intolerance, and All-American Guide to Calcium-Rich Foods; services of affiliated Dairy Councils nationwide include nutrition and education workshops and seminars, educationally sound nutrition materials, programs for professionals, and consumer activities.

3. Melpomene Institute, 1010 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104; 612-642-1951; a nonprofit, membership-based organization that helps girls and women of all ages link physical activity and health through research, publications and education; provides Be a Bodywise Woman information packet series: Osteoporosis and Kids and Physical Activity, $ 12.00 each.

4. National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics of the American Dietetic Association, 216 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60606-6995; 312-899-0040/ ext. 4653, 800-366-1655; the Center is the public education component of the ADA, a professional association that provides its members and the general professional community with information related to nutrition and health.

5. President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports, 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 250, Washington, DC 20004, 202-272-3427; encourages Americans to raise their fitness levels; distributes general information to the public about exercise and physical fitness' important role in protecting and improving health; includes program publications, Get Moving America!

6. American Psychiatric Association, 1400 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005, 202-682-6000; professional organization is source of brochure about anorexia nervosa and bulimia: Let's Talk Facts About Eating Disorders.

7. International Food Information Council, 1100 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 430, Washington, DC 20036; 202-296-6540; IFIC, a nonprofit organization, and The American Dietetic Association in cooperation with the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, developed a survey to assess the attitudes and behaviors of 9 through 15-year-olds regarding physical activity and nutrition. Survey background material is available online including the brochure, 10 Tips to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for You!, at: http://ificinfo.health.org or gopher://ificinfo.health.org.

Other hispanic resources are:

1. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 601 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20049; (202) 434-2277. 

Publications in Spanish: general information for older persons. Requests in Spanish will be transferred to a Spanish-speaking individual.

2. American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ACOG), Resource Center, 409 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024; (202) 863-2518.

Publications in Spanish: osteoporosis, menopause, nutrition, exercise.

Requests in Spanish should be forwarded via letter.

3. American Dietetic Association, 216 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 899-0040.

Publications in Spanish: nutrition. To reach a Spanish-speaking person call ext. 4887 or 4886.

4. American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231-4596; (214) 706-1220.

Publications in Spanish: exercise, diet and nutrition. Spanish-speaking person available to receive calls.

5. Associacion National Pro-Personas Mayores, 3325 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90010; (213) 487-1922.

Publications in Spanish: osteoporosis, nutrition, accident prevention. Spanish-speaking person available to receive calls.

6. Consumer Information Center, GSA, Room G142, 18th & F Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20405; (202) 501-1794.

Publications in Spanish are described in "Lista de Publicaciones Federales en Espanol Para el Consumidor." Send name and address to LISTA, Pueblo, Colorado 81009. Spanish-speaking person available to receive calls.

7. National Dairy Council, 10255 West Higgins Road, Suite 900, Rosemont, IL 60018; (708) 803-2000.

Publications in Spanish: nutrition. Requests in Spanish will be transferred to a Spanish-speaking person.

8. National Coalition of Hispanic Mental & Human Services Organizations (COSSMHO), 1501 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-1401; (202) 387-5000.

Publications in Spanish: nutrition. Spanish-speaking person available to receive calls.

9. National Hispanic Council on Aging, 2713 Ontario Road, NW Washington, DC 20009; (202) 745-2521

Publications in Spanish: nutrition, exercise, general information on older persons. Spanish-speaking person available to receive calls.

10. New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Health Promotion, Corning Tower Room 1084, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12237; (518) 474-5370.

Publications in Spanish: nutrition, exercise. Requests in Spanish will be transferred to a Spanish-speaking individual.

11. Office of Minority Health Resource Center, P.O. Box 37337, Washington, DC 20013-7337; (800) 444-MHRC (6472).

Publications in Spanish: nutrition, exercise, alcohol. Spanish-speaking person available to receive calls.

12. Office on Smoking and Health Technical Information Center, 3005 Chamblee Tucker Road, Chamblee, GA 30341; (770) 488-3708.

Publications in Spanish: smoking, the Surgeon General's Report (entire report). Requests in Spanish will be transferred to a Spanish-speaking individual.

13. Organizacion National de la Salud de la Mujer-Latina, P.O. Box 7567, 1900 Fruitvale Avenue, Oakland, CA 94601; (510) 534-1362.

Publications in Spanish: a bilingual newsletter on Latina and Chicana health issues, possibly others. Spanish-speaking person available to receive calls.

14. Organization Panamericana de la Salud, 525 23rd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037; (202)293-8130.

Publications in Spanish: nutrition, others. Spanish-speaking person available to receive calls.