Maternity Medicine


  Lemon Balm

By Lauri M. Aesoph, N.D.

For fighting morning sickness or mood swings, homeopathy is a safe alternative for pregnant or nursing mother.

During pregnancy the relationship between mother and unborn baby is so close that almost everything the mother consumes—food, alcohol, drugs_is shared with the baby across the placenta. Nursing infants receive these same substances through their mother's milk. Because homeopathic remedies are safe, natural medicines for mother and baby, they might be the best choice for morning sickness and other pregnancy-related problems. If you're pregnant or nursing, consult with your health care practitioner before ingesting any medication.

    The 1,200 remedies described in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States contain minute amounts of plant, mineral or animal substances used to cure a variety of ailments. Remedies are diluted so few or no side effects occur. In fact, the more dilute a remedy, the more potent it is. It's believed that the vigorous shaking, or succussions, used to prepare these medicines help potentize them.

    It's the principles of homeopathy that separate it from conventional medicine. One principle says "like cures like," meaning the compound used to treat a disease produces symptoms of that disease when given to a healthy person but cures that disease when given to an ill person. For example, Coffea cruda (unroasted coffee) is ideal when used for restless insomnia.

    In classical homeopathy, the law of the single remedy says medicines should be given one at a time based on current symptoms. Because the patient and disease are each seen as ever-changing, the remedy is adjusted as symptoms change. Individual treatment requires careful documentation of physical symptoms, emotional and mental balance, food cravings and aversions, sleeping habits and other signs. These symptoms are then matched to one remedy at an appropriate dose.

An Easier Pregnancy and Labor

Several studies attest to homeopathy's success with pregnancy-related problems, particularly labor. In some cases, combination remedies are given. These formulas contain several remedies to help cover a broad range of symptoms. When French researchers gave 90 women a combination remedy containing caulophyllum, arnica, cimicifuga, pulsatilla and gelsemium twice a day throughout their pregnancy, the women had 40 percent shorter labors and one-quarter the complications of labor as those who took a sugar pill (Cahiers de Biotherapie, April 1987, vol. 94).

    A common pregnancy difficulty, and one that responds well to homeopathic medicine, is morning sickness, caused most likely by an increase in hormone production. Nausea and vomiting typically begin upon waking and continue all morning or longer. Most women adjust to elevated hormonal levels by the end of the first trimester. Tobacco smoke, cooking smells, fatigue and low blood sugar can trigger morning sickness. Several small meals eaten every two to three hours help, as do rest, vitamin B6, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and munching on crackers before getting up. Nux vomica helps nausea that's worse in the morning and is accompanied by irritability and a desire to be indoors and warm. Constant nausea without the vomiting but which is aggravated by heat responds to sulphur.

    When 35-year-old Camille was pregnant with her second child, she became nauseated by smelling food and drinking water. Although skeptical about homeopathy, she visited her naturopathic doctor, who prescribed ipecac, a remedy for those who feel worse when lying down and who feel no better after vomiting. Camille was pleased when the remedy diminished her nausea. Some nausea is beneficial in that it's associated with better pregnancy outcome such as carrying to term, says Amy Rothenberg, N.D., a naturopathic doctor specializing in homeopathy from Enfield, Conn.

For Cramps and Swelling

Leg cramps may occur in late pregnancy. These cramps in the calves and feet result from poor blood circulation, tired muscles and the weight of a pregnant belly pressing against leg nerves. Sometimes too little calcium or too much phosphorus (high in processed foods and soft drinks) elicit spasms. Slowly stretching out the achy muscles, taking calcium and magnesium supplements, and reducing phosphorus-filled foods in your diet may help cramps. Leg cramps that feel numb and cold may loosen up with the help of Calcarea phosphorica. Veratrum album often helps aches that are relieved by walking and warmth.

    A heavy belly and slow circulation also contribute to hemorrhoids, where veins in the anus swell causing occasional pain, bright red blood in the stool and bulging of the hemorrhoidal tissue. Pregnancy is a prime time for this condition because higher-than usual levels of progesterone relax blood vessel walls, encouraging their distention.

Ilene Dahl, N.D., a family practice naturopathic physician from Concord, Calif., prescribes homeopathic suppositories containing Hamamelis virginica (witch hazel). This homeopathic can also be taken orally, and an herbal hamamelis formula may be applied on the sore region. Drinking lots of water and eating foods with fiber also help heal hemorrhoids.

    Hormonal surges contribute to the up and-down moods of pregnancy. For instance, estrogen causes anxiety, while progesterone acts in opposition, creating depression. Chamomilla (homeopathic chamomile) can help the woman who wants to be held one minute and then left alone the next. If an embrace and kind word help a sad and weeping woman whose moods are changeable, then pulsatilla is the first choice.

    To eliminate excessive food cravings such as a yearning for salty foods, Carbo vegetabilis might work. A yen for sweet, creamy foods may lessen with a dose of sulphur. When vinegary pickles and other sour morsels are desired, try sepia. "Food cravings usually indicate the fetus is craving a particular nutrient," says Dahl. For this reason, she usually encourages her pregnant patients to eat the desired food.

After Pregnancy

Homeopathy is also safe and effective after pregnancy. Once a new mother has taught her newborn to nurse, she may temporarily endure painful nipples. One easy cure is to squeeze out a little extra milk after the baby has finished eating and smear its healing ingredients over the affected nipple. Your local La Leche League can teach you different feeding positions and determine if your baby is latching on correctly. For sore and cracking nipples, sepia is a logical choice. Chamomilla helps inflamed and sensitive nipples.

    Feeding your baby on demand will usually keep your milk supply abundant. Occasionally fatigue, skimping on fluids or not eating well reduce milk production. A day in bed with the baby, without the worry of work or household duties, often remedies this problem as well as giving you much-needed rest and a chance to enjoy your infant. Pulsatilla also encourages milk production as well as treating leaky breasts. If you're one of the few cases with overflowing milk, try belladonna.

    On top of the exhausting tasks of nursing and caring for a new baby, a new mother must recover from the ordeal of labor. If you've had a caesarean section or lost a great deal of blood, fatigue is often a problem. China helps restore energy, particularly due to blood loss. When nausea and headache are part of fatigue, cocculus may work. For overwhelming postpartum depression often due to declining hormones, Aurum met might help. Sepia or phosphorus may perk you up during times when you're feeling indifferent.

    Joyce Frye, D.O., an obstetrician from Philadelphia, often administers arnica to patients to promote healing from the trauma of childbirth. "A few drops of homeopathic calendula added to a sitz bath," she says, "also assists in healing the vaginal area."



Lauri Aesoph, N.D., is a medical writer and editor. She lives in Sioux Falls, S.D. Visit http.//www.homeopathic.com for more information on homeopathic remedies, or visit http://www. infinite.org/Naturopathic. Physician for more on naturopathic medicine.

Reprinted with permission from the July 1996 issue of Delicious! Magazine, a publication of New Hope Communications, Boulder, CO.
