Evaluation of Individual Learning Objectives

Nursing an Hispanic Patient



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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.


History of Hispanic American Immigration
  1. Recount the history of Hispanic immigration in the United States.

A B  C   D

Understanding the Hispanic Culture
  1. Describe the core values and norms of the Hispanic culture.

A B  C   D

What It Means to Be Latino
  1. Describe what it means to be a Latino.

A B  C   D

  1. Explain what the terms Latino and Hispanic imply.

A B  C   D

Getting to Know The Hispanic/Latino Culture
  1. Explain the concepts of la familia, respeto, personalismo, and confianza in the context of Hispanic culture.

A B  C   D

Hispanic Health Status
  1. Describe mortality and morbidity in Hispanic population.

A B  C   D

  1. List top ten leading causes of death for Hispanics of all age groups.

A B  C   D

  1. Describe the impact of various lifestyle and health behavioral factors on Hispanics’ health status.

A B  C   D

  1. Describe the concept of health and preventive medicine in the context of Hispanic culture.

A B  C   D

10.  Explain typical Hispanic health beliefs and practices.

A B  C   D

11.  Explain major folk illnesses among Hispanic populations, defining curanderismo.

A B  C   D

Cultural Diversity: Eating in America

12.  Describe the eating practices, food preferences and cultural implications of Mexican-American and Puerto Rican diet.

A B  C   D

Acculturation Erodes the Diet Quality of U. S. Hispanics

13.  Discuss how acculturation erodes the diet quality of U.S. Hispanics.

A B  C   D

14.  Discuss Hispanic attitudes and knowledge about nutrition among various population groups.

A B  C   D

Folks Medicine in Hispanics

15.  Describe the origins and applications of Hispanic folk medicine.

A B  C   D

16.  Identify common Hispanic folk illnesses and their remedies.

A B  C   D

17.  Incorporate the knowledge of Hispanic folk medicine beliefs into the development of effective patient management and counseling plans.

A B  C   D

The Influence of Ethnicity on the Use of Herbal Remedies

18.  Distinguish between non-Hispanic whites and Hispanics in their use of herbal remedies.

A B  C   D

Hispanics/Latinos: Health Disparities Overview

19.  Describe the socioeconomic and health status of Hispanics and compare it with that of other population groups.

A B  C   D

20.  Follow recommendations to confirm patient teaching and treatment with the traditional health beliefs and practices.

A B  C   D

21.  Implement recommendations to improve communication with Hispanic patients.

A B  C   D

Cancer Health Disparities

22.  Cite statistics that show cancer health disparities among various racial and ethnic groups.

A B  C   D

23.  Discuss various sources of disparities in cancer treatment for minority population groups.

A B  C   D

Unequal Treatment: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know

24.  Discuss how bias, prejudice, and stereotyping can contribute to unequal treatment of patients on the basis of race and ethnicity.

A B  C   D

Diabetes in Hispanic Americans

25.  Discuss the epidemiology of diabetes in Hispanic Americans.

A B  C   D

26.  Identify the factors that increase the chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

A B  C   D

Minority Women’s Health Concerns

27.  Discuss the health problems affecting minority women.

A B  C   D

28.  Describe the health impact of sexually transmitted diseases on minority women.

A B  C   D

29.  Discuss the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among various women groups.

A B  C   D

Factors Affecting The Health of Women of Color

30.  Discuss factors affecting the health of women of color and their access to services.

A B  C   D

31.  Discuss health risk behaviors that place adolescent females of color at increased risk of morbidity or death.

A B  C   D

32.  Describe the demographics of elderly women of color.

A B  C   D

33.  Discuss the access to health care available to elderly women of color and its impact on morbidity and mortality.

A B  C   D

Maternal Health of Hispanic Women

34.  Discuss the key findings of the report dealing with pregnancy-related mortality in Hispanic women in the United States.

A B  C   D

35.  Describe maternal health beliefs and practices that are common to Hispanic culture.

A B  C   D

36.  Cite examples of epidemiological data affecting the health of childbearing women from various immigrant groups.

A B  C   D

37.  Make a link between epidemiological data and cultural beliefs and health risks to pregnant women and infants.

A B  C   D

38.  Apply the knowledge of cultural beliefs and immigrant experience to providing effective health care.

A B  C   D

Violence and Minority Women

39.  Define terms such as intimate partner violence, sexual assault, dating violence, elder abuse.

A B  C   D

Hispanic American Elders

40.  Describe the special problems faced by Hispanic elders.

A B  C   D

41.  Describe the prevalence of elderly abuse in Hispanic families.

A B  C   D

Alcohol and Minorities

42.  Identify social and biological factors that contribute to ethnic differences in drinking.

A B  C   D

43.  Describe ethnic differnces in drinking patterns.

A B  C   D

Hispanics and Tobacco

44.  Discuss the use of tobacco in the Hispanic population.

A B  C   D

Mental Health

45.  Discuss the need for mental helth care in Hispanic Americans.

A B  C   D