A Gentle Death: Marilynne Seguin, R.N. & Cheryl K. Smith, J.D. Provides advice and emotional support for dying people and their caregivers; U.S. legal issues thoroughly covered by former Hemlock USA staff attorney.

Death and Dignity: Making Choices and Taking Charge: Timothy E. Quill, M.D. This essential guide for taking charge of your illness emphasizes the importance of honest dialogue between you and your physician.

Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying: Derek Humphry.  A detailed manual for dying patients considering the option of rational suicide.

Final Choices: To Live or Die in an Age of Medical Technology: George M. Burnell, M.D. An extraordinary presentation of the issues, options and obstacles concerning the right and ability of a dying person to control his or her future.

The Right to Die: Derek Humphry & Ann Wickett. A thorough study of the many historical complexities of the right-to-die issue.

Life's Dominion: An Argument about Abortion, Euthanasia, and Individual Freedom: Ronald Dworkin. An internationally renowned lawyer and philosopher's brilliant exploration of the legal status of human life.

When It's Right to Die: Dick Westley. An argument for lawful, voluntary euthanasia, made in the context of Christianity, with emphasis on the position of the Roman Catholic Church.

Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide and AIDS: Russel Ogden. Originally published as a master's thesis, this book gained instant fame for revealing the painful truth of what dying people must resort to without aid-in-dying laws to guide them. A crucial body of research.

Hospice and Hemlock; Retaining Dignity, Integrity & Self-Respect in End-of-life Decisions. A telling collection of articles balancing the Hemlock perspective with the essential services afforded to dying people by hospice.

Euthanasia: Essays and Briefing on the Right to Choose to Die: Derek Humphry. A selection of essays written to guide the lay person through the many issues surrounding death with dignity.

Common Sense Suicide: The Final Right: Doris Portwood. Rational discussion of how, why and when suicide may be an appropriate option, with special emphasis given to legal matters and loved ones.

Dealing Creatively With Death: Ernest Morgan. A sensitive, comprehensive manual on death education and simple burial.

Dying In Prison: Counseling the Terminal Inmate: Donalyn Gross.  A useful, concerned manual for dealing with the death of the terminally ill person inmate.

Jean's Way: Derek Humphry. The moving, personal story of Jean Humphry's choice to hasten her own death with the help of her husband, Derek, who later founded the Hemlock Society.

Last Wish: Betty Rollin.  The controversial and courageous story of a mother's dark victory and daughter's love, written firsthand by well-known journalist Betty Rollin.

Let Me Die Before I Wake: Derek Humphry.  Best read as a companion volume to Final Exit, this detailed account was the first published guide to self-deliverance for dying people.

Death with Dignity: Robert L. Risley.  In this book, Mr. Risley explains the background to the new law, why it is necessary, and tackles the critics who claim that it is slippery slope back to conduct similar to Nazi Germany.

Is This the Day: Derek Humphry & Ann Wickett.  This book is a powerful, uncompromising love story which, at its centre, confronts the provocative and emotive issue of euthanasia.

Compassionate Crimes, Broken Taboos: Derek Humphry.  Collections of newspaper & magazine clippings about mercy killing, assisted suicide, double suicide and euthanasia.

Playing God: Gerald Larue.  50 religions' views on your right to die

Final Acts of Love: Stephen Jamison. This book has step-by-step criteria by which patients and care givers can evaluate their personal situations and consider medical, emotional, spiritual, and communication aspects, quality of life, the potential effects on others, as well as personal values and relationship.

Beyond Final Exit: Cheryl Smith, Chris Docker, John Hofsess, and Bruces Dunn. This book is dedicated to extending and refining knowledge of the proctocolitis of self-deliverance.

Rational Suicide?: James L. Werth, Jr.  The point of view taken in this book is that it is possible to make a rational decision to suicide.

The Hemlock Society U.S.A. also has other materials available for purchase, which are listed below:  The California Death with Dignity Act, California Civil Code, Title 10.5 $1.00

Proposition 161, the California Death with Dignity Act, Questions & Answers $1.00.  "What About Legalized Assisted Suicide?", by Cheryl Smith, J.D. (Reprint from Issues in Law & Medicine) $1.50

Euthanasia Statistics: Cases of Euthanasia Mercy Killings, Mercy Killings/Suicides, Double Suicides, Assisted Suicides, Suicides $10.00 includes postage.