Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Discuss the implications of change in the health care delivery system on nurse leadership.
2. Describe key modern leadership theories.
3. Compare and contrast leaders and managers.
4. Discuss the importance of nurse leadership and its relationship to modern leadership theories.
5. Explain the role of the clinical nurse as a leader and why it is important.
6. Discuss critical nursing issues related to reengineering, redesigning, re-regulating, rightsizing, and restructuring.
7. Discuss why the concept of change is important in the health care environment and to nursing leadership and management.
8. Discuss external trends and factors that impact nursing practice and health care organizations.
9. Define two key change theories.
10. Describe eight key steps in the change process.
11. Discuss resistance to change and how it can be handled.
12. Identify strategies to improve responses to change.
13. Apply the decision-making process.
14. Describe the keys to successful planning.
15. Distinguish between strategic and project planning.
16. Describe key aspects related to collaboration.
17. Identify barriers to achieving effective collaboration.
18. Discuss the skills that are needed to improve collaboration.
19. Discuss the impact collaboration has on nursing staff and interdisciplinary interactions.
20. Describe key aspects related to coordination.
21. Identify barriers to achieving effective coordination.
22. Discuss the skills that are needed to improve coordination.
23. Discuss the impact coordination has on nursing staff and interdisciplinary interactions.
24. Describe key aspects related to conflict.
25. Identify methods to prevent conflict.
26. Discuss how individuals respond to conflict.
27. Discuss the skills that are needed to respond to conflict.
28. Explain conflict management and strategies that might be used.
29. Discuss the impact conflict has on nursing staff and interdisciplinary interactions.
30. Describe the critical elements of communication.
31. Distinguish between the four lines of communication.
32. Describe the communication process.
33. Identify several examples for each of the communication component systems.
34. Describe what might be included in an assessment of a work group’s communication.
35. Identify three barriers to communication and how to resolve them.
36. Describe four communication methods, including the most effective use of the method.
37. Identify two strategies for resolving communication problems.
38. Assess your own communication style.
39. Describe the key organizational theories.
40. Distinguish between structure and process.
41. Identify the key differences between for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations.
42. Identify the key health care providers and their services.
43. Explain the purpose of nursing care models.
44. Compare and contrast the different nursing care models discussed in this chapter.
45. Describe the key advantages of shared governance for nursing staff.
46. Describe what would be included in an organization analysis.
47. Describe the development of U.S. hospitals and the role they play in the health care delivery system.
48. Identify the key methods for classifying hospitals.
49. Define the key departments found in most hospitals.
50. Discuss the use of committees by describing the work done by a policy and procedure committee as an example of committees.
51. Describe major changes that are occurring in hospitals and their impact on nursing.
52. Describe the Magnet Recognition Program, its history, its process, and the impact it has had on nursing.
53. Discuss why each of the forces of magnetism would be important to new graduates as well as to any nurse considering a job change.
54. Discuss the importance of teams in the health care delivery system.
55. Describe the different types of teams.
56. Describe team leader characteristics and how these relate to the team leader’s tasks and responsibilities.
57. Explain the important considerations related to team building.
58. Compare and contrast a nursing team and an interdisciplinary team.
59. Identify the stages of team development.
60. Explain motivation and its relationship to teamwork.
61. Identify three strategies that might be used to improve motivation.
62. Define delegation.
63. Discuss the benefits of using delegation.
64. Identify key legal issues related to delegation.
65. Compare and contrast responsibility, authority, and accountability as they apply to delegation.
66. Apply the delegation process in clinical situations when unlicensed assistive personnel are used.
67. Discuss how to monitor and improve delegation.
68. Define clinical pathway.
69. Identify the purpose of clinical pathways.
70. Describe the pathway development process.
71. Identify liability and ethical issues related to the use of clinical pathways.
72. Illustrate how clinical pathways might be implemented in a clinical setting, and both the positive and negative consequences.
73. Explain why variance analysis is an important component of clinical pathways.
74. Discuss the importance of practice guidelines.
75. Compare and contrast the use of practice guidelines and disease management in managed care.
76. Explain the difference between disease management and demand management.
77. Explain why standards of care, utilization review, benchmarking, and evidence-based practice are considered tools to increase collaborative care.
78. Discuss the reasons for including health promotion and disease and illness prevention in this context.
79. Explain why nurses should be involved in health care policy.
80. Identify the difference between private and public policy.
81. Describe the policy-making process.
82. Discuss how nurses can be involved in the policy-making process.
83. Identify how federal and state laws can affect health care.
84. Discuss malpractice and how it relates to nursing practice.
85. Describe ethical decision making.
86. Discuss the impact of health care fraud on the health care system.
87. Identify how nurses can become involved in reducing health care fraud and cope with ethical dilemmas presented by fraud.
88. Define consumer.
89. Describe the history of health care consumerism.
90. Explain the relationship between public policy and the health care consumer.
91. Compare and contrast the consumer implications of The Pew Report and Healthy People 2010.
92. Discuss how health care information is available to the health care consumer.
93. Discuss the relationship between patient education and health care consumerism.
94. Describe how consumers are involved in evaluating the quality of care.
95. Discuss the nurse’s role as patient advocate in the health care environment.
96. Describe how the human resources department assists the health care organization and employees.
97. Describe staff recruitment.
98. Explain how a position description is developed.
99. Describe the employment process.
100. Identify critical guidelines that a nurse should consider when applying for a position.
101. Explain why it is important for nursing staff to be involved in recruitment and how they might do this.
102. Discuss the importance of retention.
103. Discuss the purpose of performance appraisal.
104. Describe the performance appraisal process.
105. Identify strategies that can be used to prevent or decrease stress and passive-aggressive behavior in the work setting.
106. Discuss reasons for the nursing shortage.
107. Describe the critical elements of a career plan.
108. Develop a resume.
109. Discuss how networking, coaching, and mentoring might be beneficial to a new nurse.
110. Discuss the implications of lifelong learning.
111. Collect time data and analyze how time is used.
112. Identify time management improvement strategies.
113. Distinguish between the macrolevel and microlevel view of health care financial issues.
114. Discuss critical issues related to national health care expenditures.
115. Describe the role of the third-party payer.
116. Explain how health care insurance is paid for and by whom.
117. Identify the importance of the diagnosis-related groups.
118. Discuss the importance of the various government benefit programs.
119. Define two examples of managed care models.
120. Discuss how managed care has changed since it began.
121. Define the service strategies used by managed care to control costs and quality.
122. Define the reimbursement strategies used by managed care to control costs and quality.
123. Discuss the impact of reimbursement on health care delivery.
124. Define key financial management terms.
125. Describe the budgetary process and its importance to nursing.
126. Define productivity.
127. Identify strategies that nurses can use to participate in cost containment in their practice.
128. Discuss the importance of information and clinical technology to nursing.
129. Describe the critical issues related to privacy and confidentiality.
130. Define telehealth.
131. Identify the implications of telehealth to nursing practice, education, administration, and research.
132. Describe how telehealth can be used for patient education.
133. Critique critical issues related to defining quality.
134. Define structure, process, and outcomes as they relate to quality.
135. Identify two factors that support an increased interest in quality care.
136. Summarize the recent activity of the Institute of Medicine and its importance to health care.
137. Describe the accreditation offered by the Joint Commission Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
138. Describe two methods used to measure and ensure quality, safe care.
139. Describe a quality report card and its relevance.
140. Discuss nurse and physician reaction to the quality of managed care organizations and their effect on health care.
141. Define organizational culture.
142. Describe how a dissonance culture can affect an organization and patient care.
143. Discuss the importance of culture to the organization.
144. Compare and contrast staff culture and patient culture.
145. Identify the advantages to having a multicultural staff.
146. Discuss the implication of a multicultural patient population for the staff and organization.
147. Describe a healing organization.
148. Explain why safety is an important aspect of organizational culture.
149. Identify two strategies that may be used to improve an organization’s culture.