Healthy Immune System


1. Understanding The Immune System

v Introduction

v Self and Nonself

v Genes and the Markers of Self

v The Anatomy of the Immune System

v T Cells and Lymphokines

v The Cells and Secretions of the Immune System

v Lymphocytes

v B Cells and Antibodies

v Natural Killer Cells

v Phagocytes, Granulocytes, and Their Relatives

v Complement

v Mounting an Immune Response

v A Billion Antibodies

v A Web of Idiotypes

v Receptors for Recognizing Antigen

v Immunity, Natural and Acquired

v Vaccines Through Biotechnology

v Disorders of the Immune System: Allergy

v Autoimmune Diseases

v Immune Complex Diseases

v Immunodeficiency Diseases

v Cancers of the Immune System

v Bone Marrow Transplants

v Immunology and Transplants

v Privileged Immunity

v Immunity and Cancer

v The Immune System and the Nervous System

v Frontiers in Immunology: Hybridoma Technology

 2. Host Defense, Natural Resistance and The Immune System

v   Normal Immune System


v Natural Resistance

v The Immune System

What is immunology?

What are the organs and tissues of the immune system?

What are antibody and complement molecules and what are their functions?

What are the cells of the immune system?

v The Immune Response

3. Strengthening The Immune System

v Rev-Up Your Immune System to Prevent Disease

The Harmful Role of Free Radicals

 Nutritional Immunology

 The Role of Vitamins

Vitamin A


 Vitamin E

 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

 Coenzyme Q10

 Alpha lipoic acid

 Food That Harms

 Nutrition Is the Fuel For Immune Cells 

 Plant Fats Balance The Immune System 

 Stress Reduction Essential To Immune Function

v What Are Sterols and Sterolins? Why supplement?

Frequently Asked Questions on Sterols and Sterolins

What are sterols and sterolins?

Is there any research behind this product?

Is Moducare safe? Are there side effects?

Any contraindications or drug interactions?

Are sterols the same as steroids?

Will these plant fats make me gain weight?

Is this an immune "booster"like echinacea?

How should I take Moducare?

Do I have to take it on an empty stomach?

Can I take too much?

v Healthy Immune System Is Defense Against Illness

v Immune Restoration After HIV Infection

What is immune restoration?

How can the immune system be restored?

Are new T-cells as good as old?

v Five Steps to Optimal Immunity

Defenders of Our Immune System 

Food that Harms and Food that Heals

Spiritual Well-being Helps

Exercise Too Much Can Be Bad

v Aiding Immunity: Plants to the Rescue

Food Is No Longer Enough

Power of Plants

Sterol Family

Aid for AIDS

v How Three Amino Acids Can Strengthen Your Immune System by 34%


4. Stress, Anxiety and Depression

v Stress, Aging and Cortical: The Immune/ Endocrine Connection

Stress and Our Body Chemistry

Mother Nature's Cortical Balancer

Stress-Busting Tips

Stress Test to Determine Immune Status

v Stress: At the Root of Women's Health Issues

Too Much Stress Equals Disease 

The Cortical: DHEA Ratio 

What Can We Do?

v Anxiety and Stress Disease Therapy Protocol

Anxiety Disorders


Conventional Treatments for Anxiety and Stress

Moderate Exercise


Other Beneficial Treatments for Anxiety and Stress


v Move-Over Prozac: Depression and Immunity

Immune-Boosting Drugs and Depression

Overactive Immunity

Stress, Cortisol and Inflammation

Treatments That Work

v Performance Immunity


 5. Friendly Bacteria

v Bacteria That Strengthen The Immune System

Whole Body Protection 


v Lactoferrin: The Bioactive Peptide That Fights Disease


How to Obtain Lactoferrin

Anti-Viral Effects

Anti-Cancer Effects

Anti-Microbial Effects

Lactoferrin as an Antioxidant


Further Reading


6. Fighting Off Diseases

v Adrenal

Supplemental Steroids and Adrenal Disease

Adrenal Fatigue

Treatment of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Function and Aging

Summary For Treating Adrenal Fatigue 

Summary For Maintaining Corticosteroid Balance To Prevent Aging 

v Phytosterols for Hepatitis C, Stress, Prostate, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol and Cancer

Human Research Proves Plant Sterols' Action

Sterols Lower Cholesterol

Sterols: Great Stress Busters

Sterols Halt Hepatitis C

Sterols, Heart Disease and DHEA

Prostate Problems Eliminated

Stop Cervical Cancer

The Future of Phytosterols

v Why Antioxidants Aren't Enough

Gaining Control Over Our Biochemistry

Protein Browning

Alzheimer's Disease

Protecting Brain Chemistry

Carnosine Summary

Beyond Antioxidants


v Free Radicals Beware: There's Garlic Present

Green Tea, Your Coffee Substitute 

v Eating Too Much Depresses Immunity

Are you digesting what you eat?

v Linus Pauling and Vitamin C Vindicated

Warning–Killer Sugar

v Protein Power Protection

Cancer, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Energy and Fat Burning

Protein protects our heart

Lower cholesterol and triglycerides


Soy and Whey Protein May Help Prevent Breast Cancer 

v Common Cold


Vitamin C

Vitamin C: how much is too much?

Zinc Gluconate



N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)



Can Infection be Prevented? 

Signs of a More Serious Infection


v Seniors: Is Your Flu Vaccine Protecting You?

v Prostate Problems

v Allergies

Types of Reactions

Avoidance of Allergens

Therapeutic Options


v Stop Allergies Where They Start - In Your Immune System


v Say Goodbye To Seasonal Allergies

Plant Nutrients to the Rescue

v Phytosterols Rescue Arthritis Sufferers

Guidelines for Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis

v Osteoporosis An Immune System Disease?

 Stress, the Immune System, and Bone Loss 

 Risk Factor Checklist for Osteoporosis

v New Research on Hepatitis C

v Shingles: The Herpes Virus Strikes Again

Potent Antiviral Agent

Vitamin E

Vitamin C


v Cold Sore Treatment Plan

v Fight Cancer and Win

Why do we get cancer?

What is cancer?

Natural Therapies Pack a Punch 

Sterols and Sterolins, Star Cancer Protectives

DHEA, Cortisol and Immune Enhancement

v Prostate Cancer in Remission

v New Blood Test for Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Surgery

Soy and whey protein may help prevent breast cancer

Stop cervical cancer

v Asthma, More Than A Bad Air Day

What "Triggers" Asthma?

Exercise-induced Asthma

Herbal Tonic to Breathe Easy

Nutrients Reduce Attacks

Link Between Pollution and Asthma


v Fight Cancer and Win

v Eliminate Eczema



Prescription For Health

Other recommendations

Health tips to enhance eczema healing

Health fact

v Stopping HIV-1 And AIDS Through Total Health Management

v Autoimmunity When You’re Body Attacks Itself  

What is autoimmunity?

Plant Sterols and Sterolins Return Balance


v Autoimmune Diseases Therapies Protocol  


Basic Pathways of Autoimmune Dysfunction

The Effect of Natural Supplements on the Autoimmune System

Other Considerations


v Anemia-Thrombocytopenia-Leukopenia

General Causes of Anemia

Symptoms of Anemia

Common Dietary Anemias

 Pernicious anemia (lack of Vitamin B12)

 Folic acid deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia

The anti-anemia drug

Treatment of pernicious anemia

Treatment of folic acid deficiency anemia

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Other nutritional approaches 


Preventing and treating anemia caused by HIV antiviral drugs


 Preventing and treating chemotherapy- induced leukopenia


v HIV (Immune Deficiency) Treatment

The Critical Importance of Glutathione

Substances That Boost Glutathione Levels

Blood Tests

Immune Cell Subset Testing

Cell-Mediated Immunity Tests 

Natural Killer Function 

7. Understanding CFIDS

 What is CFIDS?

 How is CFIDS diagnosed?

 What are other common symptoms?

 How is CFIDS treated?

 How many people have CFIDS?

 Who gets CFIDS?

 Do PWCs get better over time?

 What causes CFIDS? 

 Are viruses involved in CFIDS? 

Is CFIDS contagious?

What precautions should PWCs take?

Should PWCs receive flu shots or other immunizations?

Is exercise helpful or harmful?

Is weight gain common?

Is depression common?

What role does stress play in this illness?

How does pregnancy affect CFIDS?

Is CFIDS related to other illnesses?

Why is this disease called CFS or CFIDS?

How can I cope with and manage the illness?

For further reading—

8. Fibromyalgia

v Fibromyalgia: The Invisible Illness

Diagnosis Is Difficult

What causes FM?

Treatments for Fibromyalgia

Sterinol and Fibromyalgia

Sleep, Laughter and Exercise

5-HTP and St. John's Wort

Magnesium and Malic Acid

Moducare and Fibromyalgia 

  9. Chronic ITP

v Clinical Presentation of Chronic ITP


Clinical Findings

Laboratory Findings

Cause and Pathophysiology of Chronic ITP 

v Evaluation of Anti-platelet Autoantibody

v Differential Diagnosis and Prognosis of Chronic ITP

Disorders most commonly confused with chronic ITP

v Standard Treatment of Adult Chronic ITP

 Who should treat ITP?

 Indications for treatment

 Index of treatment options


10. People With Severely Weakened Immune System

v Guidance For People With Severely Weakened Immune Systems




Further Information 

v  Preventing Cryptosporidiosissporidiosis: A Guide for People With Compromised Immune Systems

 Who might be immuno-compromised or have a weakened immune system?

What is Cryptosporidiosissporidiosis?

What are the symptoms of Cryptosporidiosis?

How long after infection do symptoms appear?

How long will symptoms last?

How does Cryptosporidiosis affect you if your immune system is severely weakened?

How is Cryptosporidiosis spread? 

I have been diagnosed with Cryptosporidiosis. Should I worry about spreading infection to others?

 What should I do if I think I have Cryptosporidiosis ?

 How is a Cryptosporidiosis infection diagnosed?

 What is the treatment for Cryptosporidiosis?

 How can I protect myself from Cryptosporidiosis?

 Filters designed to remove Cryptosporidiosis 

 Filters labeled only with these words may not be designed to remove Cryptosporidiosis
