
Fighting Off Diseases


v Adrenal

The adrenals are two relatively crescent-shaped glands that are found lying over the upper pole of each kidney. Each adrenal gland consists of internal layers that produce different substances. The inner part, or adrenal medulla, manufactures epinephrine and norepinephrine, more commonly known as adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones are the "fight or flight" hormones that are released in potentially "life or death" situations. Their release increases heart rate and blood pressure and diverts more blood to the brain, heart, and skeletal muscles. This is important when discussing stress as well as adrenal fatigue.

The adrenal cortex lies outside the adrenal medulla and responds to a different type of stress. This is where the steroid hormones are made. These include cortisone, hydrocortisone, testosterone, estrogen, 17-hydroxy-ketosteroids, DHEA, DHEA sulfate, pregnenolone, aldosterone, androstenedione, progesterone, and some other hormones which are intermediates in production. Many of these hormones are also made elsewhere in the body, but aldosterone, cortisone, and hydrocortisone are made only in the adrenal glands.

The hormone aldosterone, in concert with the kidneys, regulates the balance of sodium and potassium in the body. This regulation is critical to many areas of physiological function, including the ability to react to stress and to maintain fluid balance. It even contributes to maintenance of blood pressure.

Supplemental Steroids and Adrenal Disease

Cortisone and hydrocortisone regulate the body's glucose. Most readers are familiar with the administration of corticosteroids to suppress the immune system. Corticosteroids became available in the late 1940s and were heralded as a miraculous treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It did not take long to find out that there was a serious price to pay for chronic corticosteroid use. Patients developed symptoms, and physical findings such as the development of Cushing's syndrome.

Patients with Cushing's syndrome usually have central obesity, sparing the arms and legs, a reddish "moon face," "buffalo hump," protuberant abdomen, and thin extremities. Additionally, women may have less frequent menses or lose them altogether. Men may become impotent. There is also weakness, headache, high blood pressure, acne, and thinning of the skin. Patients may develop diabetic symptoms and easy bruisability as well as other problems. Wound healing is impaired and patients are susceptible to infections. Mental symptoms may range from increased fluctuation of mood to psychosis.

Out of these findings, an irrational approach developed to the question of relative adrenal function. A person who suffers from total failure of the adrenal glands is said to have Addison's disease. So physicians approach patients as normal, or as suffering from Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome. (It should be
noted that low steroid levels can also be caused by failure of the hypothalamus, thalamus, and pituitary areas of the brain. In this case, the adrenal glands still function.) This discussion is directed only at the function of the adrenal glands.

The result is that, when a physician evaluates a patient relying solely upon laboratory data, the patient is considered either "normal" or having one of the conditions mentioned. There is no in between. However, just as in thyroid dysfunction, normal laboratory tests do not exclude what many physicians call adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue

The main cause of adrenal fatigue is continual low-level stress, which taxes the adrenal glands, limiting their reserve. This low-level stress may be caused by emotional or physical upsets or even loss of sleep. Essentially, "the tank, running on empty, does not have enough gas to get you home." Clinically, this manifests in the development of exhaustion after stress that does not become resolved. Days after hearty exercise, a person may complain of exhaustion. So, if a person who could normally walk several blocks to go shopping suddenly complains that this makes him or her exhausted, adrenal fatigue should be considered before anything else.

Another interesting and common symptom is that people may note that they are relatively more alert, energetic, and "with it," later in the day. They may get to sleep later than normal and the sleep is not restful. They find that sleeping in late is when they get the most restorative sleep.

The association with impaired immune function and the administration of corticosteroids has blurred an important fact. Decreased levels of corticosteroids also impair immune function. What further complicates the matter is the fact that it is now thought that continual overproduction of cortisol, not in the range that would produce Cushing's syndrome, contributes to immune suppression, atherosclerosis, brain cell injury, and accelerated aging.

According to the experience of many physicians who practice complementary medicine, certain conditions can be benefited from treating adrenal fatigue. Some of these conditions are acute viral illness, allergies, gastritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, contact dermatitis, urticaria (hives), psoriasis, and allergic rhinitis, to name the more common examples.

Treatment of Adrenal Fatigue

It is most important to make certain that full-blown Addison's disease is not the problem, since it must be treated vigorously. The patient should be evaluated by a physician with experience in recognizing and treating adrenal fatigue. A resource for finding such a physician is noted at the end of this protocol.

The goal is to relieve the stressful situation causing the problem and, while this is being done, supply additional corticosteroid. This may be done in a number of ways. Many physicians familiar with complementary medicine suggest beginning with adrenal glandular concentrates, which may be found at your health store. In combination with this, or taken alone, glycyrrhiza, which comes from licorice and may be taken in a variety of ways, including as a tea, may be helpful. It reduces the amount of hydrocortisone broken down by the liver, thereby reducing the workload of the adrenal glands.

Some patients may require more potent measures. In addition to the previous recommendations, some physicians utilize adrenal cortical extract (ACE), which contains all the corticosteroids in the proper proportions. It used to be widely available in this country, but at the present time it is not. Again, complementary physicians may have experience with it. If ACE is unobtainable, off-the-shelf brands of hydrocortisone may be given in physiologic dosages of 5 to 10 mg four times a day. When hydrocortisone was first used, the doses were 100 mg and up, which resulted in the development of the problems that have made conventional physicians fearful of administering corticosteroids on a short-term basis. Prednisone, which must be converted in the liver to become active, is not recommended.

Adrenal Function and Aging

Aging and the diseases of aging can cause a decline in critical hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Pregnenolone is converted into crucial antiaging hormones such as DHEA (dehydroe- piandrosterone), estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Pregnenolone supplementation may help to rectify hormone imbalances caused by aging-induced adrenal insufficiency.

Additionally, pregnenolone or DHEA supplementation may protect against the overproduction of cortisol from the adrenal glands. Too much cortisol may accelerate aging and a host of other degenerative diseases. Vitamin C and aspirin may block excessive cortisol production as well. As both pregnenolone and DHEA are presently thought to have antiaging and nootropic properties, experienced physicians often prescribe both.

At times of increased stress, the addition of adrenal glandulars may be advisable. Long-term use is not recommended.

The European drug KH3 (the active ingredient is procaine) can block some of the cell-damaging effects of cortisol. To help protect against cortisol toxicity, take one to two KH3 capsules in the morning on an empty stomach and one to two KH3 capsules in midafternoon on an empty stomach.

CAUTION: Addison's disease requires expert physician intervention. Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid drugs are prescribed for Addison's disease. Once cortisol levels are stabilized, serum levels of DHEA should be evaluated to determine if DHEA replacement therapy is warranted. In 80% of cases, Addison's disease is caused by an autoimmune attack on the adrenal glands.

Summary For Treating Adrenal Fatigue

  1. Get physician evaluation to rule out Addison's disease.

  2. Identify and relieve sources of stress.

  3. Take licorice tea or its equivalent 4 times a day.

  4. Consider physician-administered ACE (adrenal cortical extract) injections for 3 to 7 days.

  5. Consider hydrocortisone tablets, 5 to 10 mg, 4 times a day for 3 to 7 days.

Summary For Maintaining Corticosteroid Balance To Prevent Aging

  1. Obtain baseline corticosteroid and DHEA levels.

  2. Begin with 50 mg of pregnenolone a day and follow with lab tests.

  3. Consider the addition of DHEA. Dosage may range from 5 to 100 mg a day and must be followed by lab tests.

  4. Consider ¼ tablet of aspirin daily, taken with a heavy meal.

  5. Consider vitamin C, 3000 mg a day in divided doses.

  6. Take adrenal glandulars at times of increased stress.

  7. Consider KH3, 1 capsule in the morning and 1 to 2 in the afternoon.

For more information: Contact the American College for Advancement in Medicine, 800-532-3688, for a physician in your area who practices complementary medicine. 


Source: Life Extension Magazine

Reprinted with permission.

v Phytosterols for Hepatitis C, Stress, Prostate, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol and Cancer

Your mother knew what she was talking about when she said eat your fruits and vegetables. Fresh organic fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts not only provide fiber, vitamins and minerals, but are rich in powerful disease-fighting substances called phytonutrients. Phyto comes from the Greek for plant. These biologically active substances give plants their color, flavor and natural resistance to disease. Most importantly phytonutrients enhance immune function, slow the aging process and combat cancer, to name only a few of their benefits.

Phytosterols, next to carotenoids, are the most researched plant nutrient. Over 4,000 published studies have examined phytosterols, of which 120 are double-blind, placebo-controlled human trials. Phytosterols include beta-sitosterol (and its glucoside beta-sitosterolin), campesterol, brassicasterol, stigmasterol, ergosterol and avenasterol. Beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterolin (called sterols and sterolins for short) have the most exciting disease prevention and treatment applications. They were isolated in 1922, with the earliest research evaluating their anti-cancer effects.

These sterol superstars are found abundantly in all plant materials and shellfish. Raw, unprocessed nuts and seeds and their oils are the richest source. Unfortunately, standard food processing methods destroy sterols and sterolins, stripping the finished product of any health-giving properties. Freezing fruits and vegetables destroys the sterolins and boiling vegetables causes the sterols and sterolins to be released into the cooking water. Fresh, live foods should make up the bulk of your diet to ensure you are getting adequate phytosterols. Seven to ten half-cup servings of organic fruits and vegetables will provide a good foundation. If you are not eating enough plant material, food supplements containing phytosterols can be added to your diet.

Human Research Proves Plant Sterols' Action

We call sterols "the forgotten nutrient" because although thousands of research studies have been done on this nutrient it has not had the recognition it deserves. Rheumatoid arthritis, cervical cancer, diabetes, immune function, prostate problems, HIV, herpes, hepatitis C, allergies, stress-induced immune suppression, chronic fatigue, tuberculosis, breast cancer and high cholesterol are only a few of the diseases where sterols and sterolins have been shown to be effective. An overview of a few of the outstanding published studies follows.

Sterols Lower Cholesterol

The rapid cholesterol-lowering effects of phytosterols have been reported in over 400 studies. Betasitosterol is similar in structure to cholesterol except it has an extra ethyl-group on the side chain. Due to its similarity it interferes with the absorption of the cholesterol found in our food as well as the cholesterol produced by the body. By including foods or supplements containing sterols we can normalize cholesterol much faster than with cholesterol-lowering drugs. Food giants know how effective this simple plant nutrient is and are currently working on a chocolate bar containing sterols to lower cholesterol.

Sterols: Great Stress Busters

Chronic stress is so negative that it can promote and exacerbate most disease. Numerous studies have linked our ability to deal with stress to our susceptibility to the common cold and more serious diseases such as cancer. Adults who have recently lost a loved one, or been divorced or separated, tend to have the highest cancer rates. Unrelieved stress gradually weakens and suppresses our immune system, causing disease. Marathon running is one sport that causes consistent stress to the immune system and adrenal glands.

In a research study performed by Professor Bouic, plant sterols and sterolins were given to marathon runners in a double-blind trial. The treatment group was given plant sterols and sterolins prior to the run in the hopes of alleviating post-marathon sickness caused by declines in red and white blood cell counts. Results showed that the treatment group had no decline in immune function and no increase in the inflammatory immune factor Interleukin-6 (IL-6); cortisol levels remained stable, indicating a reduction in the adrenal stress response; and levels of DHEA (a hormone known to help fight the effects of stress) increased. The placebo group showed immune suppression, a drop in DHEA and an increase in cortisol levels. You don't have to be a marathon runner to experience stress and its negative effects. Stressful situations promote the release of cortisol, our stress hormone, which in turn causes the secretion of the negative immune factor IL-6. Abnormal levels of IL-6 are associated with osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, asthma, inflammatory diseases including arthritis, and more.

Sterols Halt Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is occurring in epidemic proportions. Over four million North Americans are infected with hepatitis C. Liver specialists are overwhelmed as they struggle to deal with the increased incidence of this disease. It is the leading cause of liver transplants in North America. Over 85 percent of patients develop chronic hepatitis as the virus slowly and insidiously destroys the liver, and five percent develop liver cancer. A study of the effectiveness of plant sterols and sterolins in the treatment of hepatitis C is underway in Cincinnati, under the direction of Dr. Amoils. Clinically, plant sterols and sterolins have been shown to halt the destruction of liver cells by normalizing IL-6 levels and controlling inflammation in the liver, while stimulating the good immune factors Inter-leukin-2 and gamma interferon, which destroy the virus. Physicians using sterols and sterolins to treat hepatitis C have already confirmed that within 90 days liver enzymes and viral load normalize.

Sterols, Heart Disease and DHEA

A team of Canadian researchers discovered that an error in the regulation of certain immune cells that fight bacterial infections may be implicated in heart attacks and strokes. Dr. Penninger, an immunologist at the Amgen Institute and the Ontario Cancer Institute at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, found that the bacteria chlamydia can cause the body's immune system to target the heart, causing inflammation and arterial plaque build-up, which leads to heart disease and heart attacks. In a study published in the International Journal of Immunopharmacology, plant sterols and sterolins have been shown to improve the ability of the immune system to fight bacterial infections. Sterols and sterolins, not antibiotics, may be the way to treat bacterial-induced heart disease.

Physicians know that persons with low levels of DHEA have higher rates of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). In a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers reported that participants taking plant sterols and sterolins had an increase in DHEA and a decrease in cortisol. Scientists believe that plant sterols and sterolins may be used by the body to make DHEA, thereby protecting us from hardening of the arteries.

Prostate Problems Eliminated

Doctors often tell men, "if you live long enough you will eventually get an enlarged prostate." Symptoms of prostate trouble begin with frequent urination, especially at night; trouble starting or stopping a urine stream or dribbling; painful ejaculation; low back pain; chronic constipation; or a burning sensation upon urination. Urologists in Germany have been using plant sterols and sterolins for over two decades to treat enlarged prostate. In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 200 patients with BPH with an average age of 65 were given sterols and sterolins for six months. The treatment group experienced rapid reduction of the symptoms mentioned above, increased peak urinary flow and decreased inflammation. When researchers compared the effectiveness of sterols and sterolins to the drug Proscar, sterols and sterolins were better. Another German study involving 177 patients found that improvements in symptoms occurred within 30 days. The PSA (prostate specific antigen) test scores also returned to normal within six weeks. It was also found that sterols and sterolins halt the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is thought to be involved in stimulating new cell deposition in the prostate, causing swelling and decreased urine flow.

Stop Cervical Cancer

Over 65,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year in North America. Over 10,000 women will die from this silent killer. Fear of cervical cancer sends most women to their doctor for an annual PAP smear, which will hopefully detect pre-cancerous or cancerous cells. One cause of cervical cancer or pre-cancerous cervical lesions is the human papilloma virus (HPV) the same virus that causes warts on our skin. Recent research using sterols and sterolins has shown that CIN III cervical lesions can be reversed to normal within three menstrual cycles. Thirteen women with cervical lesions were divided into two groups. Seven were given plant sterols and sterolins and six were given a placebo (a fake pill). The results showed that in the treatment group three patients had no sign of CIN III cervical lesions-the lesions were gone. The other four women had no disease progression. No one in the placebo group had any improvement; in fact three showed signs of disease progression in the form of tissue infiltration, which required either hysterectomy or conization.

The Future of Phytosterols

Plant sterols and sterolins have also been shown to prevent the negative effects of chemotherapy. When cancer patients began taking plant sterols and sterolins six weeks before chemotherapy, they did not become nauseous, lose their hair, or get mouth sores or skin lesions. We know that phytosterols increase natural killer cell activity and the release of the cancer-fighting immune factor, gamma Interferon. Many studies are underway in the US to evaluate the tumor-fighting potential of phytosterols.

When does a health food product become a mainstream one? Does 4,000 medical studies constitute good scientific evidence of a nutrient's effectiveness? I believe plant sterols and sterolins will change the way we treat disease in the future. Instead of treating symptoms we will get directly to the source of the symptoms and repair the cause of the disease. 


Source: 1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v Why Antioxidants Aren't Enough

by Paul Wand, M.D.

Every second, a destructive process called "glycation" occurs throughout the body. Glycation can be described as the binding of a protein molecule to a glucose molecule resulting in the formation of damaged, non-functioning structures. Many age-related diseases such as arterial stiffening, cataract and neurological impairment are at least partially attributable to glycation. The glycation process is presently irreversible.

Gaining Control Over Our Biochemistry

A recent study explains how certain chemical reactions, such as glycation, are so dangerous to the body. This paper pointed out that organisms survive by successfully integrating the countless chemical reactions that sustain their metabolism. Aging results largely from the chronic insults caused by chemical side-reactions that cumulatively degrade the structure and function of the organism.[3]

The most important of these "side-reactions" are oxidation and glycation. Oxidation occurs when free radicals attack biological molecules, removing an electron-just as iron oxidizes when it rusts. The oxidation of fats, called lipid peroxidation, sets off a chain reaction that generates large numbers of free radicals. Glycation is a series of reactions that irreversibly cross-links sugars to proteins, as happens when a chicken browns in the oven.

The body's proteins are the most important targets of these reactions. From a biochemical point of view, the body is composed mostly of amino acid chains that we know as proteins. There is a telltale biochemical sign of serious protein damage called the carbonyl group, which becomes attached to proteins in oxidation or glycation reactions. The carbonyl group is actually carbon monoxide (CO), which blocks oxygen use and transport. "Carbonylated" proteins lose their elasticity and resist the body's attempts to break them down. Later in life, about one-third of the body's proteins become carbonylated in this way.

How does the body cope with these chronic assaults on proteins? Long-lived cells, such as neurons and muscle cells, contain high levels of a dipeptide called carnosine, made up of histidine and beta-alanine. Unlike ordinary antioxidants, carnosine blocks all the above-mentioned pathways of protein carbonylation.

It is now known that metals, especially copper, strongly promote these carbonylation pathways. Fortunately carnosine chelates (binds) excess copper and zinc so that they cannot promote carbonyl-forming reactions.

Protein Browning

Antioxidants protect proteins against oxidative damage caused by free radicals, but not against equally damaging sugars. When sugars (or sugar-containing reactive compounds such as aldehydes) cross-link proteins, the result is wrinkled skin, neurodegeneration, atherosclerosis and diabetic complications.

The glycation process that turns a chicken brown in the oven is exactly what happens to the proteins in our body as we age. When body proteins react with sugars they turn brown and fluorescent, lose elasticity, and cross-link to form insoluble masses that generate free radicals. The resulting AGEs (advanced glycation
endproducts) accumulate in our collagen and skin, cornea, brain and nervous system, arteries and vital organs as we age. Unfortunately, they are highly resistant to the normal processes of protein turnover and renewal that maintain the healthy tone of youthful body tissues and organs.

Glycation and oxidation reinforce each other in a vicious circle. Glycation has long been considered a "fixative" of free radical damage, while glycated proteins act as free radical generators. A leading glycation researcher, Professor John Baynes of the University of South Carolina, suggests that we think of glycated proteins as amplifiers and integrators of oxidative damage.[3] Copper is the accelerant, stimulating oxidation, lipid peroxidation and glycation. A study by Professor Baynes and associates soon to be published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry shows that copper chelation is instrumental to glycation fighters, including carnosine.[4]

Consequently, it is necessary to suppress all of these interrelated factors to protect the body's proteins. While antioxidants close the front door to oxidation, they leave open the back door to glycation, and the side door to metal toxicity. Antioxidants are simply not cut out to block the many biochemical pathways that damage proteins. Indeed, research conducted by Professor Baynes and associates shows that oxidation is not necessary for protein glycation and cross-linking, from which they conclude:

Without the need for oxidation chemistry for efficient browning of proteins by smaller sugars, therapeutic strategies that rely solely on antioxidant activity to inhibit the Maillard reaction [the "browning" process that follows glycation] may have limited efficacy.[5]

Nature doesn't rely solely upon antioxidants to protect vital proteins in the brain, eye and muscle. Rather, nature employs a multipurpose compound that scavenges free radicals, quenches reactive aldehydes and lipid peroxidation products, inhibits glycation and chelates toxic metals. A complete review of carnosine's properties is beyond the scope of this article, however we note that carnosine has been shown to protect DNA, crystallin (eye lens protein), amyloid beta, the cellular antioxidants SOD and catalase, serum albumin and anti-thrombin III (an anticoagulant blood protein) from glycation.

Alzheimer's Disease

Carnosine's ability to chelate copper and zinc is especially important in the brain. These metals are neurotoxic at far lower concentrations than previously thought, yet are essential to the transmission of impulses across brain synapses. Nature's solution to this problem is carnosine, without which normal brain activity would be neurotoxic. Carnosine has been shown to protect neurons from copper and zinc toxicity at concentrations similar to those found in the brain.[6]

The significance of these findings is underscored by the discovery that tiny amounts of zinc and especially copper stimulate the formation of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease, by causing amyloid-beta to aggregate.[7] Conversely copper-zinc chelators reverse this process, dissolving the plaques. Moreover, copper potentiates the neurotoxicity of amyloid-beta, turning it into a pro-oxidant.[8]

In the laboratory, the copper-zinc chelator clioquinol dissolves amyloid-beta deposits in postmortem brain tissue from Alzheimer's disease patients. A new study extends these results to mice genetically prone to overproduce amyloid-beta.[9] Clioquinol cut amyloid deposits in half over a nine week period with no adverse effects. The mice treated with clioquinol also exhibited significantly improved scores on a behavioral rating scale.

Curiously, clioquinol was sold as an oral antibiotic until it was withdrawn from the market in the early 1970s due to overdose-related neurological side effects now thought to be prevented by vitamin B12 supplementation. Clioquinol is now in FDA-mandated Phase II clinical trials, and will require several years of testing before it could reenter the pharmaceutical market as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

For the foreseeable future, the significance of clioquinol research lies in its validation of copper-zinc chelation as an effective therapeutic mechanism for Alzheimer's disease-a mechanism shared by an inexpensive natural agent that is currently available.

German scientists compared the ability of carnosine and anti-glycation drugs to block cross-linking of amyloid-beta, the process that generates senile plaques. One of the drugs, tenilsetam, has demonstrated clinical benefit in Alzheimer's disease; the other drug was aminoguanidine. They incubated amyloid-beta with fructose, a sugar abundant in the brain that cross-links proteins up to ten times faster than glucose. All of the anti-glycation agents tested, including carnosine, prevented amyloid-beta from cross-linking, keeping it nearly 100% soluble.[10]

This laboratory finding suggests that formation of senile plaques can be prevented by inhibiting glycation, and we have already seen that copper-zinc chelation dramatically cuts amyloid-beta deposits. The relatively high levels of carnosine in the brain are not surprising when one considers that carnosine combines these two mechanisms, anti-glycation and copper-zinc chelation, with additional neuroprotective and antioxidant functions.

Protecting Brain Chemistry

A new study shows that carnosine helps prevent the deterioration of brain chemistry as seen in Alzheimer's disease. The study compared the effects of carnosine and antioxidants on neurochemical functions in a rat strain that overproduces free radicals. The study measured three neurochemical parameters altered in Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.[11]

Carnosine Summary


Safe, naturally present in the body


Extends lifespan 20% in senescence-accelerated mice


Dramatically improved behavior and appearance of old mice


Preserved brain biochemical functions


Rejuvenates senescent human cells in culture


Increased cell life span


Restored youthful appearance and growth patterns to cells approaching senescence


Most effective natural glycation fighter


Protects proteins from cross-linking


Protects against formation of AGEs (advanced glycation endproducts)


Protects proteins from AGE toxicity


Multifunctional protein protector


Protects against formation of protein carbonyls, the hallmark of protein damage


Inhibits damaged proteins from damaging healthy proteins


Helps preserve normal protein turnover


Aids recycling of damaged proteins


Protects against metal toxicity


Chelates copper and zinc


Naturally protects against copper-zinc toxicity in the brain


Copper-zinc chelators dissolve Alzheimer's disease plaques


Versatile antioxidant and aldehyde scavenger


Quenches hydroxyl, superoxide and peroxyl radicals


Suppresses lipid peroxidation


Superior protection of chromosomes from oxygen damage


Protects brain proteins and chemistry


Protects brain cells from excitotoxicity


Inhibits cross-linking of amyloid-beta into Alzheimer's disease plaques


Sharply reduces lipid peroxidation in brains of senescence-accelerated mice


Safeguards brain chemistry in rats overproducing free radicals

When it comes to protecting the body's proteins, new research leaves yesterday's solutions behind. We look over the horizon at tomorrow's answers to a fundamental problem of biological life.

First results of this study showed that carnosine protected thiol groups in brain proteins from oxidation. Thiol groups are essential to the stability and function of proteins. Cells employ glutathione (itself a thiol) to protect thiol-containing proteins from oxidative damage. According to a new study, protein thiol groups decline in Alzheimer's disease despite activation of the glutathione system to counteract oxidative stress.[12]

Second, carnosine protected against excitotoxicity, a common pathway to Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders. Excitotoxicity is toxic overactivity of the neurotransmitter glutamate, the main transmitter of excitatory impulses in the brain. There is considerable evidence that excitotoxic complications determine the long-term effects of stroke, and are largely responsible for the toxic effects of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease.[13,14] The study found that carnosine prevented an increase in the density of glutamate binding sites (NMDA receptors), which would have increased excitotoxicity and led to memory derangement. This reinforces earlier findings that carnosine protects brain cells from the excitotoxic effects of glutamate analogs.[15]

Third, carnosine prevented degradation of the enzyme (Na/K-APTase) that drives the cell's sodium-potassium pump. Impairment of this enzyme, as occurs in Alzheimer's disease, interferes with the ability of brain cells to regulate calcium levels.[16] Calcium is a key signaling molecule in neurons, which use ion pumps to maintain a low intracellular calcium level.

The failure to properly regulate cellular calcium levels is thought to be a major cause of brain aging and Alzheimer's disease. The influx of calcium ions into brain cells-as happens when the sodium-potassium pump fails-makes them more vulnerable to excitotoxicity, and eventually leads to cell death.[17,18]

Carnosine thus preserved the integrity of brain proteins, neurotransmission and ion regulation under conditions of oxidative stress. The disruption of these neurochemical functions in Alzheimer's disease magnifies the toxicity of amyloid-beta, the material that makes up the senile plaques-the pathological hallmark of the disease. This study thus complements recent findings that carnosine protects brain biochemistry and extends life span in senescence-accelerated mice.[19]

Beyond Antioxidants

Protein carbonylation in its many forms is an underlying cause of neurodegenerative disease, and of aging processes along with their signs such as skin wrinkling. Traditional antioxidants suppress some of the many pathways involved, while having no effect upon the others.

It has been established beyond question that antioxidants perform a crucial biochemical function in preventing reactive oxygen damage. However expecting an antioxidant to protect proteins against every form of carbonylation is like attempting to build a house with only a screwdriver-an essential tool, but incapable of replacing the rest of the toolbox. Carnosine, nature's multipurpose tool for protein protection, was designed by evolution to control the many factors that cooperate in degrading the body's proteins.

The chemical side-reactions that erode biological structure and function in the course of aging result from toxic effects of the most basic elements in the body's chemistry-oxygen, sugars, lipids and essential metals. We cannot do without these biochemical elements, but nutritional science is now giving us the understanding to better control their side effects.

The key levers, such as CoQ10, carnosine and full-spectrum vitamin E, operate naturally in the body. With wise nutritional supplementation we can gain increased leverage over the battle between chemistry and biology as we age. If drugs such as ALT-711 are approved in time, many of us may be able to reverse the lifelong degenerative effects of glycation.

Dr. Wand is a Life Extension Medical Advisor and neurologist practicing in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. His office phone number is 954-749-5225. Dr. Wand can be faxed at 954-749-5224. His e-mail address is npmi@bellsouth.net.


  1. See "Investor Relations" at www.alteonpharma.com.

  2. Life Extension magazine, August 2001, pp. 38-43.

  3. Baynes JW. From life to death--the struggle between chemistry and biology during aging: the Maillard reaction as an amplifier of genomic damage. Biogerontology. 2000;1(3):235-46.

  4. Price DL, Rhett PM, Thorpe SR, et al. Chelating activity of advanced glycation end-product (AGE) inhibitors. J Biol Chem. In press [2001 Oct 24; epub ahead of print].

  5. Litchfield JE, Thorpe SR, Baynes JW. Oxygen is not required for the browning and crosslinking of protein by pentoses: relevance to Maillard reactions in vivo. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 1999;31(11):1297-305.

  6. Horning MS, Blakemore LJ, Trombley PQ. Endogenous mechanisms of neuroprotection: role of zinc, copper, and carnosine. Brain Res. 2000;852(1):56-61.

  7. Huang X, Cuajungco MP, Atwood CS, et al. Cu(II) potentiation of alzheimer abeta neurotoxicity. Correlation with cell-free hydrogen peroxide production and metal reduction. J Biol Chem. 1999;274(52):37111-6.

  8. Kontush A. Amyloid-beta: an antioxidant that becomes a pro-oxidant and critically contributes to Alzheimer's disease. Free Radic Biol Med. 2001;31(9):1120-31.

  9. Cherny RA, Atwood CS, Xilinas ME, et al. Treatment with a copper-zinc chelator markedly and rapidly inhibits beta-amyloid accumulation in Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice. Neuron. 2001;30(3):665-76.

  10. Munch G, Mayer S, Michaelis J, et al. Influence of advanced glycation end-products and AGE-inhibitors on nucleation-dependent polymerization of beta-amyloid peptide. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1997;1360(1):17-29.

  11. Salganik R, Dikalova A, Dikalov S, et al. Antioxidants selectively protecting neurochemical functions in rats overproducing reactive oxygen species. J Anti -Aging Med.. 2001;4(1):49-54.

  12. Aksenov MY, Markesbery WR. Changes in thiol content and expression of glutathione redox system genes in the hippocampus and cerebellum in Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci Lett. 2001;302(2-3):141-5.

  13. Harkany T, Abraham I, Timmerman W, et al. Beta-amyloid neurotoxicity is mediated by a glutamate-triggered excitotoxic cascade in rat nucleus basalis. Eur J Neurosci. 2000;12(8):2735-45.

  14. Doble A. The role of excitotoxicity in neurodegenerative disease: implications for therapy. Pharmacol Ther. 1999;81(3):163-221.

  15. Boldyrev A, Song R, Lawrence D, et al. Carnosine protects against excitotoxic cell death independently of effects on reactive oxygen species. Neuroscience. 1999;94(2):571-7.

  16. Hattori N, Kitagawa K, Higashida T, et al. CI-ATPase and Na+/K(+)-ATPase activities in Alzheimer's disease brains. Neurosci Lett. 1998 Oct 2;254(3):141-4.

  17. Pascale A, Etcheberrigaray R. Calcium alterations in Alzheimer's disease: pathophysiology, models and therapeutic opportunities. Pharmacol Res. 1999;39(2):81-8.

  18. Mattson MP, Cheng B, Davis D, et al. Beta-Amyloid peptides destabilize calcium homeostasis and render human cortical neurons vulnerable to excitotoxicity. J Neurosci. 1992;12(2):376-89.

  19. Yuneva MO, Bulygina ER, Gallant SC, et al. Effect of carnosine on age-induced changes in senescence-accelerated mice. J. Anti-Aging Med. 1999;2(4):337-42.


Source: Life Extension Magazine
Reprinted with permission.

v Free Radicals Be ware: There's Garlic Present


Certain foods are especially valuable in boosting the immune system and preventing disease, especially cancer. Garlic is one food that has potent healing properties. Over 2,500 scientific papers have been published extolling the virtues of this traditional food (or herb, as it is also called). Garlic has endured 5,000 years of use as a treatment for everything from the common cold to reptile bites.          

Current research focuses on garlic's antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antibacterial properties. It is used in the treatment of asthma, heart disease, colds and flu, ear infections and diabetes. Clinical Pearls reported on twenty studies that evaluated the protective effects of onions and garlic. Eight of those studies looked at the cancer-protective effects of garlic. Nineteen of the twenty found that onions and garlic have a protective effect against gastrointestinal tract cancers. The researchers believe that the antibacterial and antimutagenic effects of these two foods are the reasons for their anticancer effect.

Garlic contains over two hundred compounds, including sulphur and trace minerals. Much of the information available to consumers on the benefits of garlic focuses on allicin. But like most foods, garlic's powerful effect is most likely due to many factors, not just one. Although garlic is most often looked at for its heart-protective effects, I will focus on garlic's ability to boost immune function. The sulphur compounds found in garlic are the basis for its immune-enhancing capabilities. Sulphur is also an effective free radical scavenger with superb antioxidant properties.

Sulphur enhances the function of our natural killer cells, thereby boosting the immune system's ability to fight cancerous cells, and cells infected by bacteria and viruses. Garlic is well known for its protective effects against stomach cancer. Garlic also contains selenium, one of the top ten immune-boosting nutrients. What is most interesting is garlic's ability to help the body detoxify heavy metals, especially mercury. Heavy metal toxicity is a serious burden to the immune system.

In cases where an individual has become resistant to antibiotic therapy, garlic, with its powerful antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activity, is a proven alternative. I recommend you add fresh garlic to your diet, but if you are one of those people who just can't tolerate it, garlic capsules are available for everyday use. Eat plenty of onions as well, as they contain quercetin, a powerful flavonoid.

Green Tea, Your Coffee Substitute

Although we commonly think of caffeine as something found in coffee, it is also found in chocolate bars, hot chocolate, soft drinks, tea, iced tea, and many over-the-counter medications. A can of cola soda pop contains approximately 30-40 milligrams of caffeine. I was surprised to learn that even decaffeinated coffee contains caffeine! Caffeine consumption can lead to high blood pressure, heart irregularities, sleep disturbances and fibroid breast cysts. Caffeine also causes magnesium to be excreted by the body. Considering that most North Americans are magnesium deficient, this is a serious side effect of caffeine consumption.

You may benefit by switching from coffee or other caffeinated beverages to herbal teas. Green tea, with its powerful immune-enhancing antioxidants, catechins and bioflavonoids, is an excellent choice for a hot beverage. Research is showing that several cups of green tea per day have antiviral, anticancer, and antibacterial effects. Look for organic green tea or choose a nutritional supplement made with green tea extract.

Source: 1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v Eating Too Much Depresses Immunity

We know that overeating suppresses our immune system. Tests performed by the National Institute on Aging revealed that when animals were fed 50 percent less calories per day, their immune response was enhanced, thymus size was maintained and T cell function improved. Although this study looked at high calorie consumption it did not distinguish between the types of calories consumed. Heavy meat-based or sugar-laden foods would definitely have a negative impact on immune function, whereas calories in the form of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds would improve immunity. But it is a known fact that even an additional 20 pounds can lower your immunity. So weight management is an important aspect of maintaining a peak operating immune system.

Warning: Hydrogenation is dangerous to your health. Hydrogenated foods such as margarine, shortening and all partially hydrogenated oils:

cause heart disease;


increase LDL, the bad cholesterol, and lower HDL; the good cholesterol;


increase inflammatory responses;


cause toxicity in the liver;


raise cholesterol levels;


promote aging and free radical damage;


inhibit immune function.

Are you digesting what you eat?

Good digestion is paramount. If you are not digesting and absorbing what you eat, then you are missing out on the benefits of your food. One cause of poor digestion is low hydrochloric acid (HCL)–commonly known as stomach acid. Your doctor can test you for a deficiency in HCL, which is required for optimal digestion. If you are low in HCL, symptoms such as gas and bloating will be present after eating. It used to be thought that low stomach acid was only a problem in the elderly but it is now apparent that children may also be affected.

Another cause of poor digestion is refined foods. Not only do diets high in refined foods decrease the body's need for (and production of) hydrochloric acid, but refined foods do not contain their own enzymes, which aid digestion. Start adding whole, unrefined foods to your diet, and take a good digestive enzyme to give your body a running start at digestion.


v Linus Pauling and Vitamin C Vindicated

Lorna with the late Linus Pauling

 February 6, 2001 is a day to remember as the late Linus Pauling, Ph.D., a crusader of peace, science and vitamin C is finally vindicated. Front page headlines in my morning newspaper read "Vitamin C may indeed fight cancer-journal says". Over 20 years ago Pauling's claims that vitamin C could fight cancer were largely ignored, even called quackery. Now scientists are admitting that earlier studies that tried to reproduce Pauling's work on the effectiveness of vitamin C for the treatment of cancer were flawed. In an article published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal editors urged researchers to "open their minds and `rigorously explore' the anti-cancer potential of vitamin C and giving cancer patients high-dose intravenous vitamin C. As science advances, so does the potential for a miracle."

Alternative health experts have never doubted Linus Pauling's work. How could we? Pauling was brilliant, winning two Nobel prizes, one for chemistry in 1954 and one for peace in 1962. His peace campaign caused the McCarthy government to label him a communist and have his activities monitored. As a result, his passport was revoked, preventing him from leaving the country to use a specific microscope abroad, or he would also have beat James Watson and Francis Crick in the race to unravel the secret code of DNA.

Pauling became interested in vitamin C due to the work done in the fifties with schizophrenics by Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Irwin Stone in Canada. He had also used vitamin C to speed his own recovery from an inflammation in his kidneys. He was so convinced of vitamin C's importance that he founded the Linus Pauling Research Institute in California and published research studies and books on this vital nutrient.

Vitamin C plays a key role in protecting our body cells from free radical attack, cancer, and viruses. It enhances enzyme systems, improves bone, collagen, teeth, gums and blood vessels, and halts allergic reactions. Within the scientific community Pauling was scorned by his colleagues, who feared his new age approach to treatment, while alternative health proponents adored him.

While working at the Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation and The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine in Vancouver, Canada, I had the great pleasure of getting to know Dr. Linus Pauling. Spending time with him was the highlight of my career. He shared his many stories of a life filled with tremendous love for his family and wonderful wife Ava, who had died before him and whom he missed very much, and of his unwavering admiration for the field of science. Pauling was the kindest, most generous person I have ever known - a gentle giant. He was brilliant, yet humble, and spoke of his wife, a powerful crusader against nuclear weapons testing. In a time when women were not given much recognition, Ava would organize speaking engagements about their shared passion of world peace, and he would act as the figurehead. He told me that she was the true winner of the Nobel Peace prize.

Pauling said that some day scientists would realize that they had dismissed the most important nutrient in the fight against cancer and degenerative disease. He would have been thrilled to see these journal articles, apologizing and recognizing vitamin C as an important nutrient. I only wish it could have happened in his lifetime.

Warning –Killer Sugar

We eat, on average, 125 pounds of sugar per year, in the form of baked goods, soda pop, bread spreads, alcohol, beer, ketchup, salad dressings, sweeteners and much more. Sugar is at the root of so many problems that it should probably be sold with a warning that says "sugar can increase your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, varicose veins, kidney disorders, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, migraine headaches and high blood pressure" - to name only a few. The functioning of our immune system is also severely hampered by sugar consumption.

The negative effects of sugar consumption have been well documented in medical journals around the world. Sugar is the culprit in increasing our risk of certain cancers, especially breast and colon cancer. It causes heart disease, raises triglycerides and blood pressure, lowers your body's production of antibodies, causes macrophages to be inactive, increases infection rate in diabetics and causes deficiencies in B vitamins, chromium, copper and molybdenum. Most importantly, sugar reduces immunity. One research study evaluated the ability of immune cells to engulf bacteria. The study looked at five groups of subjects. Group one was the control group, the second group consumed 6 teaspoons of sugar and the third, fourth and fifth groups consumed 12, 18 and 24 teaspoons of sugar respectively. Blood samples were extracted over a five-hour period and mixed with bacteria. Immune cells in the control group destroyed approximately 14 bacteria. With each consecutive group the number of bacteria eliminated fell, until in the group with 24 teaspoons of sugar there was only one! The immune suppression continued well after consumption of the sugar. So eliminate it as much as possible.

Your immune cells, when under the influence of sugar, are unable to march around the body fighting invaders. A form of paralysis takes place and these cells are rendered ineffective. Sugar also increases the growth of Candida albicans, a yeast organism responsible for poor nutrient absorption, chronic fatigue, depression, weight gain and digestive upsets. One teaspoon of white sugar can devastate your immune system for up to six hours, leaving you vulnerable to attack from viruses, bacteria, cancer cells and parasites.

Naturally occurring sugars are not as devastating when consumed in whole food form. For example, sugar in the form of a whole apple is better than the juice of an apple without the fibre. Similarly, a whole carrot is much better than only the juice of the carrot. The sugars in concentrated juices, maple syrup, rice syrup, barley malt, honey and beets are only slightly better than table sugar in reducing a negative immune response and increasing cholesterol and triglycerides. Concentrated fruit juices are also high in sugar, so beware that your children are not drinking too much of them. Whole foods with their natural sugars are the best choice. Never choose aspartame or other artificial sweeteners; they are extremely toxic. Aspartame rapidly turns into dangerous formaldehyde in the body. If you have to choose between sugar-sweetened foods and aspartame, choose sugar. Even with all of sugar's foibles it is nowhere near as toxic as aspartame.

If you have serious sugar cravings talk to your naturopathic doctor about treating you for Candida albicans yeast overgrowth. You may also want to supplement your diet with chromium picolinate (100-200mcg per day) as it helps to reduce cravings for sugar. If your children are ill and must take antibiotics ask the pharmacist to prepare the liquid carrier without sugar or aspartame. If sugar reduces your immune system's effectiveness, then it definitely should not be added to an antibiotic.

Everyone needs a little something sweet once in a while, but try choosing apple crisp over pecan pie, or make sugarless sauces from pureed fruits. Start looking at how much sugar you consume in a day. You may just be surprised.

v Protein Power Protection

Cancer, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Energy and Fat Burning

The importance of protein for optimal health cannot be overstated. Our body requires 20 amino acids to facilitate the production of protein for the repair of our cells and tissues of the body. Billions of cells need the building blocks of protein to rebuild and regenerate the body's tissues. Protein is also required for the manufacture of CP-450, a protective enzyme that acts as a free radical scavenger and decreases the risk of breast cancer. Of the 20 amino acids, 12 are synthesized by the liver and the remaining eight must be obtained from our food and these are called essential. The richest sources of amino acids include legumes, fresh fish, and free-range poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, fermented soy, whey protein and fermented dairy products. Many diseases are related to inadequate protein consumption in the diet especially:



a weak immune system


fragile, soft nails


thinning hair


wrinkled skin


lack of muscle tone, sagging chin


breast cancer


hormonal dysfunction


heart problems


poor wound healing


increased aging




poor digestion


depression due to a lack of serotonin

Some people have greater protein requirements than others. If you are very active, exercise strenuously, or do heavy labor, or you are pregnant you will need more protein than if you are a couch potato. The average person should make protein 15-20 percent of their diet. When choosing your protein sources, opt for free-range poultry and eggs and wild fish over farm-grown to avoid contamination from antibiotics and growth hormones. Purchase nuts in the shell and buy organic legumes. If you need to keep your glucose levels stable, split up your protein requirements into three or four small portions and eat them spaced throughout the day. Women rarely get enough protein in their diet due to their food choices and calorie restrictive diets. To fulfill the need for a quick, easy and delicious protein source I formulated a protein drink especially for women called Sisu Women's Whey containing whey and soy fermented powder.

Protein protects our heart

We have all heard that often the first sign of a heart attack is death. Heart disease is the number one killer of North Americans and protein may be a powerful treatment in the battle against heart disease. Protein is essential to a healthy heart as it keeps our insulin levels stable. The American Diabetes Association has always recommended that we eat more protein (30% of the diet should be protein) and fewer carbohydrates to keep our insulin normalized. What does insulin have to do with heart disease? High insulin causes certain enzymes to convert lipids in our bloodstream into heart and artery damaging substances. This is why diabetics are prone to cardiovascular disease. Small protein meals throughout the day have been recommended for diabetics and those with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) as an effective measure in the treatment and prevention of heart disease and to maintain healthy insulin levels. 

Lower cholesterol and triglycerides

Results from more than 50 studies have provided scientific evidence of the cholesterol-lowering benefits of soy protein in the diet. Twenty-five to 50 grams of isolated soy protein is effective in lowering total cholesterol and LDL the `bad' cholesterol while maintaining HDL the `good' cholesterol. So effective is soy protein at lowering cholesterol and triglycerides and preventing narrowing of the arteries that the U.S. Food and Drug Association has allowed a health claim that states, "soy may protect against the development of coronary heart disease." Coronary heart disease, which causes over 500,000 deaths per year from heart attack, is characterized by obstruction in the arteries and vessels.

A study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology found that soy protein was significantly superior to placebo in reducing the number of hot flashes that menopausal women suffer. This double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of 104 postmenopausal women found that adding soy to the diet substantially reduced the frequency of hot flashes. Fifty-three women 48-61 years of age were given 60 grams of soy protein powder per day and 53 women 45-62 years of age took a placebo for twelve weeks. Women taking soy had a 26 percent reduction in the number of hot flashes by the third week and a 33 percent reduction by week four. By the end of the 12 weeks women taking the soy had a 45 percent reduction in hot flashes.


  1. Albertazzi P. et al., The Effect of Dietary Soy Supplementation on Hot Flashes. Obstetrics and Gynecology 91(1):6-11, Jan 1998.

Soy and Whey Protein May Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Research at the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center, funded by the US Department of Agriculture and published in the January issue of Cancer: Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, an official Journal of the American Cancer Association for Cancer Research have found that whey and soy protein may help prevent breast cancer. Laboratory studies compared the cancer protective effects of soy and whey protein on chemically induced tumors in the milk producing glands of rats. Results showed that those fed soy or whey protein had fewer and smaller tumors than the control group. Fifty percent fewer rats developed mammary tumors when fed a diet of whey protein as compared to those eating a standard diet. Soy protein prevented approximately 25 percent of mammary tumors. Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture says, "This significant new research, although prelim inary, suggests that adding whey or soy protein to the diet may help protect women and children from developing breast cancer. These findings underscore the importance of research as the critical link between nutrition and health."


Source:    1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v Common Cold

Modern medicine can probe the depths of the human brain and successfully transplant limbs, but for the most part, conventional physicians have been hard-pressed to cure the common cold or find a vaccine to prevent it. Why is this the case? The common cold is caused by over 300 serologically distinct viruses belonging to many groups such as rhinoviruses and adenoviruses. Since there are so many different types, it is impossible to develop a single vaccine effective against them all. The influenza vaccine represents a guess on the part of the Centers for Disease Control as to which strain or strains of flu virus will probably be present for the coming season. Usually three are chosen. If the CDC picks the wrong ones, the vaccine will not be effective. One can see the problem for dealing with over 300 potential viruses responsible for the common cold. Additionally, unlike bacteria, which to date still have many antibiotics that are effective against them, the very nature of the biology of viruses has made antiviral agents difficult to produce.

The common cold is spread by airborne droplets from an infected person breathing, coughing, or sneezing. Viruses will generally not stay alive on inanimate objects long enough to be a problem, as on a phone for instance. The droplets must be inhaled. However, when considering any infection, one must keep in mind a number of things. Infection is by no means automatic. Just because a person is exposed to an infection does not mean that an infection will ensue. Infection is dependent on three important aspects: virulence of the organism, inoculation size of the organism, and host resistance.

Virulence refers to the inherent ability of a particular organism to cause infection. Some strains may have a low infectivity rate while others have a higher one. Inoculation size refers to the number of biological agents the host (the person exposed) is exposed to. Host resistance refers to the immunological state of the person exposed. What this means is that if two people are standing side by side when an infected person sneezes directly into their faces and we assume that they both receive the same number of organisms into their airways, it is possible that one or both of them may not get sick. How can this be? One or both of the two people may have a weakened immune system as a result of stress or recent illness, making them more susceptible.

Sadly, most of us are all too familiar with the most common symptoms of the common cold: headache, nasal congestion, watery rhinorrhea (runny nose), sneezing, and a scratchy throat accompanied by general malaise (body aches).

One of the things that physicians find most frustrating in treating patients is the continual demand by patients for antibiotics to treat the common cold. Simply put, viruses do not respond to antibiotics. Taking antibiotics inappropriately only contributes to antibiotic resistance and placing patients at risk for serious disease. The majority of the infections adults have throughout the healthy time of their lives are viral in origin. Having a common cold with congested sinuses is not sinusitis. Patients may even have greenish nasal discharge with sinus congestion due to a common cold. Sinusitis is a bacterial infection of the sinuses that is very painful and is associated with fever, moderate sinus pressure, and nausea. Only with bacterial sinusitis is an antibiotic necessary.

The same can also be said for a cold associated with a bad cough producing sputum. Usually, this represents a viral infection for which antibiotics are of no use. The only caveat from a clinical perspective is that many physicians will give antibiotics prophylactically to smokers and patients whose immune function may be impaired by other illnesses such as diabetes or asthma.


Stress is a factor that can increase susceptibility to the common cold. This was shown in a recent study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and reported in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine. Researchers measured the severity of respiratory symptoms, mucus production, and interleukin-6 in test subjects injected with influenza A virus. Volunteers who reported greater psychological stress before inoculation, reacted to infection with more intense symptoms, increased mucus production, and higher concentrations of interleukin-6. The same researchers further believe that interleukin-6, a protein produced in the body, may be a biological link between psychological stress and the severity of upper respiratory infections such as cold and flu.

Rest and relaxation while recovering enables the individual to strengthen immune function and enhance detoxification. Avoiding contact with others will help to prevent spreading the infection. While there is no cure for the common cold, there are certain steps that can be taken to relieve symptoms and discomfort.

Eating properly may help to shorten duration or make the symptoms less severe.


Drink a minimum of eight to ten glasses of fluids a day to avoid dehydration, keep mucous membranes moist, and loosen phlegm.


Abstain from alcohol as it reduces the body's ability to fight infection.


Avoid smoking and smoky places.


To relieve aches and fever, take an aspirin substitute.


Use saline-based over-the-counter nose drops to relieve a stuffy nose.


To keep nasal passages moist, use a cool-mist humidifier.


Certain dietary supplements as described below have been shown to lessen the discomfort and duration of a cold.

Patients often wonder if they should go to work while they are sick. The answer is simple-do what your body tells you to do. If you are sick, tired, and feel that you would be more comfortable at home under the covers resting, that is exactly what you should do. You do not need a doctor to tell you that. Your body communicates exactly what it needs. It is when you resist what your body is telling you and push yourself to work when you should rest that you get into trouble. You can't "catch" a cold from being out in the cold. However, if your body is already under stress, being out in the cold may be the additional stress that lowers your immune threshold to the point that you become ill.

Many over-the-counter cold medications provide far more ingredients than are needed to ease symptoms of the common cold. Physicians generally recommend one-ingredient generic brands over expensive mega formulas that attempt to treat several symptoms at once. A simple cough suppressant or oral decongestant should provide satisfactory relief. If a cold formula is necessary, read packaging information carefully for drug interactions to avoid.

A unique therapy to treat the common cold involves the one-time injection of 500,000 to 3 million IU of interferon (alpha-interferon-2a), combined with 40 mg of melatonin every night. Studies document the ability of interferon to kill many common-cold viruses. Interferon is a component of the immune system that kills viruses (and cancer cells). Since it is a prescription drug, a doctor must prescribe and inject the one-time dose of interferon. Getting the average family physician to prescribe alpha-interferon for a cold may be difficult. Most physicians are not familiar with it. It is generally used to treat leukemia and hepatitis C among other diseases. Long-term use carries with it certain side effects. However, using alpha-interferon for a few days is generally safe. Those interested in this type of therapy should find a physician who practices complementary medicine.

Ribavirin is a broad-spectrum antiviral-approved drug for hepatitis C in the United States. There is evidence that some cold virus strains can be stopped from replicating with ribavirin at a dose of 800 mg a day. It is difficult to purchase because of severe FDA restrictions on its use, even though it is a safe drug to use in the short term.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C in doses of 5,000 to 20,000 mg has been used by many people as a natural antihistamine and antiviral therapy to treat common colds. In 1971, Linus Pauling carried out a meta-analysis of four placebo-controlled trials, concluding that it was highly unlikely that the decrease of common cold symptoms in vitamin C groups was caused by chance alone. Studies carried out since then have found that high doses of vitamin C alleviate common cold symptoms, indicating that the vitamin does indeed have physiologic effects on colds. However, despite the large number of placebo-controlled studies showing that vitamin C supplementation alleviates the symptoms of the common cold, widespread skepticism about vitamin C persists. A cup of hot tea taken one hour before consuming vitamin C and an immune-boosting formula containing thymus may help at the very first sign of a cold.

In a review of six large studies on vitamin C supplementation of 1000 mg a day or less, it was shown that common-cold incidence is not reduced in the low-dose vitamin C-supplemented groups. A further analysis of these studies, however, reveals that some groups do benefit from low-dose vitamin C supplementation. In four studies with British male schoolchildren, a statistically significant reduction in common-cold incidence was found in groups supplemented with low-dose vitamin C. One study showed that those who engaged in heavy exercise were 50% less likely to get a common cold if they took only 600 to 1000 mg a day of vitamin C.

As vitamin C has an individually based maximum dose prior to the development of diarrhea, some complementary physicians give patients with bad colds 50 grams of intravenous vitamin C every other day for 3 treatments. While there may be few studies to date proving efficacy for this treatment, anecdotal clinical experience suggests that it is indeed helpful.

In addition to vitamin C, oxidative therapy with intravenous hydrogen peroxide 0.03%, popularized by Dr. Charles Farr, may be helpful. Ultraviolet blood irradiation may also be helpful as well.


Vitamin C: how much is too much?


How much vitamin C is too much, you may ask? Robert Cathcart, MD, states that each individual has their own limit, which is determined by stress, nutritional status, and current state of health. To determine your personal vitamin C (ascorbate) requirements, start with a gram of vitamin C and increase your dose by gram increments until your bowels become loose. At this point, cut back until your bowel movements return to normal. This is your personal ascorbate requirement. Depending on your current health and lifestyle choices this level may fluctuate from day to day or week to week. The US recommended daily amount (RDA) is 60mg per day. Most individuals require much more.

Vitamin C Facts

The National Institutes of Health state that only 9% of North Americans are in an optimal vitamin C state.


For every cigarette smoked, 25mg of vitamin C is eliminated from the body.


1000mg of vitamin C per day increases sperm motility and fertility.


In 22 well controlled vitamin C safety studies, no side effects were reported.

Zinc Gluconate

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial has shown that zinc gluconate lozenges produce a significant reduction in the duration of cold symptoms. In this study, patients received zinc lozenges or placebo lozenges every 2 hours for the duration of cold symptoms. The median time to complete resolution of cold symptoms was 4.4 days in the zinc group, compared with 7.6 days in the placebo group.

Another study to test the benefits of zinc gluconate lozenges showed that the time to complete resolution of symptoms was significantly shorter in the zinc group than in the placebo group. The zinc group had significantly fewer days with coughing, headache, hoarseness, nasal congestion, nasal drainage, and sore throat. By dissolving 2 zinc lozenges in the mouth every few hours, the zinc will help inactivate cold viruses multiplying in the throat.


In the past 50 years echinacea has achieved worldwide fame for its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Four to six standardized capsules should be taken at onset and then two capsules every 4 hours thereafter, until symptoms are gone for more than 2 days. Standardized liquid herbal extract is effective at a dose of 6 full droppers followed by 2 full droppers every 2 waking hours until the 2-ounce bottle is empty.


This herb brings support to all deep immune functions and activates cellular immunity. Astragalus herbal extract at 300 mg a day can boost immune function and produce direct antiviral effects.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

The amino acid N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) helps to break up excessive mucus and can have a direct antiviral effect. If you get a cold, it is suggested that 600 mg of N-acetyl cysteine be taken with at least 2000 mg of vitamin C 3 times a day.


Sambucol, a standardized elderberry extract, is used as an herbal remedy for colds and flu. Sambucol should be taken in doses of 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.


Some physicians have limited clinical experience with a Chinese proprietary drug called Ganmaoling, which is a mixture of the Chinese herbs honeysuckle flower, flower of Indian Dend-ranthema, leaf of Negundo chostetree, leaf and twig of thin evodia, root of rough-haired holly, menthol, and root of indigowood. The recommendation is to take 4 tablets 3 times daily. For "severe" cases, 8 tablets 3 times daily for 3 to 7 days should be taken.

Can infection be prevented?

As mentioned earlier, the best way to avoid becoming sick is to maintain baseline health. Remember, the one factor that you can control is host (this means you!) immunity. Ganmaoling may help prevent a cold. The recommendation is to take 2 tablets twice daily for 3 days when exposed to someone who has a cold. The immediate use of zinc gluconate lozenges as soon as cold symptoms appear can stop some cold viruses dead in their tracks. Zinc lozenges are cheap and can be kept in the medicine cabinet for easy access.

Signs of a More Serious Infection

Most common colds do not require a visit to the doctor or a prescription medication. However, certain symptoms may indicate that a more serious infection is present. Consult a physician if you experience one or more of the following:

A sustained fever of 100 degrees or higher for more than 4 days


Chills and rigors (shakes)


Facial swelling and/or pain in the ears


A severe sore throat with a white or yellow coating


A severe cough with thick discolored mucus; a cough that lasts more than 10 days


Headache with pain in the face, sensitivity in the upper jaw, yellow or green mucus being expelled from the nose or throat


  1. The best offense is a good defense. Maintain good health, take basic supplementation, and avoid stress.

  2. Zinc gluconate lozenges every 2 hours.

  3. If a cold has you down-rest, drink fluids, and stay home if that is what your body tells you to do.

  4. Vitamin C, as much as can be tolerated every 2 hours daily without causing diarrhea.

  5. Echinacea, standardized capsules, 2 to 4 capsules at onset and 1 to 2 capsules every 4 hours; an echinacea tea can be made 4 times a day until symptoms are gone. Echinacea is not for chronic use.

  6. Astragalus, 300 mg a day of the standard extract. Some people who are under stress take this indefinitely. Long-term use has not been subjected to study. A tea can be made once a day.

  7. If exposed to a cold, consider Ganmaoling, 2 tablets twice a day. If you have a cold, consider Ganmaoling, 4 to 8 tablets, 3 times a day for 5 to 7 days.

  8. Consider taking N-acetyl-cysteine, 600 mg with 2000 mg vitamin C, 3 times a day.

  9. Consider Sambucol, 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

  10. For refractory cold, consider one-half million to 3 million IU of alpha-interferon for 3 days. Those interested in this type of therapy should find a physician who practices complementary medicine.

  11. For refractory cold, consider 800 mg of ribavirin a day.

  12. For refractory cold or "I don't have the time for this," consider i.v. vitamin C, 50 grams 3 times a week for 1 week. Those interested in this type of therapy should find a physician who practices complementary medicine.

  13. For refractory cold or "I don't have the time for this," consider oxidative therapy. Those interested in this type of therapy should find a physician who practices complementary medicine.

  14. For refractory cold or "I don't have the time for this," consider ultraviolet blood irradiation. Those interested in this type of therapy should find a physician who practices complementary medicine.


Source: Life Extension Magazine

Reprinted with permission.

v Seniors: Is Your Flu Vaccine Protecting You?

Contrary to what you might think, most seniors are not protected by their annual flu vaccine. Vaccines work by stimulating B cells to produce antibodies to the foreign substance-in this case the flu virus. In order for our immune system to do its work it must operate efficiency. We know the elderly and people with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV and hep C, do not produce enough antibodies. As a result, those who need the vaccine most are unprotected. This is also seen with health care professionals. Many nurses are unable to work due to the fact that they do not produce enough antibodies to make the mandatory vaccines effective.

How can we ensure the immune system is operating at peak antibody production? Plant sterols and sterolins enhance immune function by encouraging B cells to produce antibodies. If you are planning on having the flu vaccine this fall, take sterols and sterolins for 4 to 6 weeks before hand. Nurses report that with this simple step they then produce enough antibodies for disease protection. As an added benefit, enhancement of the good immune factors-gamma interferon (our cancer-fighter) and Interleukin-2- occurs, ensuring the immune system can fight off disease.

v Prostate Problems

Early warning signs

increased visits to the bathroom along with a frequent sensation of needing to urinate, especially at night


reduced force and calibre of urination


a burning sensation during urination


chronic constipation


trouble starting or stopping a urine stream


painful ejaculation



More serious symptoms*

constant pain or stiffness in the pelvis, hips, upper thigh or lower back


loss of weight, exhaustion, nausea or vomiting


blood in urine or semen

*If you have any of these symptoms, seek medical diagnosis and treatment immediately.

v Allergies

by Daniel N. Tucker, M.D.

Allergies are abnormal immune reactions to specific agents known as antigens or allergens. Examples of common allergens are foods, drugs, pollens, dust mites, mold spore, animal danders, feathers, and insect venoms, as well as other substances which nonallergic people find relatively nondangerous with usual exposure.

Allergies may also develop when an otherwise innocent substance has significant contact with an already inflamed surface (sensitization), such as from a viral infection or exposure to irritants, and becomes involved in the immune response. Thereafter, repeat exposure to such a substance may evoke an allergic response with the release of a histamine and a variety of pro-inflammatory substances, including enzymes, leukotrienes, and interleukins, and the creation of damaging free radicals. The multiplicity of these proinflammatory substances explains why single medications such as antihistamines often fail to completely control symptoms.

Types of Reactions

Allergic reactions may involve any part of the body, but they typically involve the body surfaces, which serve as exposure points and gateways. Reactions include hay fever, allergic rhinitis, allergic sinusitis, allergic conjunctivitis, itchy throats, itchy ears, plugged up ears, asthma, hives, giant hives (angioedema), allergic gastrointestinal symptoms, and various types of allergic dermatitis and rashes. Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, joint and muscle pains, and many other symptoms can also be allergic in nature.

The most severe, life-threatening reaction is anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock. This may include any or all of the above symptoms to an extreme degree plus vascular collapse or swelling sufficient to occlude airways, including the mouth and throat. Such a severe reaction is an absolute medical emergency and requires prompt emergency care. Anyone who has ever experienced such a reaction should go to all extremes to prevent a recurrence and should carry medications for prompt self-administration. Should there be a recurrence, the person should go straight to the nearest medical facility, even if the self-administered medication seems to give temporary relief. Anyone who has had a significant reaction to a medication should know the name of the medication and, along with the names of close relatives, carry this information at all times. A medallion or bracelet is easy identification for medical personnel to find.

Immunological reactions are divided into four types or categories:

Type I reactions include anaphylactic shock, as noted above, as well as allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, and many acute skin reactions such as acute drug reactions. In this type of reaction, an antigen (allergen) binds to IgE antibodies on the surface of mast cells or basophils as well as the tissues that release histamine and the other mediators that produce tissue damage and symptoms.

Type II reactions include autoimmune processes such as immune hemolytic anemia and RH hemolytic disease of a newborn as well as other multiple examples of antibody (IgG and/or IgM) directed against antigens (including normal receptor sites) on our own tissue. Autoimmune antibodies are far more common than generally appreciated and tend to increase with age. Their activity is generally a factor in many age-related problems. Many bacteria, including some normally found in our gastrointestinal tract, share antigens similar to those located on some human cells. Significant exposure to an immune response such as these bacterial antigens can evoke autoimmune diseases. An example of this is the role of the intestinal organism klebsiella in precipitating ankylosing spondylitis in genetically susceptible people. This becomes a significant concern in leaky gut syndrome.

Type III reactions are immune complex reactions. When an antigen and an antibody combine in large enough amounts, complexes may be formed which can be deposited in tissues and blood vessels, resulting in tissue injury. This may be seen in some types of nephritis, arthritis, drug reactions, and some infections, as well as in leaky gut syndrome.

Type IV reactions are termed delayed hypersensitivity and, unlike the first three types, are not related to humoral antibodies (water soluble proteins generated by the body, termed immunoglobulins) by the T-lymphocytes (CD4) which, as the name implies, require longer to respond in a sensitized person. Examples include contact dermatitis (poison ivy type), graft rejection, elimination of tumor cells, and the immune response to fungal, viral, and intercellular bacterial infections. The well-known TB skin test is an example of Type IV delayed hypersensitivity reaction; i.e., other responses in a previously sensitized individual can take from minutes to hours for manifestation, but Type IV reactions can be thought of as taking from hours to days.

Avoidance of Allergens

The best therapy for an allergic problem is to, wherever possible, avoid the offending substance or substances. The environment of an allergic person should be kept as free of known allergens or potential allergens as possible. Allergy-proof and mite-proof covers should be used on all pillows, mattresses, and box springs in the sleeping area, and all bedding should be washed in very hot (135°F) water, weekly. Mold exposure is to be avoided by eliminating moisture-laden growth areas, and any new growth must be eliminated promptly. Pets should be kept out of the sleeping area. Cats and dogs should be bathed frequently to reduce the amount of surface allergens on their bodies. Air conditioning is helpful for pollen allergies, but filters must be changed regularly. Food allergies are commonly recognized by the allergic individual's tracking exposure to an offending food or may be identified through the use of elimination diets with cautious reintroduction of suspected foods.

Therapeutic Options

Adequate supplements of essential fatty acids with both omega-6 and omega-3 types should be taken since these have an anti-inflammatory effect when taken together. One pro-inflammatory effect of some omega-6 fatty acids is the over-production of arachidonic acid. This pro-inflammatory effect is blocked by the omega-3 fatty acids, so both must be used together.

The most potent anti-inflammatory, omega-6 fatty acid, is GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), which can be obtained from primrose, black currant seed, or borage oils. A suggested dose would be about 1500 mg daily of GLA from these oils. Borage oil provides the highest concentration, thereby requiring fewer capsules to be swallowed. This should be balanced with approximately twice as much of the omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaeonoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in the oil from fatty fish (Mega EPA), flaxseed oil, or perilla oil, at about 3000 mg daily. A good balanced product with the correct ratio is Udo's Choice Perfected Oil, two capsules three times daily. Oil supplements should be taken at the beginning of a meal to reduce heartburn and aftertaste.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an oil-based supplement with tocotrienols, should be taken in the dose of one to three 30-mg capsules a day. CoQ10 penetrates the mitochondrial membrane and is one of the few antioxidants which can do so. Tocotrienols are relatives of tocopherols, or vitamin E, and are particularly effective free-radical fighters at the cell membrane level.

An intake of magnesium supplements from 500 to 1000 mg daily is particularly helpful in many conditions such as asthma. The dose should be kept below the diarrhea level. Magnesium should be accompanied by 900 to 1000 mg a day of elemental calcium in a tablet or capsule that completely dissolves. Calcium has a constipating effect which tends to offset the magnesium. Calcium and magnesium supplements should not be taken at the exact same time as the essential fatty acids since they will tend to interfere with absorption.

Allergic reactions can be mitigated and sometimes eliminated by maintaining high levels of antioxidants in the tissue. In particular, vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and may be taken at doses of up to 12,000 mg daily provided the dose is kept below the diarrhea level. Extra polyphenols, a group which includes the biofla-vonoids, may also be beneficial by teaming up with vitamin C to further suppress allergic reactions. An excellent source of this is grape seed-skin extract, 100 mg, one to three times a day. Extra doses of the potent antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), is often helpful and may be supplemented with the potent antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid, at doses of 250 mg twice a day.

L-Glutathione may also be taken as a supplement; however, the NAC is a precursor to the glutathione and may naturally raise glutathione to optimal levels.

Extracts from the stinging nettle leaf are especially useful when taken with vitamin C and bioflavonoids in reducing symptoms of allergies. Several other herbal products have established anti-allergy properties. These include ginkgo biloba and angelica. DHEA can modulate autoimmune reactions. The dose varies, but 25 mg twice a day is usually suggested.

Leaky gut syndrome may be addressed through the use of friendly bacteria such as Life Flora, one capsule with meals three times a day for 4 to 5 days, then once a day or more as needed. This should be supplemented with the use of an indigestible fiber, such as fructosoligosaccarides (FOS), that stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria. The amino acid glutamine is a major factor in preserving the integrity of the cells of the gastrointestinal tract in keeping the toxins and antigens from entering the bloodstream. It is a major source of energy for cells in the gastrointestinal tract. Although present in most proteins, additional supplements of glutamine are very helpful in treating leaky gut syndrome and should be taken in a dose of 1000 mg daily when symptoms improve.

For allergy problems with symptoms not relieved by personal measures, a health care professional trained in allergies should be consulted for allergen identification, assistance in allergen avoidance, and symptomatic treatment. Many allergy problems may be treated by a professional with allergen-immunotherapy (desensitization), a series of treatments which can make you less sensitive to some allergens. Women who are pregnant or may become so and persons with other significant medical problems should seek guidance from a health care professional before using the above supplements and herbs as should parents before using these products on children.

Stress often precipitates allergies, so any nutrient such as vitamins B5 and C that helps buffer stress will help against allergies. Studies have shown that the thymus, the gland most responsible for cell-mediated immunity, is also responsive to various levels of pantothenic acid. This becomes particularly important in cell allergies and the more severe autoimmune conditions.


The number of supplements required to suppress allergy symptoms can appear daunting, but the health benefits of consuming these nutrients include reductions in the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, osteoporosis, arthritis, and a host of degenerative diseases associated with normal aging. Therefore, while the objective of the allergy patient is immediate relief, the use of nutritional supplements can provide a long-term solution in treating the underlying cause of the chronic allergy problem and helping to maintain an optimal state of health.


Source: Life Extension Magazine

Reprinted with permission.

v Stop Allergies Where They Start - In Your Immune System

For most individuals, allergies are a seasonal or situational problem causing unbearable symptoms. The pollens of spring or your friend's cat may be the reason for your itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, wheezing etc. Yet for some people allergy symptoms never seem to abate. They are a constant problem. Common environmental exposures and foods trigger their allergies and promote asthmatic attacks. But why is it that some people are affected by allergies and others are not?

Our immune system is causing the allergic symptoms in its bid to rid the body of what it sees as invaders. This is not a normal response and occurs only in those individuals who have a hyper-stimulated immune system. In an allergy-prone person, when the immune system encounters an allergen such as pollen, a certain cell called the T-helper-2 cell releases an immune factor called Interleukin-4 (IL-4). IL-4 then tells mast cells to release histamine and we all know that histamine is responsible for the watery eyes, itchy skin and other symptoms. In asthmatics the situation is even worse because not only does the immune system release IL-4 but also an immune factor called Interleukin-6 (IL-6). In asthmatics IL-6 causes lung tissue damage and if not controlled can lead to reliance on steroid medications and "puffers". The key to halting allergies in their track is stopping IL-4 from being released in the first place and controlling IL-6. A simple plant nutrient called sterols and sterolins has been shown in clinical studies to halt the release of IL-4 and therefor histamine is not released and allergies are controlled. As well, sterols and sterolins normalize the release of IL-6 and protect lung tissue from further destruction.

Plant sterols and sterolins, found in all our fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, have been researched for their effects on the immune system for the last forty years. They were discovered in 1922 and are the subject of over 4,000 published medical studies, 120 of them double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in humans. I, Lorna, personally have experienced the benefits of plant sterols and sterolins. I had unbearable hayfever caused by tree pollens. Every spring I would be incapacitated with allergy symptoms. Antihistamines did little to control the symptoms and left me feeling exhausted. I tried every natural product and even resorted to hypnosis, all with no symptom relief. I began taking plant sterols and sterolins in March of 1998 and had no hayfever symptoms that spring. It has been three allergy seasons now and I still have no allergies whatsoever.

Professor Bouic, head immunologist at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa, has been researching the powerful effects of sterols and sterolins for the last 15 years. He and other researchers have shown that this simple plant nutrient normalizes and balances the release of IL-4 and IL-6 thereby addressing the whole allergic response at its source. For optimal absorption, sterols and sterolins have to be taken on an empty stomach and should not be taken with milk or any dairy product. For one week adults take two capsules three times per day on an empty stomach: this is called the loading phase. Thereafter take one capsule three times per day. Babies and toddlers up to age five should be given one capsule per day. The contents of the capsule can be opened and mixed with juice, water or soymilk. Children 5-12 years old can take one capsule in the morning and one before bed. Children over 12 can take the adult dose. Long-term safety studies have been performed and no toxicity or drug interactions were found. Sterols and sterolins are safe for pregnant and nursing moms, and children. The only people who cannot take plant sterols are those who have had an organ transplant.

Allergies and asthma no longer need to cause so much distress. Plant sterols and sterolins are an effective method of controlling allergies at the source-our immune system. A caution is also recommended for type 1 diabetics to monitor blood sugar closely as a reduction in insulin may be required.


  1. The International Journal of Immunopharmacology, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 693-700, Dec. 1996.


  2. Vanderhaeghe, Lorna and Bouic, Patrick, The Immune System Cure. Kensington Press, 1999.


Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.


v Vitamin C Supplements Ease Exercise- Trigge red Asthma

Exercise-induced asthma, which includes coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, affects 70 percent of all children with asthma. It typically begins several minutes after starting to exercise. However vitamin C supplements can reduce the severity of exercise-induced asthma attacks. Herman A. Cohen, MD, of the Rabin Medical Center in Israel, gave two grams of vitamin C or a placebo to 20 men and women, ages seven to 28, in a double-blind crossover study. Cohen compared the subjects' lung function before taking the vitamin C and exercising, and afterward.          

Patients taking the placebo suffered a significant decline in lung function after exercising. In contrast, nine of the patients taking vitamin C had considerably milder asthma attacks, and two had "borderline" benefits. These 11 subjects "experienced a concomitant clinical well-being without coughing attacks or any pulmonary discomfort" wrote Cohen in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (Apr 1997; 151:467-70).

Five of the vitamin C-responsive subjects were asked to continue taking 500 mg of vitamin C daily for two additional weeks, and they benefited from the same protective effect. According to Cohen, "Vitamin C is the major antioxidant substance present in the airway surface liquid of the lung, where it could be important in protecting against endogenous and exogenous oxidants."


Source: 1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.


v Say Goodbye To Seasonal Allergies

Runny nose, weeping itchy eyes, sinus congestion and an overall feeling of misery are some of the symptoms of hay fever and seasonal allergies. Spring, especially May and June when the cottonwood trees bloomed, used to be just unbearable for me. I would have to wear sunglasses even indoors to protect my painful, swollen eyes, and breathing was a chore. Allergic symptoms would come on as soon as the flowering trees released their pollens, and last many agonizing weeks. I dreaded spring. I tried every natural remedy on the market, and only ephedra and hypnosis gave me minor relief. But that was then-now I have no allergic reaction to the wonderful blooms of spring. What changed?

Plant Nutrients to the Rescue

In Mar/98 I began researching a unique plant nutrient blend that reportedly reduced allergic reactions by acting on the immune system. Clinical trials at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa proved a combination of sterols and sterolins could modify the immune response. When our immune system encounters an invader, it triggers a release of histamine from certain cells in order to destroy or disable the offending agent. Depending on the allergic response, different parts of the body are affected. An unruly immune response to pollens in the upper respiratory tract results in sneezing and a runny nose. The same pollen can cause a reaction in the lower respiratory system with wheezing or asthmatic reactions. It can also cause an immune reaction in the digestive tract resulting in diarrhea, nausea, gas, pain or vomiting. Sterols and sterolins work by normalizing the immune response and reducing
certain immune factors that cause the release of histamine, resulting in the elimination of allergic symptoms.

In March I began taking these powerful phytonutrients in a patented formula called Moducare, and amazingly I did not experience my usual seasonal allergies. Researchers have proven that certain immune cells secrete factors that reduce IgE, the antibody that causes histamine to be released. Sterols and sterolins slow or eliminate the overproduction of IgE.

Sterols and sterolins can also naturally increase the production of gamma interferon. Gamma interferon is the immune factor that, among other things, shuts off IgE production, thereby reducing allergic responses and stopping histamine release.

Inflammation is another result of allergies. Sterols and sterolins reduce Interleukin-6, an inflammatory agent known to cause damage to bronchial tissues during asthmatic attacks. By combining plant sterols and sterolins with the bioflavonoid quercetin, my allergies have been eliminated. Over-the-counter antihistamines have side effects and often bring only temporary relief.

From my experience I would recommend sterols and sterolins for their ability to correct the immune response that causes the allergic symptoms. Beat your allergies with nature's powerful nutrients.


Source:   Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe

Reprinted with permission.

v Phytosterols Rescue Arthritis Sufferers

by Lorna Vanderhaeghe, Healthy Living Guide #131, Nov/Dec 19983

Millions of dollars of research has gone into developing drugs that ease the pain, inflammation and destruction caused by arthritis. Yet, today there are few treatments to choose from. The common treatment of choice is still NSAIDS, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, painkillers and cortisone injections. All of which come with a host of side effects from the benign to the serious. Although these treatments offer some relief, none provide a cure. Fortunately for arthritis sufferers, certain plant substances called phytosterols (phyto=plant) can provide amazing results.    

Phytosterols are found in all fruits and vegetables as sterols and sterolins. In this unique combination they provide serious immune-enhancing benefits, especially to those afflicted with arthritis. If this combination is broken up due to food processing or certain cooking methods this plant fat does not have the same healing properties. Over seven to ten servings of fruits and vegetables provide a daily dose of phytosterols and phytosterolins. When the researchers in South Africa realized these facts they developed a product called Moducare™ª, Sterinolª that provides the exact ratio of plant fats as found in nature. They then continued to put this product through rigorous testing to confirm what they had seen earlier-that sterols and sterolins had profound benefits to health.

Double blind, placebo-controlled studies on those with HIV, tuberculosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) were completed and the results were amazing. Further studies showed that arthritis, cancer, allergies, asthma and a whole host of autoimmune diseases were more than positively affected by the plant sterol and sterolin treatment. Testimonials started pouring in from people who had experienced "permanent" remission of their conditions. Those individuals with arthritis were finding that with Modu- care™ª their disease disappeared.


Guidelines for Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Four of seven criteria must be met for a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Morning stiffness: Stiffness in and around the joints lasting one hour before improvement.

Arthritis of three or more joints: At least three joint areas, observed by a physician, simultaneously have soft tissue swelling or joint effusions, not just bony overgrowth, in the bones of the hands and feet, especially fingers and toes, wrists, ankles and elbows.

Arthritis of the hand joints: Arthritis of the wrist, hand bone and finger joints.

Symmetric arthritis: Simultaneous involvement of the same joint areas on both sides of the body (i.e., both wrist joints, both knee joints, etc.).

Rheumatoid nodules: Nodules over bony prominences under the skin.

Serum rheumatoid factor : Abnormal amounts of serum rheumatoid factor found by blood analysis.

X-ray changes: Typical changes of rheumatoid arthritis on hand and wrist x rays, which must include erosions or bony decalcification.

One gentleman, Michael Reed, a 26-year-old chemical engineer wrote that he was bedridden with a form of arthritis that caused his wrists to swell severely. He had to leave his job, he could not shake someone's hand, write, carry or lift anything. Just going from the bed to the bathroom was becoming an impossible chore. Michael was devastated. Here he was in the prime of his life, and he felt his life was over. Doctors put him on anti-inflammatory injections and cortisone, but after three months the only result was stomach problems, a swollen face and pain as bad as it had been before treatment. That was three months ago. He now takes Moducare™ daily and he is able to run up and down stairs, play the piano and he has never had so much energy. Michael also noticed since taking the plant sterols and sterolins that he has not had a cold or flu either.

The only reminder he has of his arthritis is a slightly stiff shoulder.

Moducare™ works by modulating the immune system. Meaning, if your immune system is overacting as is found in arthritis, then Moducare™ returns the function to normal. If your immune system is suppressed due to stress or illness, Moducare™ will give it a boost. We have always known that plenty of fruits and vegetables are good for us. It is only in the last decade or so that the health implications of plant nutrients called phytonutrients is being truly realized. Phytosterols, phytoestrogens, bioflavonoids and carotenoids are only a few phytonutrients with amazing anti- cancer, anti-aging and immune-enhancing properties. Now with so much research supporting the amazing healing properties of phytosterols, we will be hearing much more.


Source:  1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v Osteoporosis-An Immune System Disease?

Scientists have shown that there is an intimate connection between the immune system and osteoporosis. Who would ever have thought that osteoporosis could be caused by our immune system? Research showing that our immune system may cause osteoporosis is so new that even your doctor may not be aware of this important interplay. Calcium and vitamin D supplements alone won't halt osteoporosis if your immune system is not in balance. The immune system is made up of many different types of cells that release factors called cytokines. These cells and their cytokines destroy invaders, fight cancer cells and regulate other systems in the body, including the body's bone maintenance system. Certain cytokines have a direct effect on bone density by causing bone loss.

Stress, the Immune System, and Bone Loss

Stress and its effect on two types of immune cells are at the root of osteoporosis. We have two types of T-helper cells, called T-helper-1 and T-helper-2. T-helper-2 cells release two main cytokines that have been shown to cause bone loss; these are Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-1. T-helper-1 cells, the good guys, control T-helper-2 cells, making sure that these bad guys don't release too many of the cytokines that cause bone loss. T-helper-1 cells also release cytokines that protect or help build bone, so we really want to have more good T-helper-1 cells to enhance bone development. But when we are under stress, especially unrelenting stress, the bad T-helper-2 cells release high levels of Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-1. This causes calcium to be pulled from our bones, causing bone loss.

Stressful events cause an increase in the level of cortisol, our stress hormone. Cortisol's job is to borrow calcium from bone to make it available to the body during a stressful event. What this means is that while the odd stressful situation is not a problem, bone loss can be the result for many individuals today, who are under constant stress from financial pressures, overburdened schedules, inadequate nutrient consumption from our food, and more. Each of us handles stress differently, and stress does not just mean having a fight with your spouse or disliking your job. Even the stress of feeling cold can trigger the release of cortisol. Cortisol then causes Interleukin-6 to pull calcium from bone. Stressors are different for each of us, yet one thing is clear: stress does cause bone loss.

Our bones are not static. They are constantly being broken down and restored. We can take all the calcium citrate, vitamin D, boron and estrogen in the world but if we do not deal with our stress we are missing the key to osteoporosis prevention. Even people who are taking Fosamax, hormone replacement therapy and thousands of milligrams of calcium still have bone loss - now we know why. It is our immune system releasing too much Interleukin-6 that causes the bone loss. In studies published in the International Journal of Immunopharmacology and the International Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers found that plant sterols and sterolins controlled the release of cortisol and the subsequent secretion of Interleukin-6, thereby protecting our bones. Both studies were done using a proprietary blend of sterols and sterolins. They are the missing key - they stop bone loss!

Make plant sterols and sterolins the basis of your bone-building program. Then add vitamin D, calcium citrate and other bone building nutrients, along with weight-bearing exercise, and watch your bone density improve.

Risk Factor Checklist for Osteoporosis


Are you Caucasian or Asian, and small boned or thin?


Is there a family history of osteoporosis?


Are you peri- or postmenopausal?


Have you taken prednisone, or thyroid or heparin drugs for extended periods?


Are you a type A personality?


Are you under a lot of stress?


Do you eat white sugar, white flour, and refined or processed foods?


Do you drink coffee or caffeinated beverages daily?


Do you smoke?


Do you have poor digestion?


Do you exercise less than twice a week or more than six times per week?


Do you have a high protein diet?

Answering `yes' to many of these questions puts you at higher risk for osteoporosis.

Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v New Research on Hepatitis C


Hepatitis C is now occurring in epidemic proportions. In Canada, liver specialists are overwhelmed as they struggle to deal with the increase in hepatitis C cases. There are an estimated 300,000 hepatitis C patients, most as a result of tainted blood transfusions prior to 1992. In the United States, more than four million people suffer from chronic hepatitis C, and it is the leading cause of liver transplants. 

Over 85 percent of patients develop chronic hepatitis as the virus slowly and insidiously destroys the liver, and five percent develop liver cancer. Current drug therapies include alpha-interferon, but success is minimal with only 35 percent of cases gaining any benefit. Hair loss, severe nausea and depression are known side effects. A new treatment combining the antiviral drug Ribavirin with alpha interferon eliminates the virus in 45 percent of cases, but comes with a hefty price tag, plus the side effects mentioned above, and it cannot be taken by pregnant women because it causes birth defects.

Plant sterols and sterolins are the answer. They stop the destruction of liver cells by normalizing Interleukin- 6 levels, while stimulating the good immune factors Interleukin-2 and Gamma interferon to destroy the virus. A study to confirm the effects of Moducare in the treatment of hepatitis C is currently under way in Cincinnati, under the direction of Dr. Steve Amoils. Clinical use of a proprietary blend of plant sterols and sterolins in North America and South Africa has already shown that within 90 days viral load and liver enzymes normalize.


Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v Plant Sterols - The Missing Key In The Battle Against Herpes

If you are like most people that suffer from outbreaks of herpes (commonly called cold sores), you have tried every treatment available with varying degrees of success.

Your repertoire of virus fighters may include lysine, licorice root, homeopathic medicines, mega-doses of vitamins, avoiding the sun, stress reduction techniques and more. While all these treatments help keep herpes under control, none of them attack this virus. New research has shown that a simple plant nutrient has the ability to enhance the function of those cells of our immune system that seek and destroy virus-infected cells.

There are several types of herpes virus. Herpes Simplex (HSV) is responsible for a recurrent viral infection that causes outbreaks on any area of the body, particularly the mouth or genitals. Type 1 herpes (HSV-1) usually causes cold sores while type 2 herpes (HSV-2) causes genital herpes. Herpes Zoster causes chicken pox and shingles. Herpes outbreaks appear as single or multiple clusters of small fluid-filled blisters. These blisters then burst leaving painful ulcers that can take weeks to heal. After the first outbreak the virus becomes dormant, hiding from our immune system, waiting for another opportunity to erupt. Emotional, physical, environmental or nutritional stress can reactivate the virus, causing another outbreak. Over sixty percent of those infected with herpes will have reoccurring outbreaks. While one person may only have one or two outbreaks per year, others are plagued several times per month by this infectious, painful and sometimes dangerous virus.

All natural treatments to date have looked at ways of dealing with the virus once it becomes active, or finding ways to keep it dormant. But a truly effective treatment should focus on repairing immune dysfunction, enabling our "immune system army" to deal with viruses effectively. If our immune system were doing its job, the herpes virus would not be able to get inside our cells in the first place. In a perfectly functioning immune system the natural killer cells, the first warriors to attack herpes, would destroy the virus before it had a chance to cause symptoms. If herpes was somehow victorious and made it inside our cells, then the cytotoxic T-cells, the most voracious killers, would destroy those virus-infected cells. Our immune system also makes immune factors that should halt the virus from replicating. This three-pronged attack ensures that even if herpes does get past the first line of defense, it will be neutralized, so we do not have to suffer recurring outbreaks. Exciting research using sterols and sterolins has found that these simple plant nutrients are effective at enhancing all three of these immune system warriors: the natural killer cells, the cytotoxic T-cells, and the immune factors.

Sterols and sterolins are the missing key. Research performed over the last several decades has found that sterols and sterolins increase the number and activity of the natural killer cells. As well, sterols and sterolins increase cytotoxic T-cell activity, gamma interferon and interleukin-2, all important for fighting viruses. Cytotoxic T-cell enhancement is especially important when fighting viruses because we want these cells to seek out and destroy the cells that contain them. It only takes sterols and sterolins from a matter of weeks up to several months to normalize immune function.

v Shingles: The Herpes Virus Strikes Again

A diagnosis of shingles is not something to take lightly. Your doctor will tell you that this stubborn virus can cause illness for up to three months and can cause blindness if it affects the eyes. Shingles are caused by the herpes varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chicken pox. When we get chicken pox as a child all of the virus may not be destroyed and it may lie dormant in the nerves of the skin for decades only to emerge as shingles when we get older. It is generally seen in people who are immune-compromised, under too much stress or have been exposed to chicken pox again.

This infection of the central nervous system begins with fatigue and fever and the affected skin may be very sensitive to touch. Blisters on the skin begin to form around the fourth or fifth day of infection and run along a nerve path generally in patches that look like a branch of a tree. It most often occurs on the trunk area and chest but can also be found on the face. It is an extremely painful condition. Often the elderly will experience chronic pain for months to years. A dear friend of mine was recently diagnosed with shingles, prescribed a narcotic for pain relief and an antiviral drug Aclovir and sent home to endure the virus for six weeks. Further research into alternative treatments for shingles led to my friend's complete recovery in less than one week with the blisters and pain disappearing in three days.

Remember that shingles is a serious illness and requires a physician's care (if the eyes are involved this is an emergency situation and an opthamologist should be consulted immediately) along with the following recommendations. It is shameful that people have to suffer needlessly because they do not have access to some of the fabulous research in alternative treatments. The treatment regime followed by my friend included an excellent diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables and homemade soup. No sugar was consumed because it stops our natural killer cells from fighting the virus. Four nutrients from the following recommendations are key to fighting this virus. Plenty of solid research has evaluated their effectiveness at fighting shingles. They include sterols and sterolins, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and vitamin C.

Potent Antiviral Agent

Plant sterols and sterolins found in all fruits and vegetables and available in supplement form under the name Moducare are very effective at enhancing our natural killer cells, the cells of the immune system that fight viruses and cancer. It also increases two good immune factors called Gamma interferon and Interleukin-2, both potent antiviral agents. Plant sterols and sterolins have been shown in research performed in South Africa to stimulate the killing ability of our cytotoxic T-cells. Herpes viruses can be controlled by the immune system if the cytotoxic T-cells are doing their job. Plant sterols and sterolins should be taken on an empty stomach and away from milk as it inhibits absorption.

In a research study 21 patients showed a dramatic response as judged by relief of pain and the speed of disappearance of the blisters starting the second or third day of treatment, states Dr. Melvyn Werbach in his book Nutritional Influences on Illness. In a paper published in the journal Geriatrics, the physician recommended using 1 mg of vitamin B12 injected daily for six days and weekly for six weeks. Vitamin B12 is very difficult to absorb from nutritional supplements and that is why I recommend asking your doctor to do the injections.

Vitamin E

In another experimental study published in the Archives of Dermatology, 13 patients with chronic pain caused by shingles received 1200 - 1600 IU of vitamin E daily before meals. Nine of the 13 experienced complete or almost complete control of pain. Two were moderately improved and two were slightly improved. Two of the patients who gained complete pain remission had been suffering with post pain syndrome from shingles for 13 and 19 years respectively. This is amazing. If you have been putting up with post pain from this virus adopt the protocol immediately and ask your doctor why he does not know of this landmark study.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is so effective at eliminating the virus that on initial diagnosis of this viral disease patients should immediately start taking it. Most of the published research behind vitamin C and shingles involves intravenous treatment and dates back as early as 1950. In one early study 327 patients were all cured following three days of IV vitamin C. Another study by Klenner showed that of eight patients receiving IV vitamin C, seven reported complete cessation of pain within two hours of the first treatment and they also showed drying of the blisters within one day and complete clearing within three days of treatment. Intravenous vitamin C is much more effective than oral vitamin C to treat an acute or new outbreak of shingles but if you don't have a doctor willing to perform the treatment take the oral vitamin C dosage faithfully. Vitamin C is a potent virus fighter and only 9% of North Americans actually get adequate vitamin C in their daily diet. Most of us are deficient in this important vitamin.

The following three-day program is recommended for anyone who has just been diagnosed with shingles or if you have post pain from shingles.

For three days take:

2000 mg of buffered vitamin C every hour


1000 mcg injection of B12 (or 500 mcg sublingual B12 every hour)


2 capsules Moducare three times per day for one week and 1 capsule three times per day thereafter


400 IU vitamin E three times per day for three days and 400 IU per day for optimal health


40 drops echinacea tincture three times per day


2000 mg L-lysine daily


homeopathic Rhus Tox 12C 3 pellets three times daily


topical tea tree oil ointment (not the undiluted oil) or licorice root gel applied to the blisters as needed.

B12 by injection will rapidly decrease the pain and itching of the blisters. After two days of injections my friend's blisters were dry and had stopped itching and she did not need to take any pain medication. The tea tree oil ointment was very soothing to the skin. Shingles is so painful that the pressure of a person's clothing or the sheets on the bed cause extreme discomfort.

By day three a general feeling of well-being returned, lymph gland swelling decreased, the blisters were only a red rash with no crusting and most importantly the pain had not returned. If you do not have a naturopath or a medical doctor that can give you the injections of vitamin B12 then take 500 mcg of vitamin B12 every hour for the first day and 2000 mcg per day for the next two days. Many research studies have shown complete remission of the virus in a matter of days following this regime. Tell everyone you know about this treatment. Shingles is very painful and can last many months to years. Halting or reducing someone's suffering is at our fingertips


Werbach, Melvyn R, Nutritional Influences on Illness, A sourcebook of clinical research, Third Line Press, 1987.

Burton Goldberg Group, Alternative Medicine, Future Medicine Publishing, 1993.

Bouic, PJB & Vanderhaeghe, LR, The Immune System Cure, Prentice Hall Canada, 1999.


Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v Cold Sore Treatment Plan

At the start of herpes eruptions take:

2000mg calcium ascorbate or buffered vitamin C every hour until sores are gone


500 mg bioflavonoids every hour until sores are gone


400 IU vitamin E three times per day for three days and 400 IU daily for optimal health thereafter


30 mg zinc citrate daily


2000 mg L-lysine daily until sores are gone and 500 mg per day for prevention


Topical tea tree oil ointment (not diluted oil) or licorice root gel applied to the blisters as needed


2 capsules, Moducare 3 times per day until sores are gone.

Avoid the sun, reduce your stress levels and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have recurring herpes outbreaks don't eat peanuts and stop taking nutritional supplements containing arginine because they may cause flare-ups of the virus.

v Fight Cancer and Win

No other medical diagnosis strikes fear into the hearts of people like "cancer". One in four will contract cancer in their lifetime and one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Over three million North Americans have cancer today and another 1.7 million will be diagnosed this year. Patrick Quillan, in his book Beating Cancer with Nutrition, states that "half of all cancer victims will be alive five years from now but of the other 50 per-cent, 40 percent will die of malnutrition, not of the cancer." The word cancer is derived from the Greek word karkinos, which means crab. This word was chosen because of the claw-like appearance of certain tumors.

Why do we get cancer?

Poor diet, environmental toxins, lack of antioxidants, viruses, chronic stress and feelings of hopelessness are some of the possible reasons why the body allows cancers to grow. Viruses are a known factor in your risk of getting certain cancers. Helicobacter pylori is now thought to be a causative agent for stomach cancer; human T-cell lymphoma virus is responsible for T-cell lymphoma; human papilloma viruses is involved in cervical cancer and the hepatitis virus is linked to liver cancer.

A healthy immune system will deal with viruses in a vicious way. Yet the viruses mentioned above are sometimes able to circumvent the body's defenses and cause serious cancers to develop.

Although genetics or a family history is a predisposition to acquiring cancer, it can be factored out if "super nutrition" is adopted. Regardless of your genetic makeup, if you keep your toxic load under control and strengthen your immunity, cancer can be avoided.

What is cancer?

Normal, healthy cells go through a series of steps to ensure life. They grow, divide and create new cells in a carefully performed, predetermined symphony. During this highly complex reproductive process, the cell's genetic code, or DNA, is duplicated and transferred to the new cells. Normally this process takes place without error but every once in a while (approximately 1 in 1000 divisions) a mistake may occur. Most mistakes are quickly repaired, but on occasion a mistake may miss detection, and these abnormal cells are allowed to perform differently than intended.

Cancer begins from these "renegade" cells. They turn the immune system against itself, multiply unchecked, steal nutrients and reroute blood supplies away from normal body functions. Because these turncoat cells are similar to other healthy cells, the immune system may fail to detect and kill them. Or if the body's defense system is not functioning optimally, it can also miss these marauding cells.

Normal cell conduct organizes cells into their correct location, turns growth off and on as required and ensures that cells do not crowd each other. Due to this set of rules, normal cells do not travel to incorrect areas of the body and they do not form abnormal structures such as tumors. Cancerous cells on the other hand do not follow any hard and fast rules. They mutate as often as possible, to avoid detection and survive at all costs, even if it means killing their host.

It is believed that due to environmental and nutritional factors, natural killer cell function may become depressed, resulting in an inability of the immune system to recognize cancerous cells. Without a method for recognizing cancer cells as foreign, the immune system cannot deal with them.

Cancer can develop in any tissue of the body and it is thought that a cell's DNA may become damaged by any one of the following: radiation exposure, ultraviolet damage from the sun, free radicals, chemical toxins, viruses, hormones, tobacco and alcohol. Each one of the above potentially DNA-damaging substances can be neutralized with specific nutritional treatments.

Cancer is a complicated disease. Each type of cancer has different traits. Some are slow growing and easy to treat while others are aggressive and require a much more diverse treatment approach. Treatments that work for one cancer may not have any effect on another. Similarly each person has a unique biochemistry and this must be factored in when treating a patient. Several different treatments, combined with supplementation with a wide range of immune nutrients, should be adopted.

Natural Therapies Pack a Punch

Several fruits and vegetables are especially rich in cancer-blocking agents. Broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes rich in lycopene, Brussels sprouts, turnips and mustard greens are a few of the most notorious cancer fighters. Citrus fruits are rich in D-limonene, another powerful anti-carcinogenic that stops toxic agents from damaging the DNA of our cells. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center noted that it only took three half-cup servings per week of broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, which contain high levels of indoles, to decrease the risk of prostate cancer by 41 percent.

In addition to the powerful ingredients mentioned above, fruits and vegetables are rich in plant sterols and sterolins. A tremendous body of research, including human studies, has been accumulated using plant sterols and sterolins for cancer treatment. The following looks at some of those studies.

Sterols and Sterolins, Star Cancer Protectives

Over the last ten years a team of researchers led by Professor Bouic, head of Immunology at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa, have been investigating plant sterols and sterolins and their action on the immune system. They have been able to show that both sterols and their glycosides, sterolins, have potent immune properties. These natural plant sterols are able to enhance the proliferation of T-cells and in so doing, enhance the secretion of the potent cancer-fighting cytokines Interleukin-2 (IL-2) and gamma interferon. Sterols and sterolins also enhance the activity of natural killer cells, our first line of defense against cancer, while lowering the pro-inflammatory and immune suppressing agent Interleukin-6 (IL-6).

In immune-compromised individuals the secretion of IL-2 and gamma interferon, both required for the activation of killer cells, is defective. In order for the natural killer cells of the immune system to recognize and destroy cancerous cells, gamma interferon and IL-2 must be present. If these factors are defective then immune cells are not able to recognize and destroy tumor cells, allowing them to grow and destroy the body. Sterols and sterolins increase IL-2, gamma interferon and natural killer cell activity. Sterols and sterolins not only enhance the activity of natural killer cells but of cytotoxic T-cells as well. Cytotoxic T-cells inject killing agents into virus-infected cells to deal with cancers caused by viruses.

A study published in the International Journal of Immuno-pharmacology showed that sterols and sterolins increased T-cell function up to 920 percent in humans. In the same study in vitro data showed an increase in IL-2 and gamma interferon secretion by up to 41 percent, as well as an increase in the ability of natural killer cells to destroy experimental cancerous cells.

Cancer patients taking plant sterols and sterolins during chemotherapy treatments noticed a reduction in nausea, vomiting, hair loss and mouth sores. A reduction in nausea is an important benefit when we consider Patrick Quillan's observation that many cancer patients die because they are so nauseous they can't eat.

Since the mid 1900s sterols and sterolins have been investigated for their anti-cancer properties. Further research has found that betasitosterol and its glucoside, betasitosterolin, have anti-tumor activity, activating macrophages to enhance their ability to kill tumors.

Animal research performed by Raicht and colleagues found that when a combination of sterols and sterolins were fed to rats, colon tumors were reduced by 70 percent. In the control group tumors occurred in 54 percent of the rats, but sterols and sterolins also significantly decreased the proportion of tumor-bearing animals.

In 1999 Professor Awad at the University of Buffalo showed that betasitosterol significantly reduced the number of in vitro breast cancer cells by 66 percent within five days, compared to controls. In 1996 he also showed that betasitosterol was a powerful inhibitor of colon cancer cell lines.

DHEA, Cortisol and Immune Enhancement

Scientists have shown that DHEA has important immune-regulating actions, as it enhances the cells that secrete IL-2 and gamma interferon while inhibiting the secretion of IL-6. Most importantly cortisol, our stress hormone, and DHEA, are directly linked. When cortisol is secreted in response to stressful events a corresponding drop in DHEA occurs. When cortisol levels become too high, the resulting drop in DHEA levels causes immune suppression to occur, inhibiting the cancer-fighting ability of our natural killer cells and T-cells. When we increase DHEA levels, a modulation of cortisol occurs. A balance between cortisol and DHEA is required to ensure proper functioning of the immune system.

In a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, professor Bouic showed that sterols and sterolins were able to enhance DHEA and regulate cortisol levels, thereby ensuring adequate immune protection. By controlling the inflammatory immune factor IL-6 as well as cortisol, DHEA levels and immune status were maintained.

Cancer is a complicated disease to treat. Our immune system is the body's most powerful defense against cancer. Treatments should focus on enhancing our immune system's ability to seek and destroy cancerous cells, keeping DHEA at adequate levels, and regulating cortisol. No one nutritional supplement can cure cancer; a multifaceted approach including a diet high in vegetables, fresh fish, and juicing, along with many well-researched nutritional supplements, is the key to ensuring our body can fight cancer from within.


Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v Prostate Cancer in Remission

by Lee Heimen

I never expected to develop cancer. What man does? I was prepared for a little arthritis, not cancer. I had denial down pat: "It will go away. It will stop on its own. Whatever it is, I can learn to live with it." Cancer, I learned, isn't something you "learn to live with." It changes your life forever.

I'd had small signs for a long time that things weren't as they should be, but I ignored the symptoms. Then late in October 1998, something happened that I couldn't ignore. I was returning to my office when I began to feel a sudden urgency to find a men's room. I did have a little more coffee than usual that morning, so I thought nothing of this urgency at first. I entered my building and frantically rushed to the elevator, hoping to make it to the men's room. Surprise! I was still in the elevator when I felt a warm sensation trickle down my leg. I had lost bladder control.

As upset as I was, I began making excuses. I'm 67 years old… I just waited too long. But deep down I knew something was wrong. I saw an urologist, who gave me a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test. The results were high: 15.7. A normal reading is 0 to 4. My doctor recommended antibiotics, thinking I had an infection, and then tested my PSA a week later. The result was even higher: 15.9. My ability to control urination had deteriorated to the point that I planned out my day around access to men's rooms. I was now looking for another opinion. When physician number three did another PSA test with a score of 22.3, I was in a state of panic. At its highest point my PSA rose to 39.1.

By this point I was on a pilgrimage looking for answers. At the University of California at San Francisco medical school I had a special type of scan called a spectroscopy, which showed prostate cancer. It had spread - or metastasized, as the doctors call it - throughout the entire prostate to the seminal ducts to part of the hip and pubic bone. My Gleason Score was 8 out of 10, which is extremely high and indicates a virulent form of cancer. Until cancer happens to us personally, it always happens to "the other guy". Now suddenly I was "the other guy."

I refused biopsy because I had heard it would increase the risk of the cancer spreading, and found an alternative medical doctor that I could partner with to beat the cancer. On May 24, 1999 I began a supplement and food modification program including PC Spes and Moducare, along with other nutrients. My PSA began dropping but then hovered between 1 and 3.1. I increased my Moducare dosage from three capsules a day to six capsules a day, taking two in the morning, two at midday, and the last two before going to bed, always on an empty stomach. Within three weeks of starting this new regimen, my PSA went down to an amazing 0.07 - what doctors call an undetectable score. It has remained at that level. Moducare has become an integral part of my life. The falling PSA scores supplied a spark of hope in an otherwise relentlessly grim picture. My doctor's wonderful demeanor helped too. When I asked about the high PSA scores in the beginning, his response was, "Don't worry, I have seen a lot worse, patients who had scores in the thousands. After all, PSA and Gleason scores are only numbers!"

Massage, excellent nutrition from organic vegetables, no red meat, fresh wild salmon, free range turkey and eggs, olive, fish and flax oils, vitamin and mineral supplements, specialized nutrients, changing the way I viewed the world and how I responded to stress were all part of the treatment plan. Certain nutrients were, I believe, the key to my successful recovery: the plant sterols and sterolins found in Moducare; PC Specs, a special eight herb Chinese formulation; coenzyme Q10; selenium; and enzymes, to name a few. A comprehensive list of all the supplements I took are listed in my book The Prostate Miracle by Kensington Books. People who might think it is too expensive to take all those nutrients should realize that I attribute my survival to those food supplements - how much is that worth?

It is now August as this newsletter goes to press, and over a year has passed since I was diagnosed with metastasized prostate cancer. Were most things better before my prostate cancer? Without a doubt, physically, yes they were. But I have to be honest. In large part because my cancer has made me look up from the blur of responsibilities that had been my life, my relationship with my wife and children has become much richer. My wife became a strong partner in my healing and her constant support helped clear the way to a faster recovery. She never stopped being a loving wife, despite my faltering libido.

My latest report from Sloan Kettering shows "no measurable amounts" of cancer in my PSA reading. The doctors call this an "indecipherable score". Remember, I had a rising PSA of 39.1 in April 1999. My latest CAT scan and bone scan indicate that my lymph nodes are clear - all this without the use of any drugs, chemotherapy or radiation.


Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v New Blood Test for Breast Cancer

During the month of June 2001, local newspaper headlines informed women that breast self-exams were of little value. And mammo- grams are not recommended for every woman. Yet, we know that the earlier we discover a breast tumor the better our chance of survival, so what do we do? Thankfully there is another option-and an excellent one at that.


Breast Cancer Surgery

Timing is everything

If you must have a lumpectomy, biopsy or mastectomy, the timing of your operation may be a matter of life or death. A research study performed at the clinical oncology unit at Guy's Hospital in the UK found that the timing of the operation relative to the menstrual cycle played a role in recurrence and survival in pre-menopausal women with breast cancer. The records of 249 women treated between 1975 and 1985 were broken down into two groups. Group one had their surgery between 3-12 days after their last menstrual period. Group two had their surgery between 0-2 days or 13-32 days after their last menstrual period. At the ten-year mark, the women in the second group had a recurrence-free survival rate of 84 percent, whereas group one had a 54 percent survival rate. The effect was independent of other factors including node status and whether the tumors were estrogen receptor positive or negative. Researchers determined that the phase of the menstrual cycle at the time of the operation is very important for the long-term survival of women with breast cancer.


Badwe RA, et al. Timing of surgery during menstrual cycle and survival of pre- menopausal women with operable breast cancer. Lancet, 1991, May 25;337(8752): 1261-64.

According to the American Cancer Society's 1999 Surveillance Research, breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women (after skin cancers) and accounts for nearly one in three cancers diagnosed in American women. In 1999, it is estimated that approximately 175,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed in the United States, along with an estimated 40,000 additional cases of in situ breast cancer. More than 91 percent of these cancers were diagnosed in women over 40 years of age.

Furthermore, in 1999, 43,300 women were expected to die from the disease. Only lung cancer accounts for more cancer deaths in women. The American Cancer Society estimates there were 182,800 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 40,800 deaths from the disease in 2000.

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Currently mammogram and breast self-examination are the only tools used to detect a breast mass/lump, and if detected, a biopsy is performed to rule out or confirm a diagnosis of breast cancer. But mammography has its limitations. It does not determine the risk of developing breast cancer; it is a detection method. In women under the age of 40 it is difficult to interpret. According to the National Cancer Institute's website (www.nci.nih.gov) a mammogram has a 15 percent rate of false negatives and an even higher rate of false positives. Furthermore, it involves exposure to radiation and each successive mammogram increases breast cancer risk. It is uncomfortable and many women find it very painful.

To address the need for an accurate method of identifying women at risk of developing breast cancer, a simple blood test is now available, called the Mammastatin Serum Assay™. Mammastatin is a protein produced by normal healthy breast cells and has been shown to inhibit breast cancer cell growth. The test measures the amount of mamma-statin present. Mammastatin levels are higher in healthy women, compared to breast cancer patients and many women considered to be at high risk according to established criteria. The Mammastatin Serum Assay™ not only identifies women with breast cancer but also identifies women at risk of developing breast cancer, earlier than it could be detected by traditional means. This test will help reduce the emotional trauma associated with false positive mammograms and the resultant unnecessary biopsies.

Soy and whey protein may help prevent breast cancer

Research at the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center, funded by the US Department of Agriculture and published in the January issue of Cancer: Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, an official journal of the American Cancer Association for Cancer Research have found that whey and soy protein may help prevent breast cancer. Laboratory studies compared the cancer protective effects of soy and whey protein on chemically induced tumors in the milk producing glands of rats. Results showed that those fed soy or whey protein had fewer and smaller tumors than the control group. Fifty percent fewer rats developed mammary tumors when fed a diet of whey protein as compared to those eating a standard diet. Soy protein prevented approximately 25 percent of mammary tumors. Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture says, "This significant new research, although preliminary, suggests that adding whey or soy protein to the diet may help protect women and children from developing breast cancer. These findings underscore the importance of research as the critical link between nutrition and health."


Early detection is the key to survival. Women diagnosed at Stage I have a 98 percent chance of survival at five years. At stage IIA, 88 percent, Stage IIB, 76 percent, Stage IIIA, 56 percent, Stage IIIB, 49 percent and Stage IV, 16 percent. The five-year relative survival rate is the percentage of patients who are alive five years after diagnosis. Stage at time of diagnosis refers to how far the cancer has spread. This is very important because the treatment and the outlook for recovery clearly depend on the stage of the cancer. In general, the lower the number, the less the cancer has spread (metastasized). A higher number, such as stage IV, means a very serious cancer.

The Mammastatin Serum Assay™ is 97 percent accurate at determining that a woman does not have breast cancer, and 84 percent accurate overall at determining if women have, or are at high risk of, breast cancer. I have had the test and my results came back low risk. Every woman should have the test annually after the age of 25. Young women are developing breast cancer at an alarming rate and mammograms are normally not performed on women under the age of 40. And few young women are performing breast self-examinations. I have been praying for this type of a diagnostic test, which can help women prevent cancer by understanding their true risk.

Ask your doctor about the Mammastatin Serum Assay™. For more information, contact Genesis Bioventures at 1 877 BIO-LABS (246-5227) or go to www.biolabs.com or www.biotherapiesinc.com to get information on how to have the test. The test is not covered by the national medical plan in Canada (approval is in process) but Canadian women can have their blood drawn at a local laboratory and sent to the United States to have the test performed. In the United States it has been available since June 2001.

My grandmother died of breast cancer and although I live a healthy lifestyle, there is always the nagging issue of genetic susceptibility. I was thrilled to be able to have the test to alleviate my fear of breast cancer.

Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.


Stop cervical cancer


Over 65,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year in North America. Over 10,000 women will die from it this year. The fear of cervical cancer sends most women to their doctor for an annual Pap smear. Often women are told that their Pap smear is abnormal, showing cell changes called cervical dysplasia, which could lead to cervical cancer if left untreated. These women are told they should return frequently for Pap smears and monitoring. Recent research using a proprietary blend of sterols and sterolins has shown that CIN III cervical lesions can be reversed within three menstrual cycles.

One cause of cervical cancer or pre-cancerous cervical lesions is the Human Papilloma virus (the same virus that causes warts on our skin). Thirteen women with CIN III cervical lesions were divided into two groups. Seven were given Moducare and six were given a placebo (a fake pill). The results of the study showed that all six in the placebo group had no improvement of disease. In fact three patients showed signs of disease progression in the form of tissue infiltration. The women in the placebo group will now receive surgery either in the form of excision or hysterectomies. In the treatment group receiving Moducare, the lesions were completely eliminated in three patients, with the other four showing no further progression of the lesions.

The study is currently being submitted for publication in a gynecology medical journal. Considering the risk of cervical cancer, all women should be taking plant sterols and sterolins to protect themselves against abnormally developing cervical cells and cancer.

v Asthma, More Than A Bad Air Day

By Lorna Vanderhaeghe

Three worrisome trips to the hospital emergency room in one month were enough for Caitlyn's mom to start looking for answers to her daughter's asthma. Caitlyn had been diagnosed with severe asthma two years earlier, when she was just three years old. Inhaled steroid medications were used to keep inflammation, a symptom of asthma, under control and bronchodilating drugs were prescribed for acute attacks. Frightening episodes, where Caitlyn was left gasping for breath, became frequent reminders that asthma is a deadly disease.

Problems with Caitlyn's health began shortly after she was born. Several infant formulas were tried before one was found that Caitlyn could tolerate. Recurring ear infections, colic and the regular use of antibiotics became the norm. Little did mom know that her daughter was developing allergy-induced asthma?

According to the American Lung Association an estimated 16 million Americans are affected by asthma, a chronic lung condition characterized by inflammation of the airways. Among chronic illnesses in children, asthma is the most common, affecting twice as many boys as girls. Approximately 33 percent of asthma patients are under the age of 18. Asthma severity may range from mild to life threatening and over 6000 people in North America die annually from the disease.

Inadequate nutrition, our polluted environment, a predisposition to allergies and a family history of asthma all play a role in developing this chronic lung disorder. Those suffering with asthma have over-reactive airways that respond to "triggers" by becoming inflamed and producing excessive mucus. This inflammation causes a narrowing of the airway, making it extremely difficult for air to move in and out of the lungs. Recurring asthma "attacks" promote an abnormal thickening and hardening of air passages. Our immune system also responds by secreting dangerous immune factors, namely Interleukin-6, that eventually destroy delicate tissues lining our airways. Symptoms include coughing (especially when exercising), wheezing, shortness of breath, a heavy feeling in the chest and waking at night due to breathing difficulties.

What "Triggers" Asthma?

Most asthmatics have an allergy to some offending agent. This allergy then acts as the "trigger" that starts the inflammatory, lung-damaging asthma process. It is easy to diagnose an allergy that presents itself quickly and clearly in the form of a runny nose and itchy eyes as a result of exposure to a particular agent such as cats or peanuts. It is much more difficult to discover an allergy that has vague symptoms or takes hours to display its effects (called delayed-onset allergy). Dark circles under the eyes, red-rimmed or swollen watery eyes, runny nose, constant nose rubbing (some allergic people have a crease just above the bulb of the nose from chronic rubbing, or one nostril will be stretched in the direction of the rub), inflamed tonsils, skin rashes, eczema, diarrhea, gas, bloated stomach, headaches, excessive sweating, dizziness, brain fog, fatigue, bed-wetting in children, joint pain and extreme salivation are a few of the most common allergy signs.

Several studies have looked at airborne allergen exposure during infancy in relation to asthma. It is interesting that children raised in areas of low altitude have significantly higher rates of asthma. Moreover, children born during the high pollen months have a higher incidence of asthma and allergic rhinitis, compared to those born during non-pollen production months. If you have a strong history of allergy or asthma, choosing low pollen months for the birth of your baby may be an important factor in protecting your child from future allergies.

In North America double-glazed windows, central heating and energy efficient homes result in an overabundance of dust mites and molds, which exacerbate allergic asthma. Fresh air is essential and an attempt to have an allergen-free home can help reduce asthma attacks. Find out what you are allergic to and then avoid the substances. Have comprehensive allergy testing done to discover the offending agents.

An allergist easily performs tests for IgE (immediate reactive) allergies but IgG (cell-mediated) allergies are not recognized by standard blood tests. I recommend Serammune Physicians Lab at 1-800-553-5472 for the ELISA/ACT (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) allergy test to rule out delayed-onset allergies.

In Caitlyn's case she developed asthma as a result of her initial allergy to milk products. Dairy allergy in children can cause ear infections that are unsuccessfully treated with repeated antibiotic therapy. Three or more courses of antibiotics in the first year of life are associated with a four-fold increase in the risk of asthma. Antibiotics create intestinal problems eventually leading to "leaky gut" syndrome whereby undigested food particles enter the bloodstream through damaged areas of the gut causing allergic reactions. Antibiotics are also associated with causing Candida albicans yeast overgrowth, further exacerbating allergic symptoms. It becomes a vicious cycle of allergy, gut problems, ear infections, antibiotics and candida overgrowth with the cycle repeating over and over again.

Babies born to parents with food allergies should be breast-fed for as long as possible. If a family history of dairy or wheat allergy exists, breast-feeding moms should avoid eating the allergy-causing foods to ensure that their child does not react to the antigens in breast milk. Chronic ear infections in young children are a good indicator of dairy allergy. Eliminate all dairy products and test for other allergies and see if ear infection rates decline.

Exercise-Induced Asthma

Some asthma attacks are triggered by exercise. Excessive coughing during exercise is an early warning sign that you may have asthma. Exercise should not be eliminated entirely but milder forms of exercise should be adopted such as walking during pollen-reduced days, breathing through the nose instead of the mouth and taking extra vitamin C before physical activity. Once you have been following the nutrient regimen mentioned below, for a few weeks you may notice that you can exercise more vigorously.

It is unrealistic to think that we can avoid every trigger that promotes asthma attacks. Reducing the severity and frequency of asthma attacks and ultimately repairing the immune system so that we can be exposed to allergens and other triggers without suffering should be our goal. Certain herbs, phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals effectively reduce allergic responses, control inflammation and calm hyperactive airways.

Herbal Tonic to Breathe Easy

Leigh Broadhurst, Ph.D. has used a traditional liquid herbal blend called RespirActin® to successfully treat allergies and asthma. It contains rosemary, honey, witch hazel, fenugreek seed, black seed, King Solomon seed, ginseng powder, damiana leaves, marshmallow, sage, juniper berries, chamomile flowers, cloves, cinnamon, spearmint and thyme. These herbs have antioxidant, expectorant, anti-asthmatic, anti-allergenic, anti-histamine and bronchial dilating effects.

The Medical Chronicle in October 2000 reported that Canadian researcher Dr. George Luciuk, a certified allergist and clinical immunologist, completed a double-blind, crossover clinical trial of RespirActin in 11 adult asthma patients, confirming Dr. Broad- hurst's reports. The study showed that patients with more symptomatic asthma had significant improvement within a few days to two weeks in lung function markers and quality of life assessments. In some patients a significant beneficial bronchodilating effect was seen with their first dose. The benefits appear to be cumulatively beneficial over time. Most importantly, RespirActin has the ability to reverse small airway obstruction which until now was deemed almost irreversible especially with standard metered-dose, inhaler delivered medication. Researchers believe that the oral administration of RespirActin allows better perfusion and delivery to small airways in the lung that have been hard, if not impossible, to reach adequately. Reversing this area of obstruction can make a big difference to how asthmatic patients feel. Many asthmatics have become so used to having reduced lung capacity that when it is restored, they are shocked at how much better they felt. With this research in mind it is also thought that RespirActin may enhance lung function in athletes and racehorses to achieve a competitive edge and it definitely benefits those suffering from exercise-induced asthma.

Researchers in this study believe that RespirActin works by reducing the production of potent chemical mediators called arachidonic acid (AA). Arachidonic acid is released from cell membranes and converted to either prostaglandins or thromboxane by the enzyme cyclooxygenase or into the leukotrienes by 5-lipoxygenase. RespirActin's active botanicals block the components of both of these pathways and as a result:

control mucous gland hyper secretion in the airways, reducing bronchial tube


plugging and nasal congestion


reduce bronchial smooth muscle contraction, opening narrow airways and improving breathing


halts inflammation. Researchers stated, "RespirActin has 5-lipoxygenase activity preventing the inflammatory cascade, thereby reducing destruction of airways."


reduces asthma-induced coughing by 34 percent

Nutrients Reduce Attacks

Discuss the following anti-asthma nutrients with your health care provider and if you are on oral or inhaled medications, do not discontinue their use without his/her advice.

RespirActin should be the basis for your asthma treatment program. Take 2 ounces twice per day for four to six days, then reduce to one ounce twice a day. RespirActin is safe for children as young as six months. Infants six months to two years of age take one-and-a-half teaspoons morning and evening. Children age two to 10 take one tablespoon (1-2 ounce) morning and evening.


Vitamin E-A study of 77,000 women found those who consumed the most vitamin E had about half the risk of developing asthma compared to women who consumed the least amount of vitamin E.


Magnesium-Most of us are deficient in this mineral that is required by the body for over 300 enzymatic reactions. Every time we drink caffeinated beverages we lose magnesium. Magnesium helps reduce inflammation and relax bronchial tubes.


Vitamin C-A powerful antihistamine that helps control the release of histamine from mast cells. Those with exercise-induced asthma especially benefit from vitamin C 30 minutes before exercising.


Fish Oil-A powerful anti-inflammatory agent that reduces leukotrienes, biochemicals that promote and prolong inflammation.


Quercetin-A bioflavonoid found abundantly in onions has potent anti-allergy and antihistamine activity.


Multivitamin with minerals-Unless you are eating seven to 10 half-cup servings of organic fruits and vegetables every day you need a good multivitamin with minerals daily.

Caitlyn was fortunate because her mother learned about Respir-Actin and the other nutrients mentioned above. After only two weeks on these nutrients Caitlyn's pediatrician was able to reduce her steroid medications and she has not required her bronchodilating medication either. Both mom and child are breathing easier now.

Link Between Pollution and Asthma

Air pollution has long been regarded as the reason for doubling asthma cases in the last 30 years yet evidence has been inconclusive until now. Dutch researchers have discovered a direct link between air pollution and children's asthma. Research at Groningen University and published in the Lancet found that as carbon particles and concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur dioxide from car exhaust increased, so did the asthma the children experienced. From 1992 to 1995, during three winter months, 459 children with bronchial hyperresponsiveness and allergy, aged seven to 11, were asked to record their asthmatic symptoms and lung capacity by peak expiratory flow measurements three times per day. Atmospheric concentrations of black smoke, sulfur and nitrogen dioxide were continually measured. Results showed that for children with both bronchial hyper-responsiveness and allergy, attacks of wheezing and shortness of breath were more frequent and severe with the increase in air pollution. (Lancet 1999, Volume 353.)


Aqel, M. B. "Relaxant Effect of the Volatile Oil of Rosmarinus Officinalis on Tracheal Smooth Muscle," Journal of Ethnopharmacology (1991).Vol. 33 pp. 57-62.

Broughton, K. S. et al. "Reduced Asthma Symptoms With n-3 Fatty Acid Ingestion Are Related to 5-series Leukotriene Production," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997). Vol. 65 pp. 1011-7

Cohen, H. A. et al. "Blocking Effect of Vitamin C in Exercise-Induced Asthma." Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine. (1997). Vol. 151 pp. 367-70.

Isolauri, E. et al. "Breast feeding of Allergic Infants," Pediatrics (1999). Vol. 134 pp. 27-32.

v Eliminate Eczema

Eczema is predominantly an allergic condition whereby abnormalities in the immune system promote an overproduction of inflammatory and allergic reactions in the skin, and where there is poor resistance to skin bacteria and viruses. It is estimated that ten percent of North Americans suffer from eczema. It is common in infants and toddlers and often appears when children are teething or after they have been immunized. There are five types of eczema: atopic (allergic), infantile seborrheic, adult seborrheic, occupational irritant contact dermatitis, and allergic contact dermatitis.


Eczema is intensely itchy and the skin may be flaky, thick, or scaly; there may also be weeping, crusting, or a change in color. The inflammation commonly appears on the wrists, ankles, face, ears, elbows, between the fingers, and in the creases of the knees. Skin thickening often occurs due to scratching and rubbing the skin; bacterial or viral infections are also common.


Children are more likely to develop eczema if there is a history of asthma, eczema, or hay fever in the family. Triggers include stress, infections, and climate changes. Stress is a major factor in adult eczema flare-ups. Those with eczema often have allergies that have been confirmed by allergy tests and elevated IgE levels, as well as a family history of these conditions. Common allergens are food additives and preservatives, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, tomatoes, oranges and peanuts. Eczema can be the result of other conditions such as candidiasis, leaky gut syndrome, and insufficient stomach acid. Severe essential fatty acid deficiency is also associated with the development of eczema, which causes the skin to be unable to retain moisture properly.

In occupational irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis, exposure to environmental allergens such as metal alloys in zippers and jewelry, cosmetics, perfumes, rubber, latex, and poison ivy are often the source of the problem. Infantile sebor-rhea is more commonly known as cradle cap and adult seborrhea is red, dry, flaky skin that may also appear as mild dandruff.

Prescription For Health

Nutrients           Dosage          Action

Moducare plant

and sterolins   







1 capsule 3 times daily.

Birth to 5years of age 

should take 1 capsule daily;

 5-12 years of age should  

take 2 capsules daily; 

12 years and older should 

  take the adult dose   


Normalizes IgE, controls  

histamine release,

  regulates  immune    

function enhances the  

immune  system's

ability to fight  bacteria

  and viruses, and

regulates and sterolins

Essential fatty   


Udo's Choice

oil blend,

Omega Essential

flaxseed oil or

evening primrose 

Eskimo-3, 500 mg 3 times   

daily or 1-3 tbsp (15-45

  45 mL) daily of Udo's

Choice, Omega Essential  

or flaxseed oil, or lastly

try evening primrose oil, 

1000 mg 3 times daily

Controls inflammatory

prostaglandins, ensures

levels, and maintains  

skin integrity 




Multi-mune (contains

vitamins A, B6, C and

E, selenium zinc mag-

nesium lipoic whichh

coenzyme Q10 reduced

which L-glutathione 


3 capsules daily

with food 






Is anti-inflammatory,


maintain skin integrity,

has potent antioxidants,

and contains zinc,

is needed to convert

 essential fatty acids

Kindervital by Distri-

butors (liquid multi-

(vitamin for children 

Follow dosage 


on the label

Ensures adequate vitamin

and mineral intake and 

and maximizes absorption

Quercetin or grape 

 seed extract 

500 mg 3 times


Is anti-inflammatory,

anti-allergy, and  halts

histamine release

Plant digestive


2 capsules with 

every meal

Aids digestion; people

with eczema often have

 poor digestion, which

increases allergic reactions


Other recommendations

Use topical ointments that contain licorice (Simicort from Enzymatic Therapy), or Herbacort (a combination of cortisone-like herbs), and chamomile ointments (Camocare).


Use hypoallergenic laundry detergents and rinse your bedding, towels, and clothing twice to eliminate detergent residue. Do not use fabric softeners or dryer sheets, as these are often a source of skin irritation and allergy.


Reduce stress (see The Immune System and Stress in chapter 3 of Healthy Immunity).


Drink eight to ten glasses of pure, filtered water every day.

Health tips to enhance eczema healing

Have your thyroid checked. Low thyroid function impairs the immune system.


Don't take immune boosters that enhance macro-phage function, as they can increase inflammatory immune cells in the skin.


Eat seven to ten half-cup servings of fruits and vegetables every day. If you haven't been eating raw veggies regularly, start with steamed; it is easier on the digestive system. Eat plenty of cold-water fish, dandelion greens (available at health food stores or pick in areas that are not sprayed with pesticides), and essential fatty acid-rich seed and nut oils. These foods help heal eczema.


Avoid deep-fried foods, meat, foods high in sugar and other refined carbohydrates (like white bread), caffeine, alcohol and dairy products.

Health fact

When compared to cortisone ointments, topical licorice (glycyrrhetinic acid) was better able to relieve the symptoms of eczema. Long-term use of cortisone ointments can cause serious side effects and skin thinning, and should not be used continuously. Avoid using them on small children and determine what is causing the underlying allergies quickly before chronic skin inflammation occurs.

Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

v Stopping HIV-1 And AIDS Through Total Health Management

By Parris M. Kidd, Ph.D.

Had an HIV test recently? If you do have HIV, finding out early is your best chance to survive. With HIV infection, as with any other disease, early intervention and total health management are the keys to a long and healthy life.

AIDS is now the worst epidemic in history, worse than Europe's black plague of the Middle Ages and worse than the great influenza epidemic of 1918-1920. So far AIDS has killed more than 16 million people and about 34 million people are carrying HIV-1, the virus that causes AIDS. In the United States, HIV-1 now infects at least 40,000 new victims each year, most of them heterosexual.

From this epidemic's beginning people with HIV-1 (PHIV) found they could stay more healthy and delay progression into AIDS by taking dietary supplements, cutting out drinking and smoking or "recreational drugs," and doing regular physical exercise. Some of the people who embraced this early total health management strategy are still around. They and their doctors were the true AIDS pioneers. Now after almost two decades of intensive research, this strategy is still the only way to stay alive with HIV-1.

There isn't a cure for AIDS yet, no magic bullet. The vaccines aren't working out and the drugs have severe side effects while failing to block resistant virus strains. The use of three drugs in combination sometimes brings the patient's virus load way down, at least until resistant strains emerge. Then the combination has to be changed, which lasts for awhile until it has to be changed again, and always there are bad side effects. It is best not to have the virus at all, otherwise it's better to stop HIV infection from progressing into AIDS, and this can be done.

Progression from the asymptomatic "HIV-1 disease" to the life-threatening disease called AIDS typically takes seven to 10 years and multiple factors speed or slow the process. Many factors are under the control of the PHIV. For example, back in 1990, as I was doing my book on AIDS, I found that smoking speeds progression by about two times, as does drug abuse. Making the commitment to a healthy way of living gives the PHIV a chance to go for decades without developing into AIDS.

One negative factor not totally under the PHIV's control is having to share the planet's heavy burden of environmental toxins. The immune system organs-thymus, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes-are vulnerable to toxins because they're continually making new cells and the dividing cells are more easily damaged. Also, individual immune cells circulate with the blood and these "warrior" cells are exceptionally vulnerable to blood-borne toxins. These include thousands of chemicals from cigarette smoke, chlorinated hydrocarbons from pesticides and herbicides, solvents coming from industrial activity and the toxic metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, asbestos and aluminum. All these contribute to throwing the immune functions out of healthy balance. It is very hard for the individual PHIV to avoid toxins when literally billions of pounds are being released into the air, water and soils each year.

High toxic body burden can cripple immunity, allowing the virus to build up and thereby speed the progression to AIDS. We are being forced by polluters to carry a higher toxic burden than ever before in history. All 100 percent of Americans carry at least five organic toxins in our fatty tissues and three out of every four of us carry at least 20 of them. Perhaps the most immunotoxic are the organochlorine compounds (OCCs). Like the OCCs, the toxic metals have no safe lower threshold for exposure and their toxicity is amplified in the presence of other toxins. Reducing the toxic metal burden by chelation therapy can significantly improve immunity and antiviral resistance.

Modern foods also are a major source of toxins. Fried fatty foods carry high levels of lipid peroxides, which are toxic to immunity. Sugar (sucrose) digested from high-carbohydrate foods competes with vitamin C for absorption from the intestine. And the OCC toxins are widespread in common foods: 100 percent of raisin samples tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture had OCCs, as did spinach (fresh and frozen), chili con carne and beef. Also frequently contaminated were strawberries, bell peppers, cherries, cantaloupes, grapes, celery, apples, apricots, peaches, and cucumbers.

Foods carrying toxins are nutritionally inferior and the body's immune system is so busy that it uses a lot of nutrients and needs lots of good food to help replace them. This system is the body's defense against viruses, other infectious agents, foreign chemicals ("xenobiotics"), invaders of all kinds. Immune cells make free radicals to attack enemies so they need extra antioxidant defenses. Their free radical activity burns away vitamins C and E and requires selenium, zinc, copper and manganese to keep the antioxidant enzymes active. As HIV-1 itself attacks immune cells, this often triggers an inflammatory "fight back" that also burns away antioxidants along with other nutrients. The viral load from HIV-1 infection also diverts vital energy from normal, healthy functions into serving the needs of the virus, namely to make more virus. Supplementation with energy-cofactor nutrients such as the B vitamins, CoQ10 and carnitine are also strongly indicated.

Around 67 percent of all PHIV and 87 percent of patients with AIDS have clearly defined nutritional deficiencies. Deficiencies in vitamins A and B12 are related to a decline in "CD4" or T-helper cell counts, beta-carotene deficiency, to increased risk for diarrhea. Magnesium deficiency is common and selenium declines consistently as HIV disease progresses. Unless corrected, nutritional deficiencies will speed progression to AIDS. For example, a group of HIV+ men followed for six years were found less likely to progress to AIDS when their vitamin E intake was doubled over the (puny) RDA level.

The anti-retroviral drugs are artificial substances which block either of two viral enzymes that the virus uses to make new virus particles. The enzymes involved are reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease. The anti-retroviral drugs are currently of three kinds: (1) Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI, or "nukes"); (2) Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI or "non-nukes"); (3) Protease Inhibitors, or PI. These drugs do a pretty good job of blocking virus reproduction but they also block the similar enzymes carried within our own body cells and used for our own essential life functions. Therefore these drugs have severe negative side effects in persons who take them.

The adverse side effects of the anti-HIV drugs range from severe skin rashes to death within hours from hypersensitivity responses. The "nukes" often cause nerve damage ("peripheral neuropathy") and can cause throat swelling, nausea and diarrhea, along with inflammation of the pancreas and life-threatening liver damage. The "non-nukes" alter enzymes in the liver that usually help dispose of drugs, pollutants and excess body hormones. As a consequence the non-nukes have major negative interactions with commonly used drugs like alcohol, acetaminophen (Tylenol®) and phenobarbital. One non-nuke (efavirenz, SustivaTM) caused monkey infants to develop abnormally (teratogenesis) and the other non-Nukes haven't been tested for these effects. Efavirenz also causes central nervous system symptoms in more than half of all patients: dizziness, sleepiness, insomnia, abnormal dreams, confusion, abnormal thinking, impaired concentration, amnesia, agitation, depersonalization, hallucinations and euphoria.

The PIs aren't any better for side effects. They drive blood cholesterol and triglycerides abnormally high and increase risk of heart disease. They drive up blood sugar, probably by damaging the pancreas. They cause intestinal discomfort, often with nausea and diarrhea, can cause kidney stones and liver damage and like the nukes and non-nukes, also feature major negative drug interactions. All this makes it extremely challenging for the PHIV to take these drugs on an ongoing daily basis, yet when they come off the drugs they soon experience an increase in viral load and likely further loss of CD4 cells. The drugs do extend life in almost 80 percent of patients who take them but only if taken every single day at the right times and only if the side effects don't kill the patient.

We don't often get much about these killer side effects in the mass media articles and pharmaceutical industry propaganda that trumpet "the new generation of life-extending AIDS drugs." In many AIDS doctors' practices, most of the precious time available for seeing the patient is now spent dealing with the side effects of the anti-retroviral drugs. And ironically, many PHIVs probably could get by without using the drugs, by practicing total health management.

As the PHIV person considers whether to go onto a drug combination, several facts are worth considering. First, the drugs can be useful but are not a cure. Second, not everyone needs to take the drugs unless they are unable to control their viral load within reasonable limits. Third, if they do decide to take the drugs, they also can take nutrients which will help to better tolerate the drugs, while not interfering with their benefits. There are two crucial keys to surviving with HIV: one is to lower the viral load, the other to keep the immune system functional. What then if there were a nontoxic alternative that would achieve these two goals?

There is such an alternative: a mixture of plant nutrients called phytosterols-mainly beta-sitosterol (BSS) and beta-sitosterol glucoside (BSSG). In a long-term clinical trial conducted in South Africa a unique combination of the BSS and BSSG phytosterols (ModucareTM SterinolTM Complex) increased CD4 numbers and in some subjects also reduced viral load. The trial was carried out at a university, where 123 HIV+ subjects were studied in comparison with 23 healthy control subjects.

As the HIV+ subjects were followed over a period of more than two years, their CD4 counts stabilized. Subjects who began the study with CD4 counts higher than 500 (CD4+, healthy) experienced increases; those with 200-500 (progressing HIV-positives) hardly lost any numbers and remained within this range; and those with less than 200 (diagnosis AIDS) experienced only very slight decline. Viral load in those with CD4 less than 500 remained stable and did not increase; in those with more than 500, viral load actually went down. Of this latter group, 15 percent had undetectable viral load after 12 months.

The ModucareTM SterinolTM phytosterols are chemically related to cholesterol but compete against animal-source cholesterol in the body, working naturally to have a positive rebalancing effect on the immune system. They are potent immune modulators, since they enhance immunity across the board by improving immune cell efficiency and rebalancing cell-to-cell coordination. They have just about zero adverse effects and are economically affordable. No wonder, then, that some 12 African countries have officially approved their use.

The ModucareTM SterinolTM phytosterols are not magic bullets for PHIV but their benefit-risk characteristics are far superior over the available drugs. PHIV could use them to support the immune system's capacity to hold the virus down, prior to jumping into the murky and dangerous world of the nukes and other anti-retroviral drugs. These anti-retroviral drugs are now so complicated and dangerous to manage that only specialized AIDS physicians can effectively manage patients taking them.

Total health management of AIDS should involve every possible approach to maintaining health and restoring damaged body functions to normal. This includes cleaning up the diet, eliminating nutritional deficiencies, reducing the body burden of metals and organics, correcting intestinal bacterial imbalances ("dysbiosis"), exercising daily, using immune modulators like ModucareTM SterinolTM early in the disease and going with the drugs only as a last resort. Toxic medication should be the final option, after other safer approaches have been thoroughly explored. It's better not to have the virus at all but for the individual with HIV, a truly total approach to health management offers the best chances for a long and happy life.

v Autoimmunity - When Your Body Attacks Itself

A balanced immune system normally distinguishes friend from foe and only attacks foreign invaders, avoiding the body's own tissues. But occasionally, our immune system's weaponry turns against itself, causing destruction and in severe cases even death. We call the illnesses that result from this `return of friendly fire' autoimmune diseases.


Autoimmune Diseases

 Disease  Affected Zone
Ankylosing spondylitis Spine
Rheumatoid arthritis    Cartilage and joint linings
Juvenile onset diabetes Pancreatic beta-cells
Systemic lupus erythematosus DNA, platelets, most tissues
Myasthenia gravis Nerves and muscles
Grave's disease Thyroid
Psoriasis Skin
Pernicious anemia      Gastric parietal cells
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia  Red blood cell membranes

Autoimmune diseases can involve any system in the body, although some organs and tissues appear to be more susceptible than others. There are over eighty different autoimmune diseases, including: ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, myasthenia gravis, Grave's disease, Crohn's or celiac disease, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, psoriasis, pernicious anemia, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia to name a few. Five percent of our adult population is afflicted with one or more autoimmune diseases, and two thirds of those are women. Autoimmune diseases are usually diagnosed in early adulthood, generally after a bout of illness or severe stress. Remember that stress and illness cause imbalance in your immune system and are linked to the diseases of today. Often people affected by autoimmune disorders will experience alternating periods of remission, where the symptoms disappear, and acute episodes, where symptoms flare up. Others will see their symptoms progressively worsen and their condition deteriorate.

Hereditary factors are involved in a predisposition to the disease, but as is found in studies involving twins, if one twin is diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, the other has a higher risk but does not necessarily acquire the disease. Many other factors are involved in why the immune system turns against the body.

Researchers believe that stress, viral infections, poor nutrition and pollution play a role in the development of autoimmune diseases causing the immune system to become confused and attack the very body it is supposed to protect. Complex sequences of events take place on a minute to minute basis as our immune system protects us from invaders.

Several important cells make up this system but two types of T helper cells, Th-1 and Th-2, determine whether we become ill or stay healthy. When Th-1 cell function is low our ability to fight off cancer, bacteria and viruses is reduced. And when Th-2 cell function is high our production of antibodies is increased and secretion of Interleukin-6, a powerful inflammatory factor, also increases. Both these factors are implicated in the development and progression of autoimmune disease. The key to health is keeping Th-1 and Th-2 cells in harmonious balance.

What is autoimmunity?

Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system begins to attack the body. Several causes of autoimmunity have been postulated, including viral or bacterial infection, stress, and genetic susceptibility. Infection is considered the main culprit, as scientists have realized that it often precedes an autoimmune diagnosis. Viruses and bacteria have devised methods to avoid detection, thereby gaining access to the body. Certain viruses provide the immune system with strings of amino acids that are so similar to those of the body that they are thought of as "self" until some anomaly reveals otherwise. As a result, the immune system can become confused and think it is attacking an invader when it is actually attacking the body's tissues.

So why is it that not everyone who is exposed to a virus acquires an autoimmune disease? Many factors have to be in place for the immune system to become disrupted. Our genetic makeup, and a weakened immune system due to stress, poor diet or exposure to environmental toxins, all play a hand in whether or not our immunity is affected.

Plant Sterols and Sterolins Return Balance

Plant sterols and sterolins are so effective at modulating the immune system (putting it back in balance) that autoimmune disorders may eventually be laid to rest in medical history texts. Moducare, the combination of plant sterols and sterolins, regulates the functions of the T cells by enhancing their ability to divide, giving us more T cells to add to the army; and they also promote the secretion of Interleukin-2 and Gamma interferon. Sterols and sterolins do this without enhancing the action of the Th-2 helper cells, which are involved in promoting inflammation and producing autoantibodies. This is very crucial, because autoimmune diseases are caused by the body producing antibodies against itself, and the disease is made worse by the severe inflammation that occurs. Both Interleukin-2 and gamma interferon are able to shut off the immune system's antibody-producing machinery.

Patrick Bouic and his research team have been able to show that sterols and sterolins are beneficial at controlling autoimmune disease. Sterols and sterolins modulate the immune response to autoimmunity and control the disease by preventing the damage caused by the inflammation but more importantly, they are able to reverse the immune abnormality at the origin of the disease. The major differences between the use of conventional medicines and sterols and sterolins in the control of autoimmunity is that conventional drugs are mainly aimed at inhibiting the entire immune response and the inflammatory process; hence the use of anti-inflammatory and immune-suppressing drugs. Conventional treatments have serious side effects and dangers, because the immune system is kept suppressed to protect the body from the onslaught of the immune response, leaving the person affected open to opportunistic infections. More seriously, it is important to note that immune-suppressed patients are more prone to the development of life-threatening tumors and carcinomas.

Sterols and sterolins are a revolutionary approach to the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Those suffering with any of the above autoimmune diseases should take two capsules of Moducare three times per day, on an empty stomach or an hour before meals. Results vary depending on the severity of your autoimmune disease and whether you have been, or are, on prednisone or other immune-suppressing drugs. If you are currently taking these medications, tell your doctor and take both Moducare and your prescription together, and have your autoantibodies tested regularly. If you have insulin dependent diabetes you will need to monitor your insulin requirements. I have seen patients require less insulin within a matter of weeks.

Along with two capsules of Moducare three times per day, I recommend you take three tablespoons of flaxseed oil per day, 1500 mg of fish oil capsules, 30 mg of zinc citrate and 50 mg of vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxal-5-phosphate with 100 mg of magnesium glycinate. It has been shown that many individuals (especially women) lack the enzyme to convert vitamin B6 to its active form, pyridoxal-5-phosphate. For that reason I recommend pyridoxal-5-phosphate over vitamin B6.

Clinical trials are currently underway to confirm the results of preliminary studies on the effects of sterols and sterolins on rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, CIN III cervical lesions, HIV and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Pegal, K.H. The Importance of Sitosterol and Sitosterolin in Human and Animal Nutrition. 1997;93:263-268.

O'Garra, A. Interleukins and the Immune System One. Lancet, 1989:April 29, 943-947.

Bouic, P.J.D., Sterols/Sterolins, The Natural, Non-toxic Immunomodulators and Their Role in the Control of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 1998 peliminary research results paper.

Bouic, P.J.D., et al. Beta-sitosterol and Betasitosterol Glucoside Stimulate Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Proliferation: Implications for Their Use as an Immunomodulatory Vitamin Combination. International Journal of Immunopharmacology. 1995;18:693-700.

v Autoimmune Diseases Therapies Protocol

Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the body's immune responses being directed against its own tissues, resulting in inflammation and destruction. A wide range of degenerative diseases are caused as a result. Immune dysfunction can cause immune responsive cells to attack the linings of the joints, resulting in rheumatoid arthritis, or prompt defectively functioning immune cells to attack the insulin-producing islet cells of the pancreas, resulting in insulin-dependent diabetes.

A healthy immune system first recognizes bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells that are not normally present in the body and then attacks and destroys the foreign agents using a variety of mechanisms, such as engulfing. A defective immune system, on the other hand, wreaks havoc throughout the body.

There is a whole class of degenerative diseases that are caused by changes in the immune system that result in the immune system attacking normal cells in the body. Any disease is considered autoimmune if antibodies of cytotoxic cells are directed against self-antigens in the body's own tissues. Diseases such as lupus erythematosus, autoimmune hepatitis, diabetes, pancreatitis, and rheumatoid arthritis can develop and become dangerous diseases requiring drastic measures to control and correct. Allergy is also the result of disordered immune function. Additionally, there are other diseases that may be the result of autoimmune dysfunction, such as multiple sclerosis.


Age is an important factor in the appearance of autoimmune diseases. However, some people experience these types of diseases very early in life. The immune system may also be suppressed or weakened as a result of factors not associated with a degenerative disease but due to the intake of alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, drugs, sugar, and of course poor diet and lack of sleep. These lifestyle factors can have a substantial effect on the trends of autoimmune diseases.

As we age, our autoimmune system declines in its effectiveness due in large part to oxidative damage caused by the recurrent presence of significant amounts of free radicals. This kind of oxidative damage has been implicated in such autoimmune diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hepatitis, and lupus.

Basic Pathways of Autoimmune Dysfunction

Autoimmune diseases tend to be viewed as separate entities. A broader perspective, however, may reveal shared mechanisms that are the cause of disease, rather than just its by-product. If this perspective were applied, patients would benefit from improved therapies and early intervention, before the development of irreversible tissue damage. As reported in the journal Hospital Practice, Dr. Majid Ali has long considered that there must be a single initial common pathway to all disease, including immune dysfunction.

Of concern is the fact that our environment-our air, water and food in particular-is full of toxic substances. There is no doubt that these toxins play a role in immune dysfunction. Even substances considered by most people as safe to eat actually impair immune function. Glucose, fructose, and sucrose are all forms of sugar. Eating 100 grams will impair the ability of white cells to destroy biological agents. The effect begins within a half hour and lasts for 5 hours. After 2 hours, there is a 50% reduction in immune function. Other factors that decrease immune function are obesity, eating excess fats and alcohol, and stress and fatigue.

The Effect of Natural Supplements on the Autoimmune System

The autoimmune system needs a good nutritional foundation over a long period of time to alleviate or reverse lifestyle autoimmune dysfunction and to assist with combating fully developed autoimmune diseases. The fundamental causal basis for autoimmune system boosting was shown in a study that was designed to measure the serum concentrations of vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin A in patients prior to developing rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus. Two to fifteen years after the volunteer patients had originally donated their blood to the serum bank (1974), the serum samples were assayed for vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin A. Those patients who developed rheumatoid arthritis or lupus showed lower serum concentrations of vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin A in their serum from 1974. Those who had the lowest serum level of beta-carotene in 1974 were the most likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis later in life. This indicates the long-term importance of maintaining adequate vitamin status for the prevention of autoimmune diseases.

Vitamin C also plays an important role in immune function; intravenous administration of large doses of vitamin C can stimulate healthy immune function in patients.

In a study conducted at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center (Lipids, 1994), it was found that fish oil containing vitamin E delayed the onset of autoimmune diseases in autoimmune-prone mice. Another study on the effects of vitamin E deficiency was conducted in the United Kingdom and published in Inflammation Research (1995). It was found that dietary components that alter the antioxidant/oxidant status may contribute to the treatment of inflammatory/autoimmune diseases.

Supplementation with omega-3 essential fatty acids from fish, flax, or perilla oils-along with borage oil, evening primrose oil, or black currant seed oil, which contain the essential omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linoleic acid (GLA)-can alleviate many symptoms of autoimmune disease through their anti-inflammatory activity.

One protocol used with a great deal of success involves daily supplementation with 4 capsules a day of a concentrated fish oil encapsulated supplement called Mega EPA, along with 5 capsules a day of a borage oil preparation called Mega GLA. These two oils provide the essential fatty acids that have been shown to favorably modulate immune function and help correct autoimmune disease. For those who don't like fish oil supplements, flax or perilla oils can be substituted. When consuming supplemental oils, it is especially important to protect the body from excessive oxidation that would normally occur in response to ingestion of these fatty acids. In general, a good ratio for essential fatty acid supplementation is two parts of an omega-3 rich essential fatty acid supplement to one part of a supplement rich in omega-6 essential fatty acid. Omega-6 essential fatty acid taken alone can follow a pro-inflammatory pathway that is blocked by the omega-3 essential fatty acids by inhibiting the delta-5 desaturation enzyme system.

L-carnitine has been shown to reduce the impairment of immune function caused by the dangerous fats found in the typical American diet. This is probably due to L-carnitine's ability to lower serum lipids (fats) by enhancing the transport of fatty acids into the cell's mitochondria, where they are used to produce energy. Acetyl-L-carnitine is the most effective form of L- carnitine.

The trace element selenium showed promise according to a study conducted in Würzburg, Germany, and cited in Medizinische Klinik (Germany), 1997. Selenoproteins (such as seleno-methionine) were shown to block cell damage caused by environmental peroxides, and these selenium compounds were found to aid in the "prevention and therapy of metabolic bone disease as well as chronic (autoimmune) inflammation."

Those with existing autoimmune diseases may need more than essential fatty acids and antioxidant supplements to gain control over their disease. The hormone DHEA can suppress certain unwanted immune-system reactions in patients with autoimmune diseases by blocking the action of a cytokine called interleukin-6.

Intestinal dysbiosis, or leaky gut syndrome with increased intestinal permeability, is thought to play a role in some autoimmune diseases (by allowing bacterial and other antigens similar to self-antigens in some tissues to penetrate and simulate an autoimmune response). Eating a healthy diet, the use of a probiotic such as Life Flora, and nutritional support for friendly bacteria such as NutraFlora are desirable, as is avoidance of excessive exposure to antibiotics, alcohol, aspirin, non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and other agents which may alter intestinal-wall permeability and the normal ecology of the bowel bacterial flora.

Other Considerations

To prevent and treat immune dysfunction it is important to get regular exercise; even walking will do. Sleep is also very important. One of the major contributors to immune dysfunction is stress. The mechanism is simple. Prolonged, even low-level stress stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, which in excess impairs immune function. Depression and emotional distress are also contributors to immune dysfunction. There is a connection between the limbic system and the part of the brain from which emotions arise. Limbic function affects immune function. One of the ways to deal with stress and directly with immune function is guided imagery and biofeedback. Therefore, stress reduction is a must for treating immune dysfunction. Poor thyroid function can also contribute to impaired immune function since many autoimmune processes are involved in many thyroid diseases.


Autoimmune diseases may be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, a nutritional diet, and by boosting the strength of the autoimmune system with supplements. Those with developed autoimmune diseases such as lupus, pancreatitis, and rheumatoid arthritis-or those whose autoimmune systems are degraded because of toxic substances such as tobacco and alcohol-can also use supplements to suppress autoimmune diseases. The protocols needed may include the supplements listed below as well as prescription drugs.

  1. To decrease oxidative damage associated with autoimmune dysfunction, dietary supplements of vitamins A, C, E, and beta-carotene should be taken daily.

  2. Life Extension Mix containing the above vitamins along with the trace element selenium should help favorably modulate immune function.

    Mega EPA (4 capsules daily) and Mega GLA (5 capsules daily), which contain the essential fatty acids, will alleviate symptoms of immune dysfunction.

  3. DHEA, 25 to 50 mg a day.

Source:   1999-2000 Healthy Immunity

Reprinted with permission.

v Anemia-Thrombocytopenia-Leukopenia

n Anemia

Generally defined as a decrease in the number of red blood cells or quantity of hemoglobin or hematocrit. This reduced blood cell count reduces the amount of oxygen the blood can carry to the body.

n Thrombocytopenia

A condition that occurs when the body does not have enough blood platelets, or the platelets are damaged. A person may bleed uncontrollably from a large vessel or from small capillaries. Often this bleeding into tissue becomes visible as a bruise or red marks on the skin.

n Leukopenia

An abnormal decrease in the number of white blood cells, often reducing immune system function.

n Anemia

 General Causes of Anemia

Researchers studying the management of common forms of anemia at Wright State University School of Medicine at Dayton, Ohio, advised in a 1999 study that anemia is a prevalent condition with a variety of underlying causes. Once the etiology has been established, many forms of anemia can be easily managed by the family physician. Iron deficiency, the most common form of anemia, may be treated orally or, rarely, parenterally. Vitamin B12 deficiency has traditionally been treated with intramuscular injections, although oral and intranasal preparations are also available. The treatment of folate deficiency is straightforward, relying on oral supplements. Folic acid supplementation is also recommended for women of child-bearing age to reduce their risk of neural tube defects. [Journal of American Family Physicians (1999).]

Aging, viral infections, blood diseases, and a variety of drugs, as well as cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy, can cause deficits in red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood platelet production (Annu. Rev. Nutr., 1999; 19:357-77).

Dietary anemia is caused by not consuming enough nutrients, losing needed nutrients, or the inability to absorb enough required nutrients. Anemia can sometimes be caused by a hormone deficiency.

Symptoms of Anemia


Weakness and faintness


Shortness of breath


Increased heart rate


Headaches Sore tongue


Nausea and loss of appetite




Bleeding gums


Confusion and dementia


Severe cases may cause heart failure

Common Dietary Anemias

Pernicious anemia (lack of vitamin B12)

Pernicious anemia occurs when the body does not have enough vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia usually means the person can't absorb the vitamin, rather than lack of the vitamin in the diet.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is estimated to affect 10 to 15% of people over the age of 60, and the laboratory diagnosis is usually based on low serum vitamin B12 levels or elevated serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine levels (Annu. Rev. Nutr., 1999; 19:357-77). Vitamin B12 is important and is used by our bodies in the bone marrow to make red blood cells. Interestingly, this disease is more common in the people of northern Europe.

The risks of getting pernicious anemia are increased by eating only a vegetarian diet, having stomach surgery (removing a part of the stomach which makes intrinsic factors needed to absorb vitamin B12), thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, or family history of the disease.

There is a special test for vitamin B12 called the Schilling Test in which a doctor gives an injection of radioactive vitamin B12. By measuring how much of it comes out in the urine, the doctor can tell whether a lack of vitamin B12 is causing the anemia. Your physician may also look at your bone marrow to see whether there is a problem in red blood cell production.

If untreated, pernicious anemia can lead to serious health problems such as congestive heart failure, neurological problems, increased incidences of infections, and even impotence in males. Those with coronary artery or pulmonary disease are especially vulnerable to the oxygen deprivation that can be caused by anemia.

Folic acid deficiency anemia

Folate deficiency is generally found in malnourished individuals, especially alcoholics, infants fed solely on cows' milk, and pregnant women. Malabsorption syndromes often produce folate deficiency, and certain drugs (e.g., phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone, isoniazid, and cycloserine) are associated with attenuation of folate absorption and metabolism.

Folic acid is a vitamin found in many foods, especially asparagus, broccoli, endive, spinach, and lima beans. Folic acid is metabolically inactive until it is converted into tetrahydrofolic acid (THF).

Tetrahydrofolic acid is important to general health as it produces thymidylate, which acts as a courier of "genetic messages" to cell DNA. Additionally, folate has been shown to play a role in no fewer than six biochemical reactions, including synthesis of methionine, synthesis of purines (thymine is a pyrimidine), and catabolism of histidine. Failure of folate to break down histidine results in accumulation of an intermediary metabolite, formiminoglutamic acid (FIGlu), which can be measured clinically and is a clinical marker for folate deficiency.

Iron deficiency anemia

When there is insufficient iron available for the normal production of hemoglobin, iron-deficiency anemia results.

According to the World Health Organization, iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) has not been responsive to prevention and control efforts.

Subclinical consequences of micronutrient deficiencies, i.e., "hidden hunger," include compromised immune functions that increase the risk of morbidity and mortality, impaired cognitive development and growth, and reduced reproductive and work capacity and performance (Bull. World Health Org., 1998; 76 Suppl. 2:34-7).

Iron-deficiency anemia, the most common type of anemia, strikes 20% of all premenopausal women in the United States. The primary cause is loss of blood through menstruation. This type of anemia also commonly occurs during pregnancy.

The body's iron stores can be depleted either through insufficient intakes or excessive loss. In America, dietary insufficiency is a very rare condition, thanks to the combination of our meat-rich diet and the iron fortification of our food staples. The one notable exception to this is the case with milk-fed infants and their mothers. Bovine milk has almost no iron. An iron-deficient state in babies may begin in the antenatal life of the mother who may be overtly or borderline iron-deficient (iron requirements are markedly increased in pregnancy due to the demands of developing the fetal tissues). Fortunately most infant formulas are now fortified with iron. Still, nutritional cases of IDA do occur. Although dietary deficiency of iron is rare, individuals with gastrointestinal lesions (scarring) that cause poor absorption may fail to assimilate sufficient iron.

As mentioned above, the more important cause of iron depletion is chronic blood loss. In females, this is usually due to menstruation. Other underlying causes of blood loss include chronically bleeding lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, reflux esophagitis, peptic ulcers, or gastric or colorectal adenocarcinomas.

Because these diseases may be undetected, all cases of iron-deficiency anemia should be thoroughly investigated for the presence of hidden bleeding sites. This is especially true in cases involving females who are not of reproductive age and in all males. Patients should insist on clinical testing to determine the source of any suspected bleeding.

The anti-anemia drug

When the drug Epogen was approved, it provided physicians with a relatively safe method of treating anemias caused by defective red blood cell production. Epogen is a recombinant human erythropoietin that stimulates the division and differentiation of red blood cell progenitors in the bone marrow. Epogen is prescribed to treat anemias caused by cancer chemotherapy drugs, certain anti-HIV drugs, testosterone deficiency, and chronic kidney failure (erythropoietin is naturally produced in the kidneys). Epogen is administered by injection by a physician experienced in using this drug.

It should be noted that a clinically significant resolution to an anemic condition may require 2 to 6 weeks of Epogen therapy. This means that Epogen is not intended for patients who require immediate correction of a life-threatening anemic condition. Despite Epogen being approved by the FDA several years ago, most conventional doctors are still not familiar with it and often fail to prescribe it appropriately.

Acute anemia therapy usually requires blood transfusions. The goal of therapy in acute anemia is to restore the hemodynamics of the vascular systems and replace lost red blood cells. To achieve this, the practitioner may use mineral and vitamin supplements, blood transfusions, vasopressors, histamine antagonists, and glucocorticosteroids.

Treatment of pernicious anemia

Doctors have long prescribed vitamin B12 injections, though recent studies show that orally ingested vitamin B12 works as well as B12 shots (Life Extension Magazine; 1999, August, pp. 34-40).

Treatment of folic acid deficiency anemia

Oral supplementation with folic acid and vitamin B12 is a common treatment of folic-acid deficiency.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Oral iron preparations are available for treatment of these cases. The least expensive and typically the best absorbed is a noncoated ferrous sulfate (FeSO4). It is important to specify on the prescription that nonenteric, coated preparations are used, so as to maximize iron availability for absorption. Since acute iron overdoses are potentially fatal, iron tablets should be kept out of reach of children.

In certain cases, such as in gastrointestinal malabsorption syndromes, it may be necessary to give parenteral iron. This preparation, iron dextran (Imferon7), may be given intramuscularly or intravenously. Since it may produce anaphylactic shock, it needs to be given under direct physician supervision. Transfusion, which immediately restores all iron stores, is very dangerous in chronically anemic patients because of the demand this new blood volume puts upon the already taxed heart. This is rarely indicated for iron-deficiency anemia.

Since excess iron in the body can generate massive free radical reactions, supplemental iron to correct an iron deficiency should be used sparingly. Some people mistakenly continue taking iron supplements long after a deficient state is corrected. The penalty for overloading the body with too much iron is dramatically increased risks of cancer, heart disease, and neurological degeneration.

Other nutritional approaches

Anemia and associated diseases compromise the oxygen-transport capabilities of red blood cells and the normal immune function of both red and white blood cells due to increased adhesion, reduction, or malfunction. Scientific study strongly suggests that trace minerals may act as an adjunctive preventive therapy and/or reduce the effect of anemia on normal blood cell function

Researchers at the Nichols Institute in San Juan Capistrano, California, reported the importance of trace minerals in a 1998 study quoted below:

"Copper, zinc, selenium, and molybdenum are involved in many biochemical processes supporting life. The most important of these processes are cellular respiration, cellular utilization of oxygen, DNA and RNA reproduction, maintenance of cell membrane integrity, and sequestration of free radicals." (Clin. Lab. Med., 1998 Dec;18(4):673-85)

We recommend the consumption of trace minerals such as 2 to 3 mg daily of copper, 30 to 60 mg of zinc, and 200 to 600 mcg daily of selenium, as an adjunctive therapy for anemia and associated disease.

Preventing and treating anemia caused by HIV antiviral drugs

Infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is commonly associated with hematologic abnormalities (anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia). A 1998 study by The National Center for HIV states that "the 1-year incidence of anemia was 36.9% for persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)." Several causes have been identified, including direct HIV injury on bone marrow (as mentioned above), anti-HIV drugs such as AZT, opportunistic infections in bone marrow, vitamin B12 and folate deficiency, radiation therapy, and hemophagocytic syndrome. Patients have an increased risk of infection, since the neutrophils play an important role in the defense against bacterial and certain fungal infections.

Treatment strategies may include reducing or eliminating anti-HIV drugs and other conventional therapies that suppress bone marrow production of blood cells. Supplementation with 2000 mcg of vitamin B12 sublingual or oral tablets and 1600 mcg of folic acid is strongly suggested because deficiencies of these vitamins can cause numerous AIDS-related complications. The drug Epogen would be an appropriate conventional therapy.

n Thrombocytopenia

Thrombocytopenia is a multisystem, life-threatening disorder of unknown cause, first observed and described in 1924. Thrombocytopenia is characterized by microvascular leakage with platelet aggregation. The disease is most common in adults and is associated with pregnancy and diseases such as HIV, cancer, bacterial infection, vasculitis, bone marrow transplantation, and drugs.

Many drugs can induce thrombocytopenia mediated by drug-dependent antiplatelet antibodies. Management of patients with unexpected thrombocytopenia who are taking multiple drugs remains a difficult clinical problem (Curr. Opin. Hematol., 1999 Sept; 6 [5]:349-53).

Platelet damage generally accompanies thrombocytopenia, releasing a substance into the bloodstream, which dramatically increases platelet adhesiveness and causes further complications.

In some cases of megaloblastic anemia (anemia conditions that have a common failure mechanism in which the body is unable to synthesize adequate amounts of normal DNA), there is concomitant leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, reflecting the abnormal development of white blood cells and platelets (Int. J. Clin. Pract., 1999 March; 53 [2]:104-6).

Anemia Chronic Disease (ACD) often accompanies or can cause thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. This is a condition found in patients suffering from chronic infections, noninfectious inflammatory diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis), and neoplasms. The following characterize this type of anemia:

Decreased red blood cell (RBC) life span. The cause is completely unknown.


Impaired iron metabolism. Iron accumulates in the body, but its absorption by red blood cells is impaired.

This disease contributes to the further reduction of red and white blood cells, causing the disease or complicating the treatment of anemia and anemia-associated diseases.

A specific natural therapy to restore healthy platelet production is 5 capsules a day of standardized shark liver oil, containing 200 mg of alkylglycerols per capsule. Studies have shown that shark liver oil can boost the production of blood platelets. Studies have also shown the immune enhancement capabilities of shark liver oil (J. Alt. Compl. Med., 1998 Spring; 4 [1]:87-99). As will be discussed later, melatonin may be an especially effective and safe therapy to treat thrombocytopenia.

Cauton: Shark oil capsules should be taken in high doses for a maximum period of only 30 days, because otherwise too many blood platelets might be produced.

n Leukopenia

Preventing and treating chemotherapy-induced leukopenia

Studies have shown that supplemental melatonin in doses of 10 to 40 mg a night can protect and restore normal blood cell production caused by the toxicity of chemotherapy. A study was performed in 80 patients with metastatic solid tumors to evaluate the benefits of melatonin. Patients received either chemotherapy alone or chemotherapy plus 20 mg each night of melatonin. Thrombocytopenia was significantly less frequent in patients receiving melatonin.

Other common side effects of cancer chemotherapy, such as malaise, asthenia, stomatitis, and neuropathy, occurred less frequently in patients receiving melatonin. This corroborated previous studies showing that the administration of melatonin during chemotherapy can prevent some side effects, especially myelosuppression (blood cell production suppression) and neuropathy.

It is recommended that cancer patients using cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs be placed on FDA-approved immune-protective drugs a week before the first chemotherapy drug is administered. Depending on the type of cancer and the chemotherapy regimen that will be used, some of these FDA-approved drugs may include

Neupogen, a granulocyte-colony stimulating factor drug (G-CSF).


Leukine, a granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF).

These FDA-approved drugs stimulate the production of T-lymphocytes, macrophages, and other immune cells that are valuable in preventing the toxic effects on the bone marrow during chemotherapy. These immune-protecting drugs enable chemotherapy to be given at a higher dose that may make it effective. Stimulated macrophages are powerful tumor killers, as has been demonstrated by clinical studies using interleukin-2 and (GM)-CSF, or G-CSF. In addition, colony growth factors are able to accelerate regeneration of blood cells following chemotherapy. Initial clinical experience with GM-CS and G-CSF has shown that severe neutropenia (immune impairment) due to chemotherapy drugs may be prevented or at least decelerated, thus reducing the number of severe infections.

Immune cytokines such as alpha-interferon and interleukin-2. Interferon directly inhibits cancer cell proliferation and has already been used in the therapy of hairy cell leukemia, Kaposi's sarcoma, and malignant melanoma. Interleukin-2 allows for an increase in the cytotoxic activity of natural killer (NK) cells.


Retinoic acid (vitamin A) analog drugs enhance the efficacy of some chemotherapy regimens and reduce the risk of secondary cancers.


T-cell suppressor inhibiting agents, such as cimetidine, prevent cancer cells from prematurely shutting down the immune system.

The proper administration of these drugs one week prior to the initiation of chemotherapy can dramatically reduce the immune damage that chemotherapy inflicts on the body and increase the cancer-cell killing efficacy of conventional chemotherapy drugs. Please remember that we are talking about drugs that require physician administration. The patient can self-administer melatonin, CoQ10, tocopherol succinate, and many other nutrients that have been shown to protect immune function and improve chemotherapy efficacy. These nutrients have saved the lives of numerous cancer patients in clinical trials. The administration of the FDA-approved drugs, however, is still important to the cancer patient, even though nutrients such as melatonin have similar mechanisms of action. There are too many published studies about the prophylactic benefits of these FDA-approved drugs for them not to be used prior to the administration of chemotherapy.

To treat low white blood cell counts, the FDA-approved drug Neupogen or Leukine may be considered by your immunologist or hematologist. Drugs such as Neupogen, Leukine, and Intron A (alpha-interferon) can restore immune function debilitated by toxic cancer chemotherapy drugs. In one study, patients with refractory (resistant to treatment) solid tumors treated with standard chemotherapy and GM-CSF had a 33.3% objective response rate, versus 15% with chemotherapy alone. If you are on chemotherapy, and your blood tests show immune suppression you should demand that your oncologist use the appropriate immune restoration drug(s).


The following steps are important in preventing and treating anemia.

  1. Vitamin B12, 2000 to 4000 mcg per day orally or sublingually.

  2. Folic acid, 1600 to 5000 mcg per day.

  3. Iron, the minimum amount needed to correct an iron deficient state; 30 to 200 mg a day should be  taken until blood parameters return to normal.

  4. Zinc, 30 to 60 mg daily.

  5. Selenium, 200 to 600 mcg daily.

  6. Copper, 2 to 3 mg daily.

  7. Melatonin, 3 to 10 mg at bedtime.

  8. A multivitamin supplement that provides a potent B-complex and vitamin E.

  9. Coenzyme Q10, 100 mg per day.

  10. If nutrients don't work, ask your doctor to administer the drug, Epogen.

The following steps are important to prevent or treat thrombocytopenia:

  1. Melatonin, 10 to 40 mg per night (some people may only be able to tolerate 3 mg a night of melatonin).

  2. Standardized Shark Oil capsules, 5 capsules daily containing 200 mg alkylglycerols).

Caution: Limit consumption to 30 days to avoid over production of platelets. Take a potent multinutrient supplement like Life Extension Mix (3 tablets, 3 times a day) to guard against a nutritional deficiency.

The following steps are important to prevent and treat leukopenia:

  1. Melatonin, 10 to 40 mg per night (some people may only be able to tolerate 3 mg a night of melatonin).

  2. Take a potent multinutrient supplement like Life Extension Mix (3 tablets, 3 times a day) to guard against a nutritional deficiency.

  3. Ask your doctor to consider prescribing immune cell boosting drugs like Neupogen, Leukine, alpha-interferon, and interleukin-2 before leukopenia develops. These drugs are not totally free of side effects and have to be carefully monitored for safety and efficacy.

Regular blood testing should be done to monitor the effectiveness of any blood cell boosting therapy you are taking.


Source:   Life Extension Magazine

Reprinted with permission.

These articles first appeared in Dec. 2001 issue of Life Extension magazine, 1110 West Commercial Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. Tel. (800) 544-4440.

v HIV (Immune Deficiency) Treatment

A controversy continues to exist in the scientific community as to whether the Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the sole agent responsible for the decline in immune function that is clinically defined as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In 1985, the Life Extension Foundation proposed that the decline in the immune function might be prevented or slowed down via the daily use of high-potency dietary supplements. Since 1985, several thousand medical papers have provided evidence that HIV-related immune-system destruction directly correlates with deficiencies of specific hormones, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (AIDS, 1997; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1997; J. Nutr., 1994). In fact, it appears that the proper combination of hormones and nutrients may be a safe and highly effective method of restoring immune competence to those who are HIV positive, or who are in the early stages of displaying symptoms indicating that they are at risk for developing clinically defined AIDS (VIIIth Int. Conf. AIDS, 1992). When reviewing medical studies relating to AIDS and nutrition, it appears that HIV infection is a controllable disease if the appropriate steps are taken to protect against deficiencies of critical nutrients and hormones that the delicate immune system requires for optimal function (Lancet, 1989).

The Critical Importance of Glutathione

The HIV virus severely depletes the cells of an amino acid called glutathione. Numerous studies reveal that the lack of glutathione causes lymphocytes to become weak in their immunological "efficiency," thereby contributing to the immune cell impairment characteristic of AIDS (FASEB J., 1997). The depletion of cellular glutathione also helps explain the decrease in protein synthesis that results in the catabolic (wasting) state that affects so many AIDS patients. Glutathione plays an important role in maintaining cellular integrity throughout the body, including the epithelial lining of the intestines. The intestinal impairment caused by glutathione deficiency often manifests as inflammatory bowel disease, a common problem in AIDS patients that prevents effective absorption of vital nutrients into the body (Gut, 1998).

Free radicals have been linked to much of the immune system destruction caused by HIV. The HIV-induced cellular depletion of glutathione is associated with free radical injury to numerous immune-system components. A wide range of antioxidants have been shown to protect immune function, and nutrients that maintain cellular levels of glutathione are especially important in preventing or slowing the progression of HIV infection. T-helper lymphocytes require adequate levels of glutathione to function normally, and HIV induces oxidative stress that depletes T-helper cells of glutathione (Res. Immunol., 1992).

Macrophages are another component of the immune system which relies on glutathione. The macrophages are very large immune cells that protect the body by swallowing and destroying foreign particles and cancer cells. The production of a substance called leukotriene C by macrophages is essential for them to reach invading organisms. When glutathione levels are low, the macrophages' production of leukotriene C is inhibited, resulting in diminished macrophage function.

It is now widely understood that AIDS is associated with a deficiency of glutathione that leads to the generation of enormous levels of oxidative stress that damage and kill otherwise-healthy cells throughout the body.

Substances That Boost Glutathione Levels

HIV-induced free radical oxidation occurs in the presence of low levels of glutathione (H. S. Biol. Chem., 1989). Free radicals impair and destroy immune cells, and scientific studies consistently show glutathione deficiency to be a critical factor in the pathogenesis of immune suppression (AIDS). This suggests that supplementation with nutrients to boost cellular glutathione is crucial to protect against a primary mechanism by which HIV destroys immune function.

The following glutathione-enhancing nutrients are recommended in their order of importance:

                               Nutrient                                                          Dosage


                 N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)1                                  600 mg, three times a day

                 vitamin-c                                                             2000 mg, three times a day

                                                                                           (take with NAC)

                 Selenium                                                             200 mcg, three times a day

                 Alpha-lipoic acid                                                 250 mg, two times a day

                 Whey Protein Isolate                                           30 to 60 grams of powder

                                                                                            once a day

                 S-Adenosyl-Methionine (SAMe)2                       400-800 mg per day

                 Glutathione3                                                        500 mg, twice a day


  1. N-acetyl-cysteine is well-tolerated by most people, however some may be sensitive to it as it is a sulfur containing compound. It is recommended to consume vitamin C in a dose of three times the amount of cysteine to mitigate cysteine's oxidation to cystine. vitamin C is included in the appropriate dose in the list suggested above Please remember if your liver is in a weakened state, it may not be able to be convert NAC to glutathione. Taking NAC under these conditions may further suppress lymphocyte functions. A solution may be to consume glutathione supplements directly even though they are poorly absorbed, and also to detoxify the liver under the guidance of a qualified health care practitioner. NAC can be resumed after liver toxicity has been resolved.

  2. Anyone taking SAMe should also take on a daily basis 800 mcg of folic acid, 500 mcg of vitamin B12, and at least 100 mg of vitamin B6 to protect against excess homocysteine accumulation in the blood.

  3. Controversy surrounds oral glutathione supplementation as some research has shown that this form of ingestion has not been efficacious, while other research contradicts this. Glutathione is strongly recommended for HIV patients who can afford this relatively expensive supplement.

Blood Tests

Regular blood tests are an essential part of an HIV treatment program. The chemistry profile includes iron, glucose, liver and kidney function, WBC, RBC, platelet count, and other important tests. These tests can detect blood changes that may indicate the presence of, or predisposition to, a wide range of abnormalities. They are a crucial source of information to assess the effects of drugs or nutrients which may be causing liver toxicity and kidney or heart muscle damage. These tests should be performed at least semi-annually. Specific tests could be repeated more often to monitor the efficacy of the current therapies you are using. Test information is a valuable component of the therapy decision-making process and should be utilized by all people with HIV undergoing prescription antiviral medication. The Foundation would like to remind you that correct test result interpretations depend on the knowledge and experience of trained clinical scientists. Therefore, it is recommended that you work closely with your primary care physician or qualified laboratory scientist when evaluating test results.

Immune Cell Subset Testing

In order to assess the effectiveness of immune-boosting therapies, a complete immune cell subset test should be performed monthly or bimonthly. This test will measure CD4 (T-helper) total count, CD4/CD8 (T-helper to T-suppressor) ratio, and NK (natural killer cell) activity. The CD4 test and the CD8 tests are important, but one should remember they are just counts-they are not measuring function, which is more important. High counts in these cells are desirable, but if they are not functional cells they are useless and would offer no immune system activity.

Cell-Mediated Immunity Tests

Helper T-cells, also known as CD4 or T4 cells, sound the emergency alarms and assist the cytotoxic T-cells in their action. T-cells determine cell-mediated responses to disease. Another test known as Multitest CMI measures CMI (Cell-Mediated Immunity). Sometimes this test is also called DTH, or Delayed Type Hypersensitivity-Type IV, and it is a direct indicator of antigen presentation. Antigen presentation is absolutely the first event that must take place before the immune system can mount an immune response. Cell-mediated immunity is then activated and is crucial to fighting viruses, fungi, yeast, bacteria, and parasites, especially those that reside within cells. CMI enables immune cells to patrol the body on a seek-and-destroy mission. The Multitest CMI is an excellent way to determine how a person's immune system is functioning. Multitest CMI is a skin patch with seven inactivated antigens which include tetanus, candida, diphtheria, proteus, and others along with glycerin, which is used as a control or neutral value. The patch pricks the skin surface, and a small amount of antigen enters. If a person was exposed to an antigen, there should be a strong reaction in the form of a welt, which can become red and itchy.

The formation of a welt is direct proof antigen presentation is taking place. Without antigen presentation, the CD4 helper cells can never become aware of the presence of an antigen and then inform other immune cells. The Multitest CMI is a direct measure of an immune response to an antigen. The degree of skin reaction to the test antigens is known as Delayed Cutaneous Hyper-sensitivity, or DCH. After 48 to 72 hours, the test is read by evaluating the presence and size of a welt if the person was previously exposed to an antigen. If no response (anergy) occurs on the Multitest CMI immune function test, in the case of a known re-exposure, this would indicate a high degree of immune dysfunction and/or suppression. Very minor responses (less than 2-mm size welts) are not desirable and would also indicate a very weak immune system. The larger the welt, the greater the strength of the immune system. As the size of the welts become larger, this correlates with stronger immune systems. Multitest CMI should be used every time blood tests are done to determine if immune function is improving or declining. It could inform you when and if changes to your protocol are necessary.

Natural Killer Function

Unlike other immune cells which must first obtain information from CD4 Helper cells, the Natural Killer (NK) cell can target and kill antigens both inside and outside of cells without conferencing with other immune cells. Acting on their own volition, NK cells can target and kill viruses, cancer cells, bacteria, and many other antigens. However, NK cell function can be impaired by the failure of some infected cells to present antigens on their cell surfaces which signal the NK cell. This disables the NK cell from "seeing" the infected cell directly, thereby diminishing its ability to destroy it. Multitest CMI is especially valuable in this situation when used with an NK Function test. A high NK Function score of 100 or more lytic units indicates the NK cells can see the infected cells and have the energy to destroy them. A high lytic unit value implies correct NK function, but coupled with a low Multitest CMI score, or anergy, would still indicate immune dysfunction since diminished antigen presentation will blind the NK cells from seeing all the infected cells which need to be destroyed.

In this way, both tests are used synergistically for a broader evaluation of immune function. Multitest CMI and NK Function tests may be considered the polygraph test for the efficacy of all AIDS treatment protocols. High CD4 counts and low PCR viral loads are used as immune markers, but they are not always indicators of actual immune function. High CD4 counts and low PCR viral loads without correct immune functioning will not protect you from PCP, CMV, TB, or other opportunistic infections (OI). Actual, measurable improvements of immune function may, even with low CD4 cells and high PCR viral loads, offer protection from OI