Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. State several reasons psychiatrists don’t look at brain function.
2. List five ways to evaluate brain function.
3. State why two scans are done to evaluate a patient’s brain.
4. Briefly describe the brain.
5. Describe what happens when the limbic system is less active and overactive.
6. List clinical problems associated with the anterior cingulated gyrus.
7. Compare the dominant and nondominant temporal lobe.
8. Describe the prefrontal cortex.
9. List the advantages and limitations of self-report questionnaires.
10. Define dysthymia.
11. Describe overfocused anxiety/depression.
12. Describe “emotional seizures.”
13. State the most likely explanation for the cause of SAD.
14. Define déjà vu.
15. Describe unfocused anxiety/depression.
16. Describe consciousness.
17. Discuss “learned helplessness.”
18. State why depression and anxiety have increased more for women.
19. Discuss the role nicotine and caffeine play in brain studies.
20. Describe Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.
21. List the benzodiazepines used to treat pure anxiety.
22. State why TCAs need to be monitored carefully.
23. Describe the side effects of MAOIs when used with mixed anxiety and depression.
24. State why drug holidays are not recommended.
25. Describe lithium used to treat anxiety/depression.
26. State why anticonvulsants are used to treat temporal lobe anxiety and depression.
27. Describe valerian used for anxiety.
28. State the value of fish oil.
29. Define the two types of amino acids.
30. Compare simple and complex carbohydrates.
31. Describe saturated fats and monosaturated fats.
32. List examples of “always” thinking as described in ANT #1.
33. List several red ANTs and describe the most poisonous.
34. State why you should write down automatic negative thoughts.
35. State why, according to Dr. Amen, suicide and suicide attempts are highest in April in the civilian population.
36. Describe the hallmark of unhappy people.
37. Describe how touch is necessary for humans.
38. Describe the tests done when using biofeedback equipment.
39. Describe how the diaphragm aids in breathing, according to the diagram on page 213.
40. List the groups of people with the highest level of life satisfaction.
41. Describe the treatment for PMS.
42. Compare the Baby Blues and postpartum depression.
43. List medical treatments for OCD.
44. State the risks of a lack of estrogen during menopause.
45. List four distinct types of sexual disorders and treatment.
46. Describe andropause.
47. List treatment options for men during andropause.
48. Describe impulsive aggression, compulsive aggression, and explosive aggression.
49. List suggestion for helping a person in denial of a “psychiatric illness.”
50. Compare transient insomnia and chronic insomnia.
51. Discuss teenage insomnia.
52. State the problems with diagnosis including the most frequently misdiagnosed condition.
53. Describe the role of exercise for stress management.
54. Define maintenance therapy.