Table of Contents

1. Seeing Anxiety and Depression: Brain SPECT Imaging
2. The Brain Systems That Underlie Anxiety and Depression
3. Determining Your Type: The Amen Clinic Anxiety/Depression Type Questionnarie
4. The Seven Types:
  • Type 1: Pure Anxiety
  • Type 2: Pure Depression
  • Type 3: Mixed Anxiety and Depression
  • Type 4: Overfocused Anxiety/Depression
  • Type 5: Cyclic Anxiety/Depression
  • Type 6: Temporal Lobe Anxiety/Depression
  • Type 7: Unfocused Anxiety/Depression
5. Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment of the Seven Types
6. Effective Treatment for the Seven Types
7. Mindful Medication for the Seven Types
8. Natural Solutions: Supplement Strategies for the Seven Types
9. Food Is a Drug: Dietary Interventions for the Seven Types
10 ANTs and ANTeaters: Cognitive Therapy for the Seven Types
11. The Healing Power of Relationships
12. Gaining Self-Control: Breathing and Biofeedback Strategies
13. Gender Differences in Anxiety and Depression
14. The Darkest Side of Anxiety and Depression: Suicide, Cutting, and Violence
15. A Family Illness: The Impact of Anxiety and Depression on Families
16. Help for Insomniacs
17. What to Do When Treatment Doesn’t Work
18. How to Find the Help You Need: A Resource Guide
19. Summary: Amen/Routh Anxiety/Depression Algorithm
20. 32 Strategies to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
Recommended Reading
Internet Resources