Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Define solution-focused conflict management.
2. Describe game theory.
3. Discuss quantum mechanics and neuroscience.
4. Describe the hope theory.
5. Discuss the broaden and build theory.
6. Discuss the five propositions of De Shazer.
7. State the definition of problems according to Watzlawick et al. (1974)
8. Describe microanalysis.
9. State the four dimensions in conflict thinking according to DeBono.
10. Compare traditional and solution-focused conflict management.
11. Discuss hope.
12. Discuss the solution-focused question, "What difference would that make?"
13. Discuss the solution-focused question, "What is already working in the right direction?"
14. Discuss the fourth solution-focused question, "What would be your next step?"
15. Describe the three phases of escalation.
16. Compare direct and indirect compliments.
17. Compare the visitor relationship and complaintant relationship
18. Discuss the research by Miller et al. (1997) regarding highly effective therapists.
19. Describe normalization.
20. Discuss selective attention theory.
21. Discuss forgiveness.
22. Describe consensus building.
23. Describe the oxytocin hormone.
24. Describe the Session Rating Scale and state the four scaling areas.
25. Discuss solution-focused communication questions.
26. Compare Problem-Solving Mediation and Solution-Focused Mediation.
27. Compare Transformative Mediation and Solution-Focused Mediation.
28. Compare Narrative Mediation and Solution-Focused Mediation.
29. Discuss the theory of Foa and Foa (1975).
30. Discuss the four pathways to impossibility.
31. Discuss restorative justice and reconciliation.