Table of Contents

1. Could the Doctors Be Wrong?
Understanding and Coming to Terms with Bad News
2. Who Are All These People?
Making Sense of the Medical System and Its Many Faces
3. What Treatments Are Available?
Making Sense of Disease and Medical Interventions
4. What Can I Do About My Loved One’s Pain and Suffering?
Addressing Symptoms and Difficulties
5. Where Will It Happen?
Choosing the Right Place for Your Loved One
6. How Will It Happen?
Dispelling Myths About the Final Days of Life
7. How Should I Be Feeling?
Facing Your Feelings About Caring for and Losing a Loved One
8. What Should I Be Saying?
Learning to Talk with Someone Who is Dying
9. What Should I Be Doing? Part I
Attending to Practical Matters
10. What Should I Be Doing? Part II
Attending to Matters of the Heart
11. What Is the Meaning of It All?
Considering the Spiritual Aspects of Dying
12. Will I Ever “Get Over” Losing My Loved One?
Discovering Life After Loss