Chapter 12

Reference List of Books


Eating Disorders and Obesity-A Comprehensive Handbook, Kelly Brownell & Christopher G. Fairburn ed. Presents and integrates virtually all that is currently known about eating disorders and obesity into one practical volume.

Overcoming Binge Eating, Dr. Christopher Fairburn. Provides information needed to both understand binge eating and bring it under control, contains a new self-help program.

A Parent's Guide to Eating Disorders, Brett Valerte. Provides advice on spotting early distress signals and advance warning signs, and explains, in layman's terms, individual, group, and family therapies, hospitalization, outpatient programs, and the stages of recovery.

Helping Athletes with Eating Disorders, Ron A. Thompson & Roberta Sherman. Gives information you need to identify athletes who need help, get them into treatment, speed their recovery, and prevent future problems.

A Parent's Guide to Anorexia Bulimia, Katherine Byrne.
Practical guidebook for parents of self-starving children.

Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model, Bloom, Gitter, Gutwill, Ogel & Zaphiropoulos. Contributes to the understanding and treatment of eating disorders and is a major advance in the integration of feminist critique with psychological theory and practice.

Poor Eaters-Helping Children Who Refuse to Eat, Joel Macht. Provides reference information from which to tailor a program of practical strategies to help children establish desired eating behaviors.

Making Peace with food-Freeing Yourself From the Diet/Weight
Susan Kano. Overcome yo-yo dieting, binge eating, food anxiety, body anxiety, and self-defeating guilt.

The Body Betrayed: A Deeper Understanding of Women, Eating Disorder, and Treatment, Kathryn J. Zerbe, M.D. Covers all aspects of diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders.

The Obsession: Reflections on the Tyranny of Slenderness, Kim Chernin. Analysis of our society's increasing demand that women be thin.

Hunger Pains: From Fad Diets to Eating Disorders; What Every Woman Needs to Know About Food, Mary Pipher, Ph.D. Shows how to think more positively, plan a healthier lifestyle and avoid unhealthy and ineffective methods of weight control.

Self-Diagnostic Test Lets You Know If You have Food Addiction, Kay Sheppard. Resource for food addicts and compulsive eaters. Food addiction is defined, trigger foods are identified and consequences of food addiction are revealed.

The Lingering Malady: Anorexia & Bulimia. Who Gets Better? Who Remains Ill? What Helps? What doesn't? Joan Purgold.

Food For Today's Teens-Common Sense Nutrition for Fun & Fitness, Fredrick Stare, MD & Virginia Aronson. Supplies the facts a teen wants to know about keeping fit, healthy and strong.

Compulsive Exercise and the Eating Disorder, Alayne Yates, MD. Provides the first in-depth study of the linkages between exercise and eating disorders.

Bodylove-Learning to Like Our Looks and Ourselves, Rita Freedman, PhD. This practical guide reveals how you can: overcome fear, guilt, and chronic self-consciousness; become less critical of your appearance and less preoccupied with mirrors, scales, calories, and dress size; free yourself of family expectations about how you "should" look; get in touch with your body-physically and sexually; accept your age and worry less about looking older; feel more attractive by making over your body image within.

The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolfe. Discusses the ways in which environment influences personal body image.

Reviving Ophelia, Mary Pipher, PhD. Growing up as an American female adolescent in the 1990s.

Anorexia Nervosa and Recovery: A Hunger for Meaning, Karen Way. Accessible and readable account of the experience of anorexia nervosa, and particularly, the process of recovery.

Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery, Understanding and Overcoming the Binge-Purge-Syndrome, Lindsey Hall & Leigth Cohn. Answers to the most frequently asked questions about bulimia.

How To Survive Anorexia, Peter Lambley, PhD. Written for those people who think they may be suffering from anorexia or know of others who do and will help them to understand what provoked the illness and what they can do to help themselves.


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