Evaluation of Individual Learning Objectives

Drug Addiction Counseling



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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.


  1. Describe the beliefs and philosophy of 12-step approach to recovery.

A B  C   D

  1. Distinguish between addiction counseling and psychotherapy.

A B  C   D

  1. Discuss the logistics of the individual drug counseling model to treat cocaine addiction, such as frequency, duration, target population and setting of sessions.

A B  C   D

  1. Describe the application of Addiction Severity Index in the assessment of drug addiction.

A B  C   D

  1. Describe the patient-counselor relationship and list behaviors that the counselor should not indulge in.

A B  C   D

  1. List behaviors that a counselor should not indulge in.

A B  C   D

  1. List 12 objectives of individual drug counseling.

A B  C   D

  1. Describe 4 stages of addiction treatment: Treatment initiation, Early abstinence, Maintenance of abstinence, Advanced recovery.

A B  C   D

  1. List some of the erroneous beliefs that a patient experiencing denial may exhibit.

A B  C   D

10.  Outline 3 goals of the treatment plan and make detailed plans for introductory sessions.

A B  C   D

11.  List 5 goals of the second stage in the treatment of addiction, i.e., abstinence, and discuss 10 treatment issues with the patient.

A B  C   D

12.  Establish goals for maintaining abstinence and discuss various treatment issues with the patient as part of the ongoing recovery program.

A B  C   D

13.  Identify 11 steps that will carry a patient toward relapse.

A B  C   D

14.  Define codependency and enabling behavior and explain how they can contribute to a person's continued abuse of drugs.

A B  C   D

15.  Identify "character defects" that are obstacles to further recovery and outline the process for working on changing defects.

A B  C   D

16.  Discuss with the patient patient's thoughts and feelings about ending treatment in the final active treatment session.

A B  C   D

17.  Explain the purpose and goals of treatment booster sessions.

A B  C   D

18.  Identify 3 levels of severity of relapse and list appropriate interventions to be used in each case.

A B  C   D

19.  Discuss strategies for dealing with crises and relapses.

A B  C   D

20.  List ideal personal characteristics of an addiction counselor.

A B  C   D

21.  Explain the purpose and application of adherence scale in the IDC model.

A B  C   D

22.  Identify 6 important features of cognitive-behavioral therapy that make it particularly promising as a treatment for cocaine abuse and dependence.

A B  C   D

23.   Distinguish between cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and 12-step or disease-model approach.

A B  C   D

24.  Compare CBT to other psychosocial treatments for substance abuse, such as cognitive therapy, community reinforcement approach, motivational enhancement therapy, 12-step facilitation and interpersonal psychotherapy.

A B  C   D

25.  Discuss two critical components of CBT: functional analysis and skills training.

A B  C   D

26.  Define various parameters of CBT such as format, length, setting, patients and compatibility with other adjunctive treatments.

A B  C   D

27.  List essential and unique interventions of CBT, interventions that are recommended but not unique, acceptable interventions and interventions that are not part of CBT.

A B  C   D

28.  Describe 7 strategies a counselor would use to help the patient master new skills.

A B  C   D

29.  Enunciate the basic principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy and describe how functional analysis and skills training are used to treat cocaine addiction.

A B  C   D

30.  Describe the CBT principle that holds forth the three ways individuals learn to use drugs: modeling, operant conditioning, and classical conditioning.

A B  C   D

31.  Describe the structure and format of a typical CBT session using the "20/20/20 Rule" and list tasks to be completed during each part of the session.

A B  C   D

32.  List 8 skill topics covered in CBT for cocaine dependence.

A B  C   D

33.  Outline the pharmacotherapy approach as used in cognitive-behavioral therapy.

A B  C   D

34.  Explain the treatment goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

A B  C   D

35.  List six strategies a counselor can use during a treatment session to enhance motivation and avoid resistance.

A B  C   D

36.  Outline the CBT model providing an explanation and rationale for the treatment.

A B  C   D

37.  Help the patient understand craving.

A B  C   D

38.  Elicit from the patient the experience of craving.

A B  C   D

39.  List 5 strategies to cope with cravings.

A B  C   D

40.  Provide key interventions to shore up motivation and commitment to stop.

A B  C   D

41.  List three basic principles in effective refusal of cocaine and other substances.

A B  C   D

42.  Identify examples of Seemingly Irrelevant Decisions and their relationship to high-risk situations.

A B  C   D

43.  Help the patient identify high-risk situations and develop a coping plan.

A B  C   D

44.  Help the patient practice problemsolving skills within the session by listing 5 basic steps.

A B  C   D

45.  Develop a concrete support plan for addressing psychosocial problems that present a barrier to treatment.

A B  C   D

46.  Assess the patient's risk for HIV infection and build motivation to change risk behaviors.

A B  C   D

47.   Set behavior change goals.

A B  C   D

48.  Formulate specific HIV risk-reduction guidelines.

A B  C   D

49.  Involve significant others so that they can help patients become and remain abstinent.

A B  C   D

50.  Identify 6 strategies in which the significant other can offer support to the patient in his or her recovery.

A B  C   D

51.  Explore strategies through which significant others in the patient's life can help the patient become and remain abstinent.

A B  C   D

52.  List guidelines for effective supervision.

A B  C   D

53.  Identify some of the common problems encountered in supervision.

A B  C   D

54.  Review clinical research supporting CBT and compare its effectiveness against Interpersonal Therapy and Clinical Management.

A B  C   D

55.  Relate the efficacy of CRA+Vouchers approach over standard drug counseling and cite research studies to support this conclusion.

A B  C   D

56.  Adopt a counseling style and techniques consistent with the CRA+Vouchers treatment program.

A B  C   D

57.  List 3 categories of patients generally acceptable for the CRA+Vouchers program.

A B  C   D

58.  Outline the intake process listing various self-administered questionnaires.

A B  C   D

59.  Conduct the initial treatment session taking the patient through several steps.

A B  C   D

60.  List the tasks a therapist should complete in Sessions One and Two of the program.

A B  C   D

61.  Explain the concepts and procedures concerning functional analysis as the first step of CRA+Vouchers treatment plan.

A B  C   D

62.  Instruct the patient on the four components of the functional analysis.

A B  C   D

63.  Help the patient develop self-management plans for handling triggers to reduce the risk of cocaine use.

A B  C   D

64.  Instruct the patient in five components of effective refusal.

A B  C   D

65.  List at least 6 lifestyle change components for cocaine abusers in treatment.

A B  C   D

66.  Explain the importance of time management in achieving and maintaining abstinence from cocaine, and help the patient develop time-management skills.

A B  C   D

67.  Provide a rationale for working on lifestyle changes in social and recreational areas.

A B  C   D

68.  List 5 basic steps for problem-solving.

A B  C   D

69.  Help patients develop assertiveness skills, and distinguish between passive, aggressive and assertive behaviors.

A B  C   D

70.  Describe the purpose of relationship counseling and take the patient through various steps to improve the quality of his or her relationship.

A B  C   D

71.  Outline the general strategy for dealing with concurrent alcohol and cocaine use.

A B  C   D

72.  Introduce disulfiram protocol and develop compliance procedures.

A B  C   D

73.  Outline the general strategy for dealing with marijuana use concurrent with cocaine.

A B  C   D

74.  Describe the treatment protocol for dealing with depressive symptomatology and anxiety.

A B  C   D

75.  following abstinence from cocaine.

A B  C   D

76.  Describe the function of clinical supervision of therapists in the CRA+Vouchers program.

A B  C   D

77.  Describe the behavioral treatment in drug abuse treatment as contingency management.

A B  C   D