Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Describe the three types of headaches.
2. Discuss several aspects of history taking when diagnosing a headache.
3. Describe a physical workup when diagnosing a headache.
4. Compare the CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging.
5. Discuss other procedures and tests to diagnose headaches.
6. Define a “traction headache.”
7. Describe the types of headaches associated with tumors.
8. List symptoms associated with a hematoma.
9. Describe the symptoms of a subarachnoid hemorrhage.
10. Describe the causes and symptoms of a brain abscess.
11. Describe the causes and symptoms of infections.
12. Describe causes and symptoms of chronic and marked increases in intracranial pressure.
13. Define cranial arteritis and list the symptoms.
14. Describe the major neuralgias and their symptoms.
15. Discuss the causes of a migraine.
16. Compare the diagnostic and clinical features of a migraine.
17. List the various types of migraine.
18. Describe general treatment measures for a migraine, including the tyramine-restricted diet.
19. Describe the use of triptans.
20. Discuss the analgesics used for a migraine.
21. State the criteria for prophylactic therapy.
22. Discuss several medications used in prophylactic therapy.
23. Discuss the use of biofeedback in migraine treatment.
24. Define a cluster headache.
25. Discuss symptoms and occurence of cluster headaches.
26. Describe abortive therapy for cluster headaches.
27. Compare migraine and cluster headaches according to Table 5.1
28. Describe prophylactic therapy for cluster headaches.
29. Describe the tension-type headache.
30. Discuss over the counter treatment for a tension-type headache.
31. List several prescription medications for tension-type headaches.
32. Describe the coexisting migraine and tension-type headache.
33. State the treatment for coexisting migraine and tension-type headache.
34. Discuss epidemiological studies of children with headaches.
35. Describe various causes of headaches and the symptoms.
36. Describe the migraine in children.
37. Describe the complicated migraine in children.
38. Discuss the chronic tension-type headache in adolescents.
39. Describe the various types of headache in the elderly.
40. Describe the various types of headaches in women.
41. Discuss treatment for the menstrual migraine.
42. Discuss the treatment for headaches during pregnancy and lactation.
43. Compare the acute headache and the chronic post-traumatic headache.
44. Discuss the research by Brenner in the 1940s on head injuries.
45. Define the “footballer’s migraine.”
46. Define dysautonomic cephalgia.
47. Discuss the incidence and types of headache in patients visiting the ED.
48. Discuss organic causes of a headache.
49. Define the “thunderclap” headache.
50. Describe the hypertensive headache.