Table of Contents

1 Description
1.1   Terminology
1.2   Definitions
1.3   Epidemiology
1.3.1     Age Cohort
1.3.2     Gender
1.3.3     Summary
1.4   Course and Prognosis
1.5   Differential Diagnosis
1.6   Comorbidities
1.7   Diagnostic Procedures and Documentation
1.7.1     Diagnostic Interviews: Semistructured and Structured.
1.7.2     Clinician Rating Scales
1.7.3     Scales Measuring Constructs Related to Depression
1.7.4     Depression Scales
1.7.5     Inventories with Depression Scales
1.7.6     Behavioral Measures
2 Theories and Models of the Disorder
2.1   Biological Models
2.1.1     Genetics
2.1.2     Monoamine Hypotheses
2.1.3     Neuroendocrine Models
2.1.4     Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
2.1.5     Biological Rhythms
2.2   Psychodynamic Models
2.3   Behavioral Models
2.4   Interpersonal and Social Skill Models
2.5   Interpersonal Psychotherapy
2.6   Learned Helplessness
2.7   The Cognitive Therapy Model
2.8   Self-Management
2.9   Concluding Comments
3 Diagnosis and Treatment Indications
3.1   Dimensions and Subtypes of Depression
3.2   Personality Factors as Treatment Indicators
3.3   Life Events and Stress
4 Treatment
4.1   Methods of Treatment
4.1.1     Therapy Packages
4.1.2     Education About Depression
4.1.3     Behavioral Activation
4.1.4     Scheduling as an Intervention
4.1.5     Continuous Assessment
4.1.6     Skill Training
4.1.7     Problem Solving
4.1.8     Interpersonal Psychotherapy
4.1.9     Countering Helplessness
4.1.10     Cognitive Techniques
4.1.11     Mindfulness
4.1.12     Goal Setting
4.1.13     Self-Reinforcement/Self-Talk
4.1.14     Assets List
4.1.15     Other Psychotherapy Components.
4.1.16     Medications
4.2   Mechanisms of Action
4.3   Efficacy and Prognosis
4.3.1     Efficacy.
4.3.2     Prognosis and Relapse
4.4   Variations and Combinations of Treatments
4.4.1     Applications to Different Populations
4.4.2     Treatment Formats
4.4.3     Sequencing with Medication
4.5   Problems in Carrying Out the Treatments
4.6   Multicultural Issues
5 Further Reading
6 References