Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Discuss the work of Adelaide Nutting.
2. Describe the work of Louise McManas in 1953.
3. Define critical thinking attitudes.
4. Compare intellectual humility and intellectual courage.
5. Compare intellectual integrity and intellectual perseverance.
6. Compare faith in reason and intellectual sense of justice.
7. Define divergent thinking.
8. Compare inductive and deductive reasoning.
9. Compare reflection and creativity.
10. Define clarification and basic support.
11. Discuss the findings and recommendations of an abdominal aortic aneurism.
12. Describe the findings of the blood work for the client in acute pulmonary edema.
13. Discuss the symptoms of the client with adenocarcinoma of the colon.
14. Describe the use of the Sengstaken-Blakemore tube.
15. Discuss the glucose levels of the client with complicated diabetes mellitus.
16. Define exopthalmus and photophobia.
17. Discuss the symptoms required for a pacemaker.
18. Discuss symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
19. Describe interventions for the neurogenic bladder of a quadriplegic client.
20. Discuss the CD 4 T cell count of the client with AIDS.
21. State the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in the 67-year-old woman.
22. Describe the sigmoid colostomy.
23. State which vital sign should be monitored prior to taking Lanoxin in the client with congestive heart failure.
24. Describe decubitus prevention and care.
25. Discuss the blood glucose levels for the 72-year-old retired teacher.
26. Describe the basic anatomy of the left lung regarding the client receiving palliative care.
27. State how tuberculosis is diagnosed.
28. Discuss Apgar scores as discussed in Early Postpartum: Vaginal Birth.
29. State if the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels for the client with an ectopic pregnancy are normal.
30. Discuss the usual size of an infant when the mother has elevated blood sugars from gestational diabetes.
31. Describe how skin turgor is checked in the client with hyperemesis gravidarum.
32. Describe normal fontanelles in a 4-day-old-infant, whose mother has postpartum depression.
33. Discuss positioning of an infant with gastroesophageal reflux disease during feedings.
34. State how Hirschprung’s disease was diagnosed 48 hours after birth in the now 3-year- old boy.
35. Describe an iron rich diet for an 8-month-old with iron deficiency anemia.
36. State the significance of a bulging tympanic membrane in an infant with otitis media.
37. Describe the peak and trough monitoring with blood tests when a 15-year-old client is receiving Vancomycin.
38. State the weight in pounds for the infant at birth, now in respiratory distress.
39. State the vitamin which enhances iron absorption for the client with septic osteomyelitis.
40. State what the nurse should observe for postoperatively in the 8-year-old child after a tonsillectomy.
41. State a common complication of third-degree burns.
42. Describe the Glasgow Coma Scale.
43. List safety precautions required when physically restraining an adolescent client with anger issues.
44. Define lanugo, seen on the client with anorexia nervosa.
45. Describe the excuses for behavior regarding the client with antisocial personality disorder.
46. Discuss discharge planning for the client with anxiety and panic attacks.
47. Describe the abnormal laboratory work for the client with delusional behavior.
48. Describe the diet required for the client with depression taking phenelzine sulfate (Nardil).
49. Discuss the use of fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac) for the client with depression and suicidal ideation.
50. Discuss the comments from the staff regarding care of the long-term client.
51. Discuss the importance of taking clozapine (Clozaril) on a regular basis.
52. Discuss the daughter’s behavior when caring for her 89-year-old mother.
53. State what should be said when you enter a person’s home and see a gun lying on the
54. State safety checks to be done when a client is in four-point restraints.
55. Define tardive dyskinesia and state what age group is likely to develop these symptoms.