Table of Contents

Terms, Measures, and Abbreviations
Part I: Looking at the Disease of Kidney Failure
1. What Do Kidneys Do and What Happens When They Fail?
2. Are You at Risk for Kidney Failure?
3. Symptoms of Kidney Failure
Part II: How to Treat Kidney Failure
4. Treating Kidney Failure
5. Step 1: Assess Your Current Treatment Plan
6. Step 2: Make Lifestyle Changes
7. Step 3: Follow a Low-Protein Diet
8. Step 4: Treat Salt and Water Problems
9. Step 5: Regulate Your Blood Pressure
10. Step 6: Treat Acidosis
11. Step 7: Treat Anemia and Iron Deficiency
12. Step 8: Treat Potassium Problems
13. Step 9: Treat Calcium and Phosphate Problems
14. Step 10: Treat Gout and Uric Acid Problems
15. Step 11:Treat Your High Cholesterol
16. Step 12: Know the Medications That Slow the Progression of Renal Failure
Part III: Tracking Kidney Failure, Dialysis, Transplants, and More
17. Keeping Close Watch on Your Kidney Failure
18. Dietary Treatment of the Nephrotic Syndrome
19. Safe and Unsafe Medications
20. Transplantation as an Alternative to Dialysis
21. When to Opt for Dialysis
22. Patients Who Have Avoided Dialysis
Appendix 1: Resources for Kidney Patients
Appendix 2: Government Support of Low-Protein Diets