What Is Conflict?


There are few things in health care today as certain as the existence of conflict. Conflict and confrontations can have lasting negative consequences. Conflict is inevitable in any dynamic organization or environment. It can frequent all levels of the organization, simmering below the surface and boiling over in heated confrontations. Conflict has complex and far-reaching implications, and may be either constructive or destructive in its impact on individuals and organizations. The personal and financial cost of conflict to organizations is real, and its management demands a comprehensive approach.

Conflict is an ever present challenge for staff members as they carry out their daily activities. Nobody likes it, but everybody faces it at some time or another. In today's organizations part of being human involves misunderstandings, miscommunications and hurt feelings.

Learning to handle conflict is more important now than ever before. Downsized workplaces, rapidly changing expectations and demands, and changing functions and roles are just a few of the social and economic forces that can contribute to conflict.

The ability to deal with conflict can be a positive or negative force in the workplace and even in relationships and lives outside of work. In this time of limited reimbursement, attempting to maximize resource potential, by allowing negative energy to be redirected toward more productive endeavors, will result in a market edge and may be a key to survival.

Conflict in the 90's can have a devastating effect on productivity, morale, teamwork, and ultimately, your organization's ability to stay competitive. Unmanaged conflict can further lead to diminished staff commitment and increased workplace stress. Now, more than ever, the challenge for nurses is to juggle daily conflict, negotiate solutions and deal with the stress it produces.

Conquering Conflict

Ask yourself: Do you ever seethe in silence when you know you should speak up? Do you get angry and make things worse? Do you avoid certain people, even when you need to work with them? Do staff members ever take advantage of you? Are you ever criticized for being "difficult" to work with? Do you ever compromise and wish you hadn't? Do you ever wonder, why can't work and life, be easier? They can, and the answer lies in conquering conflict! The fact is, most conflicts can be resolved fairly easy, without shouting, competition or anger. Even better, conflicts can be resolved in a way that actually benefits all concerned.

This book does not promise an end to conflict. That's impossible. But there will be numerous approaches discussed whenever a conflict does arise. Additionally, the content will demonstrate that conflict can actually be healthy for an organization.

Here's how:

1. Conflict produces change. Conflict is often the first step for getting rid of outdated procedures, revising rules and regulations, and fostering innovation and creativity.

2. Conflict leads to unity. Addressing rather than suppressing conflict opens lines of communication, gets people talking to each other, instead of about each other. It also makes staff members feel as if they're part of a team that cares.

3. Conflict promotes compromise. Staff members learn how to work harmoni- ously, come up with creative solutions to problems and reach outcomes that benefit everyone involved.

Purpose of the Book

Workplace conflict and confrontation may be inevitable, but their negative consequences are not. The purpose of this book is to improve the ability of the participants to resolve conflict in a constructive manner. Participants will learn how to define, analyze and handle different types of conflict.

This information will introduce critical building blocks of how to constructively manage conflict. Using the simple yet sound techniques presented can make a dramatic change in one's ability to handle potentially destructive conflict, in a positive constructive manner. Every effort will be made to deal with the real issues behind most conflicts and manage even the most serious confrontations with confidence, tact and composure. Proven strategies will unfold in dealing with a variety of workplace conflicts.

You'll be empowered and you'll learn important skills to understand behavior patterns and address problem behavior in a way that is specific, non-accusatory and constructive. This successful effort can establish good working relationships with even the most frustrating individuals. The challenge in gaining new insight on handling feelings of anxiety, anger, criticism and collaboration will additionally be explored.

The constructive handling of conflict is central to personal satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. Improved skills in managing as well as resolving conflict and dealing with interpersonal differences, will enrich your work, relationships and career. As coping skills are refined and practiced, you will also be able to:

 ü anticipate and prevent destructive conflict

    ü deal with conflict and disagreements before they erupt and get out of control

 ü encourage the expression of differences when confronting them

 ü manage and resolve conflict with more assurance and self-confidence

There will be exercises and self-tests inserted periodically to help you put the ideas in this book to use. Conflict Resolution Skills in Nursing is not like most books. It stands out from other books in an important way. It is not a book to read, it's a book to use. The unique "self-paced" format of this book and the many worksheets encourage a participant to try some new ideas immediately.

As new information is introduced, you may also want to underline, highlight, or bracket those ideas that you can use when dealing with the difficult people you encounter on a daily basis. It will be most valuable if you apply the material directly and immediately to your interaction with specific people you currently deal with in the work arena. 

Because this book is self instructional, all that is needed is a quiet place, sometime and a pencil. By completing the activities and exercises, a reader will not only receive valuable feedback, but also practical steps for self improvement.

Dealing with conflict effectively can have a profound impact. It can strengthen relationships with colleagues, bosses and patients, complete unfinished business and open communication. Conflict resolution can also bring important issues to light and once it is managed, it can have a positive effect on the organization.

Managing and resolving conflict constructively is a critical competency for every nurse in today's workplace of change, diversity and competition. The long-term result for you and your organization will be less stress, greater harmony, more enthusiasm and improved productivity.

Reviewing the content of this book, resolve to take some big and positive steps. The journey is long and there is a way to go to reach the point where everyone consistently accomplishes total resolution of all conflicts. Even so, the journey has begun and progress is in the offing.