Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Discuss systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the treatment.
2. State the optimal blood pressure in an adult.
3. Discuss “prehypertension.”
4. State when treatment for hypertension should begin.
5. Define “white-coat” hypertension.
6. Describe “non-dippers.”
7. Discuss weight loss techniques.
8. Discuss sodium restriction and define those who are “salt sensitive.”
9. Discuss dietary supplementation of potassium.
10. Describe exercise techniques, relaxation programs, and biofeedback to reduce blood pressure.
11. Discuss a follow-up program for hypertension.
12. Discuss the suggested approach to manage a patient with an initial blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or greater. (Table 4.2)
13. Discuss findings of ALLHAT and CONVINCE trials.
14. Describe the J-shaped curve.
15. Discuss the guidelines from 1999 regarding the World Health Organization International Society of Hypertension.
16. Describe the four classifications of diuretics and give an example of each.
17. Discuss the physiological effects of diuretics according to Figure 5.3.
18. Discuss side effects that occur with diuretics.
19. State the type of patient where loop diuretics are most effective.
20. Describe the ACE inhibitors and how they lower blood pressure.
21. Discuss the HOPE and HOPE-TOO study.
22. Discuss the Swedish Trial in Old Patients With Hypertension2.
23. Describe the ALLHAT trial and findings.
24. List side effects of ACE inhibitors.
25. State the effectiveness of ACE inhibitors in various populations and in those with renovascular disease.
26. Discuss how angiotensin 11 receptor blockers lower blood pressure.
27. Describe nitric oxide.
28. Discuss the use of angiotensin receptor blockers in the diabetic patient.
29. Discuss the role of renin in the hypertensive patient.
30. Discuss how calcium blockers lower blood pressure.
31. Compare the nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers and the dihydropyrididine channel blockers.
32. Describe the Hypertension Optimal Treatment Trial.
33. Compare side effects of the shorter-acting and longer-acting calcium channel blockers.
34. Discuss the Anglo Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial.
35. List the conditions in which B-blockers would exacerbate a medical problem.
36. Describe the ways B-blockers lower blood pressure.
37. Discuss lipid soluable B-blockers and give examples.
38. Discuss the patients for which B-blockers are particularly effective.
39. List several side effects of B-blockers.
40. List the three combinations of B-blockers with vasodilating properties and side effects.
41. List the three selective a1-blockers available in the United States and their action on smooth muscle.
42. Discuss the peripheral adrenergic inhibitors including why they are seldom used.
43. List the available central agonists and how they lower blood pressure.
44. Discuss side effects of central agonists.
45. Discuss the two drugs that are direct vasodilators and their side effects.
46. Describe the characteristics of an ideal medication for initial therapy.
47. List several guidelines in selecting a step-1 drug.
48. Discuss multiple drug therapy.
49. Discuss causes for nonresponsiveness to therapy.
50. Discuss several studies describing better management of hypertension and the reduction in complications.