Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Define CKD.
2. List the five broad categories of GFR and briefly describe each.
3. Define GFR.
4. State why the serum creatinine is a poor estimator of GFR.
5. Describe the MDRD study equation and clinical trial.
6. List several factors other than kidney disease that can account for a low estimated GFR.
7. State the two important trends that will increase the number of ESRD patients in the future.
8. Discuss the finding of NHANES regarding racial disparities.
9. List the four patient groups at high risk for CKD.
10. List predisposing factors, initiating factors and progression factors of CKD.
11. Compare features of progressive CKD in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.
12. Describe the microalbumin test and what conditions result in false positive results.
13. List the three recommendations that those at high risk for diabetes should incorporate into their life style.
14. List the three points of the UKPDS regarding blood pressure control.
15. Describe the modifications of the DASH diet in stages 3 and 4 in CKD.
16. Define malignant hypertension.
17. Describe the AASK study.
18. Compare mortality of dialysis patients and the general population.
19. Describe smoking cessation and kidney disease.
20. List the five diagnostic traits of the metabolic syndrome.
21. List nontraditional risk factors for CVD and CKD.
22. State the preferred first line therapy for hypertension in patients with either diabetic or
23. Discuss the use of loop diuretics with hyperkalemia.
24. List factors that contribute to hyperkalemia.
25. Discuss albuminuria and macroalbuminuria.
26. State at what point a nephrologist should be consulted.
27. Discuss the incidence and cause of anemia in patients with CKD.
28. Compare Procrit and Aransep (Table 10.1).
29. List three reasons iron deficieincy is common in patients with CKD.
30. Discuss the abnormalities of calcium and phosphorous in CKD.
31. Discuss the role of Vitamin D in CKD.
32. Discuss the restriction of dietary phosphorous and phosphorous binding agents.
33. Compare Paracalcitrol and doxercalciferol.
34. State how the central nervous system is affected by acidosis.
35. Compare AVFs and AVGs.
36. Discuss dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease in the CKD patient.
37. List and describe the three steps in drug dosing in the CKD.
38. Explain Medicare coverage for ESRD.
39. Describe the role of the primary care physician, nephrologist and other team members in