Clinical Supervision


Contents Outline

Introduction to Clinical Supervision 

    v What Is Clinical Supervision? 

                 v Approaches to (Modes of) Clinical Supervision 

                            Strengths and Potential Challenges of Individual Supervision 

                            Strengths and Potential Challenges of Group Supervision 

    v Clinical Supervision Interpersonal Skills 

                            Simple Reflective Model 

                            Interpersonal Process Recall 

Module I: Functions, History, and Philosophy; Values and Theories 

    v Function of Supervision 

    v History and Philosophy of Supervision 

                            Definitions of Clinical Supervision 

    v Theories and Values of Supervision 

    v Reading Outlines: Module I 

                            Use of Theory 

                            Theory Application 

                            Theory and Supervision Interaction 

                            Guidelines for Applying Theory to Clinical Material 

                            Use of Theory Study Questions 

                            Values and Ethics 


                            Values and Knowledge 


                            Ethics Knowledge 

                            Values and Ethics Study Questions 

    v National Board of Certified Counselors Code of Ethics 

    v NBCC® Standards for the Ethical Practice of Clinical Supervision 

    v LMFT Code of Ethics 

    v National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics 

                            Purpose of the NASW Code of Ethics 

                            Ethical Principles 

                            Ethical Standards 

    v LPC Code of Ethics 

    v LCDC Code of Ethics 

    v Ethical Decision Screens 

    v Knowledge Survey for the NASW Code of Ethics 

    v Assignments: Module I 

Module II: Organizational and Management Realities 

    v Importance of Understanding Management 

    v Value Clash 

    v Reading Outlines and Study Questions: Module II 

                            Concepts of New Management 

                            Popular Management Concepts 

                            TQM- Total Quality Management 

                            Peters and Waterman's Eight Principles of Excellence 

                            Concepts of New Management Study Questions 

                            Managing Organizational Decline 

                            Managerial Strategies 

                            Dealing with Staff 

                            Managing Organizational Decline Study Questions 

                            Managing the New Multicultural Workplace 

                            Recognizing Diversity-Related Problems 

                            Increasing Sensitivity and Valuing Differences 

                            The Effects of Diversity on Service Delivery 

                            Managing the New Multicultural Workplace Study Questions 

                            Women and Social Work Management 

                            Status of Women in Social Work Management 

                            Why Women Are Under Represented in Social Work Management 

                            Equity vs. Complementary Contributions 

    v Assignments: Module II 103

Module III: Supervisory Models 

    v Models of Supervision 

    v Reading Outlines and Study Questions: Module III 

                            An Interactional Approach to Supervision 

                            Worker-System Interaction 

                            An Interactional Approach to Supervision Study Questions 

                            A Developmental Approach to Supervision 

                            Levels of Counselor Development 

                            Levels of Supervisor Development 

                            A Developmental Approach to Supervision Study Questions 

                            Changing Hats From Social Work Practice to Administration: The Total


                            The Personal Perspective 

                            Systems Perspective 

                            The Elizabeth Blackwell Health Center for Women 

                            Blackwell as a Social System 

                            Making the Shift

                            Making the Shift from Practice to Administration Study Questions

                            A Process Model of Supervision

                            Mode One: Reflection on the Content of the Therapy Session

                            Mode Two: Focusing on Strategies and Interventions

                            Mode Three: Focusing on the Therapy Process

                            Mode Four: Focusing on the Supervisee's Countertransference

                            Mode Five: Focusing on the Supervisory Relationship

                            Mode Six: Focusing on Supervisor's Own Countertransference

                            Linking the Model to a Developmental Perspective

                            A Process Model of Supervision Study Questions

                            Building a Model of Clinical Supervision

                            Blueprint for a Model

                            Philosophical Foundation

                            Descriptive Dimensions

                            Stage of Development

                            Contextual Factors

                            The Blended Model in Historical Perspective

                            Building a Model of Clinical Supervision Study Questions

                            Ethical and Legal Concerns

                            Dual Relationships

                            Professional Credibility

                            Supervisee Ethics

                            Legal Liability for Supervisors

                            Ethical and Legal Concerns Study Questions

                            Group, Team, and Peer-Group Supervision

                            Group Supervision

                            Supervision Style

                            Team Supervision

                            How to Form a Peer-Supervision Group

                            Organizing a Peer-Supervision Meeting

                            Group, Team, and Peer-Group Supervision Study Questions

    v A Proposed Structure For the Provision of Group Supervision

                            Violations of the Supervisory Relationships 

                            Hazards of the Student-Supervisor Relationship in Clinical Training

                            Student Inexperience with the Supervisory Experience

                            Evaluation of the Supervisory Relationship

                            Implications for the Profession

                            Violations of the Supervisory Relationship Study Questions

    v Assignments: Module III 

Module IV: Supervisory Skills/Learning Styles 

    v Supervisory Skills

    v Learning Styles 

    v Reading Outlines and Study Questions-Module IV 

                            Preparatory and Beginning Skills in Supervision 

                            Supervision and the Phases of Work 

                            The New Supervisor

                            Affirmative Action in Promotion and Hiring

                            Supervisory Beginnings With New Workers

                            Preparatory and Beginning Skills in Supervision Study Questions

                            Work-Phase Skills in Supervision

                            Work-Phase Skills in Supervision Study Questions

                            Educational Function of Supervision

                            Beginning Skills Development

                            Educational Function of Supervision Study Questions

                            Supervision of Staff Groups

                            Dynamics of Supervisory Work With Staff Groups

                            Mutual Aid Processes

                            Beginning Phase-in Groups: The Contracting Process

                            Supervisor's Role

                            Authority Theme: Supervisor Relationships

                            Ending Phase-in Groups

                            Supervision of Staff Groups Study Questions

                            Using Direct Practice Skills in Administration

                            Using Direct Practice Skills in Administration Study Questions

    v Assignments: Module IV

Module V: The Supervisory Relationship

    v Parallel Process 

    v Professional Boundaries 

    v Three Elements of the Supervisory Relationship


    v Reading Outlines and Study Questions - Module V 

                            The Therapy-Supervision Dialectic 

                            The Therapy-Supervision Dialectic Study Questions

                            The Relationship of Supervision

                            Interpersonal Structure

                            Phases of the Relationship

                            The Supervisory Contract

                            The Relationship of Supervision Study Questions

                            An Interactional Model for Empowering Women in Supervision 

                            An Interactional Model for Empowering Women Study Questions

                            Key Issues in Clinical Supervision

                            Determining the Needs of Staff

                            Methods for Determining Needs of Staff

                            Trainee's Learning Experience and Role Expectations

                            Key Issues in Clinical Supervision Study Questions

                            The Spirit of 9 to 5

                            The Spirit of 9 to 5 Study Questions

                            When Problems Seem Overwhelming: Emphasize the Teaching, 

                                Supervision, and Consultation

                            The Current Environment

                            When Problems Seem Overwhelming Study Questions

                            Supervisory Endings and Transitions

                            The Worker's Ending Experience

                            Ending a Negative Relationship

                            The Supervisor's Ending Experience

                            Supervisory Endings and Transitions Study Questions

    v Assignments: Module V

Module VI: Tools and Techniques

    v Powell's Twelve Core Functions of Supervisors

                            Educational and Professional Assessment

                            Supervisory Contracting

                            Time Management

                            Supervisory Liability

    v Reading Outlines and Study Questions - Module VI 

                            Supervision of Trainees: Tending the Professional Self

                            Supervision of Trainees Study Questions

                            Techniques in Supervision

                            Educational Assessment

                            Case Material

                            Level of Knowing and Technique


                            Treatment Patterns

                            Mechanics of Technique

                            Overcoming Difficulty

                            Technical Difficulty

                            Questioning Technique

                            Contracting as a Technique

                            Reading as a Technique

                            Latent Supervision

                            Supervisor Resistance

                            Techniques in Supervision Study Questions

                            Evaluation Function of Supervision

                            Evaluation Practice Study Questions

                            Basic Supervisory Techniques

                            The Context of Supervision

                            Methods of Observation

                            Special Supervisory Environments

                            Case Presentations

                            Three Additional Teaching Techniques in Supervision

                            Main Themes or Content Areas of Supervision

                            Basic Supervisory Techniques Study Questions

                            Managing Risk in the Workplace

                            Managing Risk in the Workplace Study Questions

                            Managing Time in the Organizational Setting

                            Five Myths of Time Management

                            Time Management Techniques

                            Managing Time in the Organizational Setting Study Questions

                            Liability Issues in Social Work Supervision

                            Liability Issues in Social Work Supervision Study Questions

                            The Individual Case Conference Methods and Techniques

                            The Individual Case Conference Methods and Techniques Study Questions

                            Supervisors Can Burn Out Too

                            Supervisors Can Burn Out Too Study Questions

    v Assignments: Module VI 

                            Questions From Readings

Dealing With Difficulties in Supervision

    v Must and Can Interventions

                            Must Interventions

                            Can Interventions

    v Identifying Unhealthy Processes in Supervision

    v Game Playing in Supervision

                            Games Played by Supervisees

                            Games Played by Supervisors

    v The Drama Triangle

                            The Rescuer

                            The Persecutor

                            The Victim

                            Getting Out of the Triangle

    v Mirroring, Parallel Process and Transference/Countertransference

                            Mirroring/Parallel Process

                            Transference and Countertransference

    v Strategies for Dealing Constructively with Unhealthy Processes In 


    v Guidelines in Relation to the Supervision/Therapy Dialectic

                            References and Recommended Reading

              Appendix A

    v Supervision Instruments

                            Supervision Questionnaire

                            Supervisory Styles Inventory

                            Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory: Supervisor Form

                            Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory: Trainee Form

                            Supervisee Perceptions of Supervision

                            Supervisee Levels Questionnaire-Revised

                 Appendix B

                            UKCC Position Statement on Clinical Supervision 
