Evaluation of Individual Learning Objectives

Clinical Supervision



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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.


 Introduction to Clinical Supervision  

  1. Review various definitions of clinical supervision.

A B  C   D

  1. List at least four purposes of clinical supervision.

A B  C   D

  1.  Identify strengths and potential challenges of individual supervision.

A B  C   D

 Module I: Functions, History, and Philosophy; Values and Theories  

  1. Discuss the history, philosophy and functions of supervision and provide your own definition of supervision.

A B  C   D

5.    Explain why it is important to integrate theory with clinical material in supervision.

A B  C   D

6.    Enumerate the differences between modalities, philosophy of practice and practice theory.

A B  C   D

7.   List the functions and components of a theory of supervision.

A B  C   D

8.    Discuss various values service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence and corresponding ethical principles as embodied in the NASW Code of Ethics.

A B  C   D

9.     Discuss social workers' ethical responsibilities to clients in the following areas: commitment to clients, self-determination, informed consent, competence, conflicts of interest, privacy and confidentiality, access to records, sexual relationships, payment of services, termination of services, etc.

A B  C   D

10.  Discuss social workers' ethical responsibility to colleagues, in practice settings, as professionals, to the social work profession, and to the broader society.

A B  C   D

Module II: Organizational and Management Realities  

11.  Introduce newer concepts of making organizations work efficiently and list several sources for management ideas.

A B  C   D

12.  Identify three ways that administrators can manage diversity in positive ways.

A B  C   D

13.  Explain what "value clash" means within an organization and indicate ways supervisors can address this problem.

A B  C   D

14.  List eight principles of excellence that organizations should adhere to.

A B  C   D

15.  Enunciate 9 principles for human service managers.

A B  C   D

16.  List 5 conditions that are frequently seen in organizations and agencies that are experiencing cutbacks in funding, and describe managerial strategies to deal with this challenge.

A B  C   D

17.  Describe what managers and supervisors can do to keep from losing valuable employees during time of shrinking budget within their agency.

A B  C   D

18.  Recognize two types of diversity-related problems that can happen within an organization and identify three symptoms that can serve as warning signs to managers and supervisors.

A B  C   D

19.  Describe 5 ways that managers can positively manage diversity within an organization.

A B  C   D

20.  List 4 questions that supervisors should ask themselves regarding diversity in their agency.

A B  C   D

 Module III: Supervisory Models


21.  Describe the advantages of Powell and Shulman's supervision models.

A B  C   D

22.  List and describe 3 levels of counselor development.

A B  C   D

23.  List and describe 3 levels of supervisor development.

A B  C   D

24.  List 6 role tasks for a clinician and administrator.

A B  C   D

25.  Describe the relationship between the first role task and the systems perspective.

A B  C   D

26.  Describe the Double Matrix Model of Supervision.

A B  C   D

27.  List 6 modes in the Double Matrix Model and briefly describe each.

A B  C   D

28.  List and briefly describe the 4 elements in a model of clinical supervision.

A B  C   D

29.  Discuss various models of supervision associated with several leading schools of therapy within a historical context.

A B  C   D

30.  Provide 3 ethical and legal concerns that are central to supervision.

A B  C   D

31.  Describe dual relationships and how they are problematic.

A B  C   D

32.  Explain how issues of professional credibility influence supervision and the supervisor's role in this process.

A B  C   D

33.  Describe vicarious liability and how a supervisor can take steps to protect herself/himself against ethical and legal consequences.

A B  C   D

34.  List 4 advantages and 2 disadvantages of group supervision.

A B  C   D

35.  Identify and briefly discuss 5 aspects to consider when arranging group supervision.

A B  C   D

36.  Briefly describe peer supervision and list 4 format principles.

A B  C   D

37.  Compare and contrast group supervision and team supervision.

A B  C   D

38.  Explain the two hazards of a student-supervisor relationship.

A B  C   D

39.  Describe the two consequences of a dysfunctional student-supervisor relationship and explain how they can be avoided.

A B  C   D

 Module IV: Supervisory Skills/Learning Styles  

40.  Briefly describe three tasks/skills of a supervisor outlined by Shulman.

A B  C   D

41.  Identify three characteristics of adult learners and explain why it is important for supervisors to be knowledgeable about them.

A B  C   D

42.  Define a "mutual aid group."

A B  C   D

43.  List four skills of contracting in the beginning phase.

A B  C   D

44.  Describe the phases that take place from beginning to end of supervision.

A B  C   D

45.  Identify various workplace skills in supervision and describe their role in supervisor training.

A B  C   D

46.  Describe the skills of sessional tuning-in and sessional contracting.

A B  C   D

47.  List four requirements for effective learning in supervision.

A B  C   D

48.  Identify 7 mutual aid processes in which an effective staff group can provide help to workers.

A B  C   D

 Module V: The Supervisory Relationship


49.  Define parallel process in a supervisory relationship.

A B  C   D

50.  Identify five principles of leadership for successful organizations and illustrate how you might implement them in your agency.

A B  C   D

51.  Help make your agency a great place to work using the process described here.

A B  C   D

52.  Help your staff deal with losses related to their professional roles.

A B  C   D

53.  When the supervisor leaves his/her position, prepare the staff for the transition and pave the way for the new supervisor.

A B  C   D

54.  List 3 essential elements of the relationship of supervision.

A B  C   D

55.  List and describe 3 phases of the supervisory relationship.

A B  C   D

56.  Identify 5 dimensions of the supervision interview.

A B  C   D

57.  Explain the relational power and show its application in supervision with women.

A B  C   D

58.  Describe the Interpersonal Circumflex and explain how the Complementarily Theory relates to it.

A B  C   D

59.  Describe three methods for determining the needs of staff.

A B  C   D

60.  Enunciate three general principles in assessing counselors in supervision.

A B  C   D

61.  List some of the reasons for the importance of supervisors preparing competent and self-assured social workers and describe two strategies that can help achieve this goal.

A B  C   D

 Module VI: Tools and Techniques


62.  Distinguish between administrative and practice evaluations and describe how they are related.

A B  C   D

63.  Identify three meeting management techniques and discuss your experience as a staff member in meetings in your agency and your experience chairing meetings.

A B  C   D

64.  Outline five recommendations you would make to your administrative superiors to enhance risk management for you and your agency.

A B  C   D

65.  Describe four supervisory techniques for helpful and nonthreatening criticism.

A B  C   D

66.  List six risks that are present in most social work agencies.

A B  C   D

67.  Describe four ways of managing risks in social work agencies.

A B  C   D

68.  List ten basics for a good educational assessment and explain why it is an important tool in supervision.

A B  C   D

69.  Explain why reading is important for both the supervisor and the supervisee.

A B  C   D

70.  List five important techniques for managing time.

A B  C   D

71.  Describe three general functions of supervision intervention.

A B  C   D

72.  List various work-related stressors for supervisors.

A B  C   D

73.  Differentiate between must and can interventions and provide examples for each type.

A B  C   D

74.  Provide guidelines for must and can interventions by a supervisor.

A B  C   D

75.  List several routine characteristics of a game played by either a supervisor or supervisee.

A B  C   D

76.  Identify various games played by supervisors and supervisees and their hidden meanings.

A B  C   D

77.  Describe the drama triangle to explain the psychological games played by clients, social workers and supervisors.

A B  C   D

78.  Describe the mirroring/parallel process and transference/countertransference.

A B  C   D

79.  Identify strategies for dealing constructively with unhealthy processes in supervision.

A B  C   D