Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Define chronic.
2. Discuss the percentage of children in the U.S. who have a chronic health condition.
3. State the life expectancy of children with chronic illness according to van Dyck et al., 2004.
4. State the chronic disease that causes more school absences than any other chronic disease.
5. Describe cystic fibrosis.
6. List complications of uncontrolled diabetes.
7. State the cause of death in children at various ages from sickle cell disease.
8. Describe how medical and psychological diagnosis are made.
9. State possible associated comorbid psychiatric conditions for children and adolescents with asthma, cancer and diabetes mellitus.
10. Compare the transactional stress and coping model (TSC) and the disability stress-coping model (DSC).
11. Discuss the data regarding severity of anxiety with severe and mild or moderate asthma.
12. Discuss family functioning as a social-ecological factor.
13. Describe behavior rating scales and list the commonly used ones for children and adolescents.
14. Describe the Personal Adjustment and Roles Skill Scale.
15. Discuss the four steps associated with the systemic desensitization process.
16. Describe the empirical approach of CBT.
17. List and describe several behavioral therapies.
18. Discuss the roles of mental health practitioners in treatment and management of children with asthma.
19. Discuss assertiveness training for children with cancer.
20. Discuss pain management for a child or adolescent with cancer.
21. Describe the symptoms of sickle cell disease and interventions used for coping.
22. Discuss effective management for asthma.
23. Compare adherence of young children and adolescents who have diabetes mellitus.
24. Describe multi-systemic family therapy (MST), behavioral family systems therapy (BFST), and structural family therapy (SFT).
25. Discuss the value of group therapy.
26. Describe the STARBRIGHT program.
27. List common individual barriers to medical treatment recommendations.