Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Describe the circles of the ecosystem framework.
2. Describe why ethnic cultures are not static.
3. List medical conditions that lead to the assumption of abuse.
4. Define stereotyping.
5. Describe the language one speaks, according to Purcell-Gates (2002).
6. Discuss child neglect and poverty, according to Charlow, 2001-2002.
7. Define “child maltreatment.”
8. Define “fictive kin.”
9. Describe how to honor the hierarchy first.
10. Define “ethnic lumping” according to the author.
11. Define culture shock.
12. Define individualist and collectivist.
13. Discuss neglect issues that low-income immigrants may face.
14. Discuss briefly the deviations from mainstream healthcare by various cultures.
15. Discuss marriage by capture.
16. Define immigrants, nonimmigrants, and naturalized citizens.
17. Describe how professionals should handle concerns about truthfulness when dealing with immigrant families.
18. Explain why professionals should be careful to avoid rushing immigrant clients.
19. Describe the executive order signed by President Clinton on August 11, 2002.
20. List several common questions to consider when assessing an at risk child.
21. Discuss the findings of Charlow, 2001-2002; Roberts, 2002, regarding racial and economic bias of mandated reporters.
22. Define child abuse and how it varies in different state statutes.
23. Describe briefly some unfamiliar disciplinary methods and medical interventions.
24. List reasons a newborn’s umbilical cord should have various substances applied.
25. List several components of structured decision making according to the Children’s Research Center.(2003).
26. State situations that complicate matters about possible maltreatment when interviewing the child.
27. List gathering information techniques.
28. List three reasons interviewers should explain the process of investigation.
29. State ways professionals can gain trust from families.
30. State the interviewers’ first purpose during questioning.
31. Describe the research by Showers and Bandman, 1986, describing different instruments used to physically abuse children.
32. Describe briefly the four options for conducting interviews with children whose native language is not English.
33. State the most important attribute for an interviewer in a cross-cultural encounter.
34. Discuss the findings of Connelly and Straus, 1992, regarding maltreatment by mothers and caretakers.
35. Define corporal punishment according to Straus and Donnelly. (2001).
36. Define physical abuse according to Straus and Donnelly. (2001).
37. List several items families use to punish a child.
38. Discuss the statement, “In the United States and Canada parents have the legal right to use corporal punishment with their children,”
39. List several values that can be used to change parents’ use of corporal punishment.
40. List four different kinds of parenting behavior that are effective against corporal punishment (Howard).
41. Define shame.
42. List some of the components of shame.
43. Describe fate, regarding individual control and an external locus of control.
44. Discuss the view that boys who have been sexually abused by men will become homosexuals. (Fontes , 1995a).
45. Describe the reasons girls and women are more likely to suffer further assault following sexual abuse in childhood. (Grauerdolz, 2000).
46. List benefits of high-quality interpreters.
47. State why should children never interpret for other children.
48. Define an aside.
49. Describe actions of the interpreter during an interview.
50. Compare simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.
51. State why prevention programs work and the restrictions that often occur.
52. Describe primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
53. State where most sexual abuse prevention programs occur.
54. Describe the two programs: culturally open and culture specific.
55. State the most effective way to reduce abuse among those at the bottom of the social ladder.
56. State why parenting classes are not necessarily the best referral.
57. Describe monocultural organizations, nondiscriminatory organizations and multicultural organizations.
58. List ways to assess community needs.