Evaluation of Individual Learning Objectives

Child Abuse



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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

Chapters 1 and 2: Introduction and Abuse Is Abuse
  1. Define and recognize various forms of child abuse.

A B  C   D

Chapter 3: Physical Abuse and Neglect
  1. Identify 14 "suspicious" injuries that may point toward physical abuse.

A B  C   D

Chapters 4 and 6: Sexual Abuse & Recognizing the Abused Child
  1. Recognize 13 specific behavioral patterns that may indicate child sexual abuse.

A B  C   D

Chapter 5: Emotional Abuse
  1. Identify 11 effects on children subjected to emotional abuse.

A B  C   D

Chapter 6: Recognizing the Abused Child

5.    Identify 11 traits that may indicate child abuse.

A B  C   D

Chapter 7: Factors Influencing Child Abuse

6.    Identify the presence of five factors in parents that may predispose them toward child abuse.

A B  C   D

7.    Recognize 6 common issues in an incestuous household.

A B  C   D

Chapter 8: "Munchausen Syndrome"

8.    Gather information to support a diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome.

A B  C   D

Chapter 9: Taking Action

9.     Identify 15 instances of reportable child abuse.

A B  C   D

10.  Recognize 7 signs of physical deprivation of a child.

A B  C   D

11.   Recognize 4 indications that may lead you to conclude that child
  abuse accusation is true.

A B  C   D

12.   Recognize 8 indications that may lead you to conclude that child
 abuse accusation is false.

A B  C   D

Chapter 11: Everyone's Mission

13.  Define the role of social work, teachers, day-care professionals and
 general public to prevent child abuse.

A B  C   D

Chapter 12: Help for the Abuser

14.  Find help for the abuser.

A B  C   D

Chapter 14: Healing the Child

15.  Identify at least 6 processes for healing the abused child.

A B  C   D

Chapter 15: Changing Role of Nursing

16.  Define the role of nursing in child abuse instances.

A B  C   D

Chapter 16: Legal Aspects of Child Abuse

17.  Define legal aspects of child abuse.

A B  C   D

Chapter 17: Child Abuse and the Court of Law

18.  Explain the role played by courts in instances of child abuse.

A B  C   D

Chapter 18: Statistics Known About Child Abuse

19.  Provide referrals to families involved in child abuse.

A B  C   D

Supplementary Reading

20.  Explain to parents how words can hurt children.

A B  C   D

21.  List six things parents should never say to their children.

A B  C   D

22.  List 5 courses of action that may help a parent to break out of a vicious cycle of child abuse.

A B  C   D