Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Discuss GAD as defined in the DSM-IV in 1994.
2. Describe the walking wounded
3. Describe the clinical picture of GAD.
4. State the prevalence of GAD in the general and clinical picture.
5. Discuss GAD as related to onset, course, remission, and gender differences.
6. Discuss research on comorbidity.
7. Discuss direct and indirect costs of GAD.
8. Discuss intolerance of uncertainty.
9. Discuss positive beliefs about worry.
10. Discuss negative problem orientation.
11. Describe enhancement effects.
12. Discuss excessive worry and somatic symptoms of GAD.
13. Discuss impairment and distress in the individual with GAD.
14. List several obstacles to diagnosing GAD.
15. Describe several differential diagnosis.
16. Compare advantages and disadvantages of a structured interview.
17. State why self-report questionnaires are useful and give examples.
18. State the goal of cognitive-behavioral treatment.
19. Describe Module 1: Psychoeducation and Worry Awareness Training.
20. Describe Module 2: Uncertainty Recognition and Behavioral Exposure.
21. Describe Module 3: Reevaluation of the Usefulness of Worry.
22. Describe Module 4: Problem-Solving Training.
23. Describe Module 5: Imaginal Exposure.
24. Describe Module 6: Relapse Prevention.
25. Discuss negative problem orientation as described in Module 4.
26. List the three guidelines for attaining a goal according to Module 4.
27. List advantages and disadvantages of statistical comparison of mean effects.
28. Describe briefly the four Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Wait-List Control studies.
29. List several client complicating factors.
30. List several therapist complicating factors.
31. List contextual complicating factors.