
1. Description of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Diagnosis of GAD
    Clinical Picture: What Does GAD Look Like?
    The Cost of GAD
2. A Cognitive Model of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Intolerance of Uncertainty
    Positive Beliefs about Worry
    Negative Problem Orientation
    Cognitive Avoidance
    Connections between Model Components
    Clinical Implications of the Model
3. Diagnosis and Assessment
    The Clinical Interview
    Obstacles to the Diagnosis of GAD
    Differential Diagnosis
    Structured Diagnostic Interviews.
    Self-Report Questionnaires
    Appendix 3.1 Worry and Anxiety Questionnaire (WAC)
    Summary and Concluding Remarks
    Appendix 3.2 Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWC)
    Appendix 3.3 Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS)
    Appendix 3.4 Why Worry II (WW-II)
    Appendix 3.5 Negative Problem Orientation Questionnaire (NPOQ)
    Appendix 3.6 Cognitive Avoidance Questionnaire (CAQ)
4. Treatment Overview
    Treatment Outline
    Module 1: Psychoeducation and Worry Awareness Training
    Module 2: Uncertainty Recognition and Behavioral Exposure
    Module 3: Reevaluation of the Usefulness of Worry
    Module 4: Problem-Solving Training
    Module 5: Imaginal Exposure
    Module 6: Relapse Prevention
    Summary and Concluding Remarks
5. Step-by-Step Treatment
    Module 1: Psychoeducation and Worry Awareness Training
    Module 2: Uncertainty Recognition and Behavioral Exposure
    Module 3: Reevaluation of the Usefulness of Worry
    Module 4: Problem-Solving Training
    Module 5: Imaginal Exposure
    Module 6: Relapse Prevention
    Appendix 5.1 Model 1: The Symptoms Associated with GAD
    Appendix 5.2 Handout for Model 1: Worry Diary Form
    Appendix 5.3 Model 2: The Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty
    Appendix 5.4 Handout for Model 2: Uncertainty and Behavior Monitoring Form
    Appendix 5.5 Model 3: The Role of Positive Beliefs about Worry
    Appendix 5.6 Handout for Model 3: Handout for Positive Beliefs about Worry
    Appendix 5.7 Model 4: The Role of Negative Problem Orientation
    Appendix 5.8 Handout for Model 4: Resolution of a Problem Form
    Appendix 5.9 Model 5: The Role of Cognitive Avoidance
    Appendix 5.10 Handout 1 for Model 5: Scenario for Exposure Form
    Appendix 5.11 Handout 2 for Model 5: Exposure Summary Form
    Appendix 5.12 Model 6: The Influence of Mood State and Life Events
6. Treatment Efficacy
    Criteria for Establishing Treatment Efficacy
    Studies of Treatment Efficacy
    General Conclusions
7. Addressing Complicating Factors
    Client Complicating Factors
    Therapist Complicating Factors
    Contextual Complicating Factors
    Concluding Remarks