Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Discuss CKD.
2. Describe urinary sediment of the acute and advanced renal patient.
3. List major causes of apparent failure of dialysis.
4. State the aims of predialysis education.
5. Compare home dialysis and a satellite program.
6. State when dialysis should be started.
7. State the two reasons for opting for conservative advanced CKD treatment.
8. Discuss the statistics of deaths in dialysis and post transplantation.
9. Discuss the hematiminc deficiency and how it is corrected.
10. Discuss heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and complications.
11. Describe how to manage acute bleeding in patients on dialysis.
12. State why lepirudin should not be used to reverse the effects of heparin.
13. List the role of the parathyroid hormone.
14. Define osteomalacia and list the clinical features.
15. Describe osteoporosis.
16. Describe a low dose DFO challenge, according to Protocol 2.4 C.
17. List the indications of a parathyroidectomy and benefits that may be incurred.
18. List the recommended vaccinations for patients on dialysis.
19. Discuss associated management statements for the pregnant woman.
20. Discuss the use of magnesium for seizure prophylaxis in the woman with pre-eclampsia.
21. Compare the “beating heart donor” and the “non-beating heart donor”.
22. Discuss live donor transplantation.
23. Compare drugs poorly removed by dialysis and those effectively removed by dialysis.
24. Discuss the need for dietary potassium in the hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patient.
25. Define convection and diffusion.
26. Define porosity and absorption.
27. Define high efficiency membranes.
28. List impurities that should be removed from the water for dialysis.
29. List most effective and less effective methods of delivering a dialysis dose.
30. State the indications for tunneled and non-tunneled hemodialysis catheters.
31. List complications of hemodialysis catheters.
32. State the two most common types of arteriovenous fistulas.
33. Compare the AV fistula and the AV graft according to Table 3.4.
34. Define arterial steal syndrome.
35. Describe briefly the complications during hemodialysis.
36. State the advantages of peritoneal dialysis.
37. State the disadvantages of peritoneal dialysis.
38. Describe normal anatomy of the peritoneal cavity.
39. Compare substances lost in the dialysate and absorbed into the circulation during peritoneal dialysis.
40. State the placement of the peritoneal dialysis catheter.
41. Discuss chronic care of the peritoneal dialysis catheter.
42. Describe the dextrose-containing peritoneal dialysis solution.
43. Describe the peritoneal dialysis cycle.
44. Compare continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and automated peritoneal dialysis.
45. Discuss residual renal function.
46. Describe the various types of contamination of the perineum.
47. Discuss symptoms and management for fluid overload, volume depletion and metabolic abnormalities.
48. List management techniques for constipation.
49. Describe nutritional complications for children receiving peritoneal dialysis.
50. List complications of acute renal failure and the treatment that may be required prior to dialysis.
51. Describe the three extracorporeal modalities for acute poisoning.
52. Define apheresis and plasmapheresis.