Learning Objectives

1. State the ratio of Americans who suffer from anxiety.
2. List factors that cause unhealthy anxiety.
3. Compare anxiety to other health problems among American women.
4. Define the "recognition gap."
5. List the two major factors that have caused a rise in anxiety.
6. Define GABA, neurotransmitters and synapse.
7. Describe how trauma can be a psychological and chemical event.
8. Explain how to manage anxiety.
9. Describe healthy anxiety.
10. List the physical symptoms of unhealthy anxiety.
11. Describe the first level of healing.
12. Define serenity skills and describe their development.
13. Describe how diet, exercise and herbs are important in reducing anxiety.
14. Discuss the relationship of depression to anxiety.
15. List the five primary forms of anxiety.
16. Define GAD.
17. List problems that may be associated with GAD.
18. Define hypochondriasis.
19. State the most common symptoms of GAD.
20. Discuss the treatment-seeking behaviors of people with GAD.
21. State the most prevalent form of chronic anxiety.
22. Define dysthymia.
23. Describe the action of Nardil.
24. Compare the ratio of panic attacks between men and women.
25. List the symptoms of a severe panic attack.
26. Define agoraphobia.
27. List the symptoms of PTSD.
28. State the cause of PTSD.
29. List the causes of OCD.
30. Define cognitive behavioral therapy.
31. Describe the "Rational Response" exercise.
32. Define distress tolerance.
33. Describe "Peeling the Onion".
34. List and describe the three cognitive distortions of social anxiety disorder.
35. Describe exposure therapy.
36. List and describe the three guidelines for real life exposure.
37. State the strongest trigger of a panic attack.
38. Briefly list the ten guidelines for imagery exposure.
39. State the hallmark of unhealthy anxiety.
40. Describe visualization.
41. Describe serenity skills.
42. Describe a mini-relaxation exercise.
43. Define body-scan meditation.
44. State methods to interrupt a panic attack.
45. List the primary serotonin uptake drugs.
46. List the side effects of SSRI drugs.
47. Describe psychotherapy.
48. List the benzodiazepines and their use.
49. List the uses for Neurontin.
50. State the primary medication used for panic.
51. Describe the use of Zoloft for PTSD.
52. Describe the use of Anafranil.
53. List foods high in omega 3 fats.
54. List the symptoms of a panic attack.
55. Define endorphin.
56. Describe the role of exercise in the treatment for anxiety.
57. List essential facts about Kava.
58. List essential facts about St.- John's Wort.
59. List the uses for Valerian.
60. List nine items that make a person resilient.