Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Define dementia and syndrome.
2. List the four main types of neurodegenerative disorders.
3. Describe the vascular disorders that affect the brain.
4. Discuss risk factors for dementia.
5. Discuss some physical changes with normal aging.
6. Describe the various parts of the brain.
7. Describe a neuron.
8. Define cognition.
9. List the criteria for diagnosing dementia.
10. Compare delusions and hallucinations.
11. Describe the physical exam for dementia.
12. Compare structural imaging and functional imaging
13. Describe how Alzheimer’s disease develops.
14. Describe the three stages of Alzheimer’s.
15. List other conditions that accompany Alzheimer’s.
16. Compare plaques and tangles.
17. Describe the three contributing factors to Alzheimer’s.
18. Describe other risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s.
19. Define a genetic mutation.
20. Describe the cholinesterase inhibitors.
21. List the benefits of vitamin E.
22. Discuss behavioral symptoms and care needed for the individual.
23. Describe the four classifications of drugs for behavioral symptoms.
24. List several types of frontotemporal dementia and the symptoms.
25. Define gliosis, microvacuolation, and Pick bodies.
26. Define dysarthria, agrammatism, echolalia, perseveration, and mutism.
27. Compare frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s. (pg 125, chart)
28. Describe medications used for frontotemporal dementia.
29. Define Lewy bodies.
30. Describe briefly the signs and symptoms of dementia with Lewy bodies.
31. Describe how dementia with Lewy bodies is diagnosed.
32. List several medications used to treat dementia with Lewy bodies.
33. Describe the blood flow in the brain.
34. Describe small vessel disease.
35. State methods of diagnosing vascular cognitive impairment.
36. Describe a brain-healthy diet.
37. Define normal pressure hydrocephalus and list the three hallmark characteristics.
38. Describe Huntington’s disease and list the treatment.
39. Define Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and list the ways you get it.
40. Describe Parkinson’s disease.
41. Describe multiple sclerosis.
42. Describe Wilson’s disease.
43. Describe the two categories of mild cognitive impairment.
44. State the treatment for mild cognitive impairment.
45. Describe the effects of aging on brain function.
46. List five strategies to keep your brain in shape.
47. State the two commonly accepted risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease.
48. Discuss the role of amyloid-beta-derived diffusible ligands.
49. Describe how brain activity is measured.