Table of Contents

1. What is Dementia?
    Characteristics of Dementia
    Primary Causes of Dementia
    Other Causes of Dementia
    Cognitive Problems that aren’t Dementia
    Risk Factors of Dementia
    Assessing the Changes
2. What to Expect as you Grow Older
    Addressing a Common Question
    Physical Changes with Normal Aging
    Your Brain and How it Works
    Cognitive Changes with Normal Aging
    A Littler Reassurance
3. Diagnosing Dementia
    The Importance of Early Diagnosis
    Criteria for a Diagnosis
    Common Diagnostic Procedures
    Possible Diagnostic Procedures
    Diagnosing a Type of Dementia
    What Happens After Diagnosis
4. The Basics of Alzheimer’s Disease
    How Alzheimer’s Disease Develops
    Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
    Criteria for a Diagnosis
    Conditions that may Accompany Alzheimer’s
    Alzheimer’s and Other Forms of Dementia
    Advancing our Understanding
5. Biological Basis of Alzheimer’s
    Plaques and Tangles
    Contributing Factors
    Genetic Factors Affecting Alzheimer’s Disease
    A Complicated Process
6. Treatment of Alzheimer’s
    Working Toward Treatment Goals
    Medications for Cognitive Symptoms
    Strategies for Behavioral Symptoms
    Medication Therapies for Behavioral Symptoms
    A Good Perspective
7. Frontotemporal dementia
    Types of Frontotemporal Dementia
    What Goes on Inside the Brain
    Signs and Symptoms
    Moving Ahead
8. Dementia with Lewy Bodies
    Signs and Symptoms
    All for one, One for all
9. Vascular Cognitive Impairment
    Mechanisms of the Disease Process
    Signs and Symptoms
    Risk Factors
    Treatment and Prevention
    Positive Steps Toward Prevention
10. Other Causes of Dementia
    Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
    Huntington’s Disease
    Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
    Dementia Associated with Other Disorders
    Many Causes
11. Mild Cognitive Impairment
    Subcategories of MCI
    Inside the MCI Brain
    Making Progress
12. Staying Mentally Sharp
    Effects of Aging on Brain Function
    Strategies for Staying Mentally Sharp
    Focus on Solutions
13. Research Trends
    Early Diagnosis
    Treatment and Prevention
    Lifestyle Factors
    Keeping it all in Perspective