Healthy Immune System

Learning Objectives


After completing the course, you'll be able to:

Chapter 1: Understanding the Immune System

  1. Give an overview of the immune system, its complexity and its remarkable ability to distinguish between "self" and "nonself."

  2.  Describe how the immune system is able to distinguish between self and nonself.

  3.  Explain how T cells contribute to the immune defenses.

  4.  Contrast between humoral immunity and cellular immunity.

  5.  Indicate the role played by immunoglobulins in the immune defense strategy.

  6.  Identify different ways antibodies work in the immune system.

  7.  Describe how the complement system works to destroy bacteria.

  8.  Explain how the body mounts an immune response to infections produced by bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi.

  9.  Outline the role played by biotechnology in the development of vaccines.

  10. Discuss autoimmune diseases and list various factors that may be their cause.

  11. Provide an explanation about immune complex diseases.

  12. Provide an explanation about immune complex diseases.

  13. Describe the causes and course of various autoimmune diseases. 

  14. Identify various immunodeficiency diseases.

  15. Name at least four cancers of the immune system.

  16. Describe how the science has tackled the problem of body rejecting the transplant of foreign tissue.

  17. Describe what an idiotype is and explain the interaction between idiotypes and antiido-types.

  18. Describe the connection between the immune system and the nervous system.

  19. Outline the research that's being carried out using hybridoma technology.

Chapter 2: Host Defense, Natural Resistance and the Immune System  

  1. Describe innate immunity and explain how the immune system protects against invading organisms.


  2. Identify four portals of entry and explain how each provides innate immunity.


  3. Define and explain the following terms: host defense, natural resistance, hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, and immune deficiency.


  4. Discuss the ways microorganisms may enter the human body and the mechanisms of natural resistance the human body has to resist infection.


  5. List the various types of white blood cells (WBCs), differentiate them as lymphoid or non-lymphoid and describe the function of each type.


  6. Briefly describe the immune response discussing the roles of macrophages, B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes, and the interactions between these cells.


  7. Compare and contrast humoral and cell-mediated immunity.


  8. Compare and contrast "active" and "passive" immunity.


  9. Discuss how the immune response accomplishes "recognition," "specificity," and "memory."


  10. Describe the three primary methods of preparing a vaccine.


  11. Discuss the problems associated with preparing a vaccine against HIV.


  12. Describe what an immunodeficiency is and how someone can acquire an immunodeficiency.


  13. Review the history of the development of immunology.


  14. Describe functions of the organs and cells of the immune system.


Chapter 3: Strengthening the Immune System

Rev Up Your Immune System to Prevent Disease

  1. Explain how we can improve our immune function by adopting good nutrition, stress reduction, plant nutrients, and vitamins and minerals.


Immune Restoration

  1. Describe how free radicals can damage the immune system, resulting in the formation of cancer cells, premature aging, etc.


  2. Describe the role of vitamins– vitamin A, E and C and beta-carotene in enhancing the immune system.


  3. Explain several ways that scientists are exploring to repair the damage done to the body's immune system due to HIV.


What Are Sterols and Sterolins?

  1. Answer questions about plant fats–sterols and sterolins–and their impact on our immune system.


Aiding Immunity: Plants to the Rescue  

  1. Select several fruits, vegetables and cereals that are rich in plant sterols.


Chapter 4: Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Stress, Aging and Cortisol: The Immune/Endocrine Connection

  1. Describe the deleterious effect of stress on our immune system.


  2. List several stress-busting tips and administer a stress test to determine the immune status of a patient.


Ten Nutrients to Support Immune Function

  1. List 10 nutrients to support immune function.


Anxiety and Stress Disease Therapy Protocol

  1. Identify five types of anxiety disorders and list general symptoms for each of these disorders.


  2. Describe conventional treatment for anxiety and stress and provide an overview of pharmaceutical approach to reducing anxiety and stress.


  3. Describe the use of Adapton in the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression.


Move Over Prozac: Depression and Immunity

  1. List some common symptoms of depression.


  2. Make the connection between depression and overactive immunity.


  3. Suggest some natural remedies in prescribed dosages that may be effective in the treatment of depression.


Performance Immunity

  1. Explain how endurance/distance exercises performed at intense levels can suppress the immune system.


Chapter 5: Friendly Bacteria

Bacteria That Strengthen the Immune System

  1. Identify two breeds of "friendly" bacteria and expound upon their effect on the ability of white cells to attack and destroy hostile microogranisms.


Lactoferrin: The Bioactive Peptide That Fights Disease

  1. Describe the immune-enhancing anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties of lactoferrin.


  2. Identify several natural sources of lactoferrin. 


Chapter 6: Fighting Off Diseases


  1. Describe the function of adrenal glands and name the steroid hormones produced by these glands and their usefulness in regulating the body's various physiological functions.


  2. Make an assessment of adrenal fatigue in a patient listing various symptoms.


Phytosterols for Hepatitis C, Stress, Prostate, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol and Cancer 

  1. List foods that are rich in phytosterols.


  2. Describe how phytosterols can help fight hepatitis C, stress, prostate, heart disease, high cholesterol and cancer.


Why Antioxidants Aren't Enough

  1. Define "glycation" and explain its effect on age-related diseases such as arterial stiffening, cataract, and neurological impairment.


Free Radicals Beware: There's Garlic Present

  1. Describe the antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties of garlic and garlic's role in boosting body's immune capacity.


Protein Power Protection

  1. Emphasize the importance of protein in the diet to prevent cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease.


  2. Explain how eating too much can depress immunity.


  3. List 10 richest sources of amino acids.


Common Cold

  1. Describe the mechanism of infection and list 3 factors that influence infection.


  2. Describe the treatment of cold using 3 alternative and complementary medicinal approach. 



  1. Describe 4 types of immunological reactions to allergens.


Stop Allergies Where They Start In Your Immune System

  1. Explain why some people are affected by allergies and others are not, and the role played by our immune system in fighting off allergic symptoms.

Osteoporosis An Immune System Disease?

  1. Describe the role played by the immune system in the development of osteoporosis.

Plant Sterols–The Missing Key in the Battle Against Herpes

  1. List the symptoms of herpes and outline immunologic approach to preventing herpes attacks.

Shingles: The Herpes Virus Strikes Again

  1. Prescribe an alternative therapy regimen for the treatment of shingles.

Fight Cancer And Win

  1. Explain what cancer is and why we get cancer.


  2. Name several fruits and vegetables that are especially rich in cancer-blocking agents.


New Blood Test For Breast Cancer

  1. Compare the relative merits of breast self-examination, mammogram and Mammastatin Serum Assay in detecting breast cancer and identifying women at risk of developing breast cancer.


  2. Describe how the phase of the menstrual cycle at the time of surgery affects the survival rate of women with breast cancer.


Asthma, More Than A Bad Air Day

  1. Describe the epidemiology of asthma and identify several asthma "triggers."


  2. Describe how the herbal tonic RespirAction can help relieve symptoms of allergies and asthma.


  3. Identify various anti-asthma nutrients and vitamins.


Eliminate Eczema

  1. List five types of eczema, their symptoms and causes.


Stopping HIV-1 and AIDS Through Total Health Management

  1. Relate the impact of negative factors such as smoking, drug abuse and environmental toxins on the progression from the asymptomatic HIV to the life-threatening AIDS disease.


  2. Describe the adverse side effects of the anti-HIV drugs.


Autoimmunity When Your Body Attacks Itself

  1. Explain how plant sterols and sterolins help fight autoimmune diseases and restore the balance in the body's immune system.


Autoimmune Diseases Therapies Protocol

  1. List environmental and personal factors that can impair immune function.


  2. Recommend a regimen of natural supplements and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.



  1. Define anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia, and describe their general causes.


  2. Describe the pathophysiology of three types of anemias–pernicious anemia, folic acid deficiency anemia and iron deficiency anemia–and review their common treatments.


  3. Describe the treatment for preventing and treating chemotherapy-induced leukopenia.


Chapter 7: Understanding CFIDS

  1. Compare CFIDS with other illnesses such as fibromyalgia, neurally mediated hypotension (NMH), chronic lyme disease and intestinal cystitis.


  2. Provide answers to common questions about CFIDS, such as what it is, its diagnosis, who gets it, its symptoms, its treatment, etc.


  3. Provide a case definition for CFIDS and list eight primary and several other common symptoms of CFIDS. 


Chapter 8: Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia: The Invisible Illness

  1. Identify the symptoms of fibromyalgia, process of diagnosis and nursing interventions.


  2. Compare and contrast the symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Preventing Cryptosporidiosis: A Guide for People With Compromised Immune Systems

  1. Answer questions of a patient with compromised immune system concerning preventing Cryptosporidiosis.


  2. List steps a person should take to reduce the risk of getting Crypto.


Chapter 9: Chronic ITP

  1. Define ITP and describe the cause and pathophysiology of chronic ITP.


Evaluation of Individual Objectives

To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and return it to us with your completed exam.