Alternative Medicine

Learning Objectives

Bioelectromagnetics Applications In Medicine

  1. Define bioelectromagnetics (BEM).

  2. Differentiate between endogenous and exogenous fields.

  3. List applications of BEM.

  4. Define TENS.  

Alternative Systems Of Medical Practice

  1. Discuss the “hierarchy of resort.”

  2. List characteristics of the major formal systems of medical practice.

  3. Define major types of illnesses.

  4. Discuss the conceptual basis for traditional Oriental medicine.

  5. Define “qi.”

  6. List treatment modalities associated with traditional Oriental medicine, and give a clinical

  7. application of each.

  8. Define acupuncture and state how it restores health.

  9. Define Ayurvedic medicine.

  10. Define the following terms:

  1. dosha

  2. nadi vigyan

  3. panchakarma

  1. Define homeopathy, and discuss its development in the United States .

  2. State the major use of homeopathic medicine in the U.S.

  3. List underlying movements of anthroposophical medicine.

  4. Discuss the threefold model of the human mind-body processes.

  5. List primary principles of naturopathic medicine.

  6. Discuss the relevance of naturopathic medicine to women.

  7. Define environmental medicine.

  8. Discuss clinical conditions addressed by environmental medicine.

  9. Discuss the concept of adaptation as pertaining to environmental medicine.

  10. State features common to community based health care systems.

  11. Define the following terms:

    a. shaman
    b. powwowed
    c. medicine wheel

  12. Discuss the role of the “sing” in Dineh healing practices.

  13. Define curanderismo.

  14. List Mexican-American folk illnesses and a treatment associated with each.

  15. State one example of an urban community-based health care system.

Manual Healing Methods

  1. State the underlying concept of the physical healing methods.

  2. State major principles of osteopathy.

  3. List manual medical methods taught in osteopathic colleges.

  4. State the underlying concern of chiropractic science.

  5. List major points of chiropractic philosophy.

  6. State areas in which chiropractic manipulation has demonstrated effectiveness.

  7. Define massage therapy.

  8. List major types of massage practice.

  9. Discuss clinical applications for massage therapy.

  10. Define pressure point therapy, and list examples of pressure point therapy.

  11. State the underlying principle of postural reeducation therapies, and list examples.

  12. Describe the basic practice involved in “rolling.”

  13. Describe the scope of biofield therapeutics as a healing practice.

  14. List forms of biofield therapy taught in medical establishments.

  15. List major hypotheses about the biofield.

  16. Give examples of clinical results of biofield therapy.

  17. Define the following:  

a. applied kinesiology
b. polarity therapy
c. qiqong longevity exercises
d. craniosacral therapy

  1. Discuss the relationship of physical therapy to alternative medicine.  

Pharmacological And Biological Treatments

  1. List themes common to alternative pharmacological approaches.

  2. Define and state one clinical application of each of the following:

    a. antinioplastons
    b. cartilage products
    c. EDTA chelation therapy
    d. Ozone
    e. Immunoaugmentative therapy
    f. 714-X
    g. Hoxsey method
    h. Essiac
    i. Coley’s toxins
    j. MTH-68
    k. Neural therapy 
    l. Apitherapy
    m. Iscador
    n. Revici’s guided chemotherapy

Herbal Medicine

  1. Discuss the scope of herbal medicine usage in the 20th century.

  2. State a clinical application for each of the following:

a. echinacea
b. ginkgo biloba
c. ginseng root
d. dryopteris root
e. trikatu

  1. List sources of information on herbal medicines.

  2. Summarize the difference in attitudes towards herbal medicine between Europe and the United States.  

Diet and Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Disease

  1. State the connection between affluent diet and disease.  

  2. State the shift in focus of nutrition research in recent decades.

  3. Define RDA.

  4. Differentiate between RDAs and the Food Guide Pyramid.

  5. Discuss the safety of vitamin and mineral supplementation.

  6. Define orthomolecular medicine and give one example.

  7. State one nutritional approach to treating each of the following conditions:

b. asthma
c. cancer
d. arteriosclerosis

  1. Give examples of modification diets as a method for treating cancer.

  2. Describe the Pritikin and Ornish diets.

  3. Discuss the role of food elimination diets.

  4. List alternative dietary lifestyles common in the United States .

  5. Discuss health risks associated with strict vegetarian diets.

  6. Define cultural diet.  

  7. Give an example of one connection between nutrition and disease prevention in each of the following diets:  

a. Asian diet
b. Mediterranean diet
c. Native American diet

  1. Discuss challenges in educating clients in nutritional practices. 

Evaluation of Individual Objectives

To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and return it to us with your completed exam.


Course Outline
  • Chapter  1.Introduction to Oncology Case Management                           

  • Chapter  2. Lung Cancers                                                  

  • Chapter  3. Breast Cancer                                                  

  • Chapter  4. Colorectal Cancers                                         

  • Chapter  5. Prostate Cancer                                             

  • Chapter  6. Gynecological Cancers                                           

  • Chapter  4. Malignant Lymphomas                                          

  • Chapter  5. Gastrointestinal Cancers                                        

  • Chapter  6. The Leukemia's                                                

  • Chapter  7. Other Cancers                                               

  • Chapter  8. Children with Cancer                                         

  • Chapter  9.  Diagnostic Testing                                             

  • Chapter  10. Chemotherapy

  • Chapter  11. Radiation Therapy                                          

  • Chapter  12. Other Methods of Treatment                                 

Part II: Conclusion, Appendixes, Glossary, and Index

  • Conclusion                                                         

  • Appendix A: -Plant Sources of Modern Drugs                                

  • Abbreviations and Glossary                                              

  • Index                                                             

Part III: Test Your Knowledge

  • Behavioral Objectives                                                  

  • Instructions for Completing Your Test

  • Home Study Test                                     



“I truly enjoyed this course and I agreed with the general approach.”

M.F., Los Angeles, CA

“Very comprehensive, easy to read, informative, enlightening.”

D.E., Las Vegas, NV

“I found this course to be very informative as it covered such a broad area of Alternative Medicine practices and techniques.”

A.S., Xenia, OH

“I would love a follow up course more specifically related to one area; for example: herbal medicine materia medical.”

A. D., Berkeley, CA

“There was a tremendous amount of material to cover. I found it fascinating and learned about many things that I had never heard of before.”

C.H., Highlands Ranch, CO

“Preventative medicine is needed in our society and this report establishes a baseline of information on alternative medicine. Hopefully, it will help provide information to health experts that validates the need for the best of alternative medicines. Maybe a health care reform will happen so that more people will have increased access to the best of alternative and conventional medicines.

B.C., Fresno, CA

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