Survival Spanish for Social Workers, Counselors, and MHPs

Course Outline

The nation’s Hispanic population increased 1.4 million to reach 45.5 million on July 1, 2007, or 15.1 percent of the estimated total U.S. population of 301.6 million, according to new figures from the U.S. Census Bureau. Hispanics remained the largest minority group, with blacks (single race or multiracial) second at 40.7 million in 2007. With a 3.3 percent increase between July 1, 2006, and July 1, 2007, Hispanics were the fastest-growing minority group.

Being Hispanic means a connection to the Spanish language, although in Latin America there is also a multiplicity of other languages spoken by various groups, e.g., the indigenous peoples. Each Latino group coming to the U.S. spoke Spanish, but each country has its particular way of speaking Spanish. The way the language is spoken varies according to class, regional, ethnic and racial differences within each country.

In working with Hispanic clients language can be such an obvious barrier, challenge, and point of identity that it can sometimes obscure other critical, more subtle aspects of cross-cultural understanding. There are certain cultural nuances or unwritten rules that govern social interactions. These unstated rules can impact the way in which individuals perceive, seek, and receive services. These essential cultural aspects can involve interactions as simple conversational gambits and spatial (physical space) relationships, along with larger institutional issues such as family visiting hours, patient education, and measuring individual responses to pain. Being aware of and understanding the cultural context for these interactions can be a tremendous asset to you as a mental health practitioner, and in your ability to deliver effective care.

Learning Objectives

1. Converse in introductory Spanish with your clients.
2. Become familiar with unique aspects of Spanish culture.
3. Interview victims of child abuse.
4. Distinguish between leading and non-leading questions.
5. Interview victims of domestic voiolence.
6. Discuss with a victim of domestic voilence various forms of abuse, such as physical, sexual, psychological, economic, etc.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Spanish
Spanish Alphabet
Spanish Pronunciation and Syllable Division
The Number 1 to 21
Ordinal Numbers
Days of the Week
Months of the Week
Seasons of the Year
The Family (La Familia)
Grammar Notes
Important Expressions (Expresiones Importantes)
Expression of Time
Hygiene Supplies
Body Parts – Partes Del Cuerpo
2 Numbers
Numeros - Numbers From 0 to 99
Numbers From 100 to 1999
Cien, Ciento
Arithmetical Expressions
3 Days, Months, Dates, Seasons
Los Meses del Año
La Fecha
Las Estaciones del Año
4 Clock Time
Hora del Reloj
“A Quarter Past” and “Half Past”
Expressing Minutes After the Hour
Expressing Time Past the Half-Hour
Expressing “A.M.”and “P.M.” in Spanish
“At” + Time of Day
Other Time Expressions
5 Adjectives
Agreement of Adjectives
Adjectives That Follow the Noun
Adjectives That Generally Precede the Noun
Adjectives That Precede the Noun
Adjectives That May Precede or Follow the Noun
6 Estar, Ser
Estar, Ser
7 Important Expressions>
Expresiones Importantes
8 Hispanic Culture
Religious Diversity
Population Information
Family Structures
Communication and Social Interaction
Time Orientation
Health Beliefs and Practices
Health Promotion, Prevention, and Treatment
Health Status
Behavioral Health Risk Factors
Health Screening
Maternal and Child Health
Diet and Food Practices
The Hispanic Family
9 Interviewing Victims of Child Abuse
Protocol for Interviewing Victims Child Abuse by Video Tape
Leading and Nonleading Questions
Continuum of Questions from Open Ended to Close Ended
10 Child Sexual Abuse Interview: More Questions
The Interview Process
Focused Questions
Multiple-Choice Questions
Yes-No Questions
Strategic Use of Questions
11 Strategies For Interviewing Domestic Violence Clients
Interview Process
Discussing Abuse
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Psychological Abuse
Economic Abuse
Other Issues
Interviewing the Child


"Studied off-on at my leisure. Enjoyed and did read all the contents. Excellent home study! Will continue to do again, learned a lot!" - M.P., Monrovia, CA

"This course was one of the best I have ever taken. The format was excellent. I really enjoyed and learned from this course." - M.P., Newark, CA

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