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  1. If you are not satisfied with the quality of our course material, you can return the course within 90 days (before a certificate is issued) and receive a prompt and full refund (less shipping and handling). All courses must be completed within 12 months from the date of purchase.

  2. In a hurry for your course? 2-day UPS, add $15.00 extra; next day UPS, add $25.00 extra.

  3. On true/false and multiple choice exams, you need to score 70% for successful completion. If you fail, you can repeat the exam one more time at no additional cost.

  4. After that, you’ll have to buy a new course. The completion date on your certificate is the date we receive your exam. Allow 5 working days for the mailing. To help you meet your deadline for the certificate, we offer 24-hour Express Service and Fax Service. Details included in your course material.

  Online Course System Requirements

1. Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher
2. Netscape version 4.6 or higher
3. AOL versions 4.0 or 5.0 (please note v. 3.5 is not supported)

Note: Click Above Links to download latest browsers.

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Click here for additional AOL and Dial-Up connection help.


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