Chapter 2: Women and Alcohol and Other Drugs: An Overview
- Describe the breadth and depth of alcohol and other drug problems among
women of various ages, races, and socioeconomic status.
- Describe patterns of alcohol use and other types of drugs abuse most
frequently by women of various ages, races, and socioeconomic.
- Identify health-related issues likely to arise because of alcohol and other
drug use.
Chapter 3: Treatment of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse: An Introduction
- Enumerate 5 goals of alcohol and other drug abuse treatment service and
recovery programs.
- List 4 methods for the treatment of substance abuse among women.
- List 4 modalities of substance abuse treatment.
- Recommend treatment plans for the treatment of alcohol and other drug
- Formulate a case management plan for a substance abuse treatment plan.
- Address 5 issues most critical in implementing substance abuse treatment
- Define terms such as “enabling” and “codependency.”
- Formulate 5 types of strategies to address sexuality issues.
- Establish the link between substance abuse and violence.
Chapter 4: Outreach to and Identification of Women
- Develop an outreach program for women with substance abuse problems
- Identify 8 barriers women confront to finding, entering, and completing
substance abuse treatment programs.
- Identify barriers to outreach that are unique to 4 specific groups of
- Identify 5 obstacles to reaching high-risk teenagers.
- Formulate 7 specific outreach strategies for older women.
- Formulate 5 strategies to encourage pregnant and postpartum women to enter
- Identify 4 barriers to treatment for American Indian women.
- Formulate 3 strategies to intervene with Asian American women.
- Formulate 2 specific outreach strategies for women with HIV/AIDS.
- Formulate 6 specific outreach strategies for lesbian women.
- Formulate 2 strategies to engage women in the criminal justice system the
seek treatment for substance abuse.
Chapter 5: Comprehensive Treatment for Women
- Write questions that can help identify a client’s current alcohol or
other drug-related problems.
- Collect information during the intake process for the medical and mental
health assessment.
- Formulate the treatment plan for the substance abuser.
- Formulate strategies for providing comprehensive treatment services.
- Prepare a discharge plan for the woman leaving the treatment.
- Design and implement successful treatment strategies for specific ethnic
and racial populations.
Chapter 6: Continuing Care and Follow-up
- Identify issues related to continuing care
- Discuss issues of women, violence, and continuing care.
Chapter 7: Program Management Issues
- Write policies and procedures relating to women in treatment.