Course Outlines and Objectives

Spanish for Nurses      10 Contact Hours

Very Popular!

More often than ever you're likely to be caring for Spanish- speaking patients. You'll find this book to be an indispensable tool. Learn commonly used terms and phrases, pronunciation and grammar, words for body systems, signs or symptoms. Enhance your value to your patient and employer! Specially recommended for bilingual contacts!

Introductory Spanish Audio Tape I     $16.95 Reg. Price $22.95

Strongly Recommended

Spanish Audio Tape II      $16.95 Reg. Price $22.95

Order both tapes for $30!

"I have never taken Spanish before, and now I find communicating and translating medical words to patients easier and quicker."

"This is a reference that I am using continually."

"This course more than fulfilled my expectations! It was very informative and well presented."

"I really needed this! We have a growing Spanish speaking patient group and this has allowed me to convey information and ideas with accuracy."

"I am glad I purchased the tapes to go along, they helped my pronunciation."

Click here to buy this course.

  HOMESTEAD SCHOOLS> Spanish for Nurses

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