Course Outlines and Objectives

Rapid EKG Interpretation      $64.95      30 Contact Hours
by Sandra Siedlecki RN, MSN, CEN

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this self-teaching manual, the student will be able to interpret those arrhythmias categorized as basic. These basic arrhythmias include the sinus rhythms, atrial ectopics, A-V heart blocks, and junctional and ventricular ectopics. Recognize appropriate interventions for each of the basic arrhythmias.


¨ Very well written book. Very good rhythm strips."

L.W., La Mesa, CA

¨ Very good information, also we got out of text is very helpful with the type of children we have.

B.S., Grand Saline, TX

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  HOMESTEAD SCHOOLS> Rapid ECG Interpretation

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